Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2014-07-19 19:41:11
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Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
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user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2014-07-28 02:57:51
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If anyone is interested in taking over the guide let me know. I have not played ffxi in months and I doubt I will be returning any time soon. I have tried to keep the guide up to date after every update for you guys. SE changed most of the ws this update and I would rather not put stuff in the guide that I am not sure of so I didn't change anything.

Super smash bros 4 will be out very soon and I don't see myself playing anything else once October gets here. I put a lot of work in this guide even after I stopped playing ffxi so I would like to pass it off to someone that will keep it updated and looking nice. I have played ffxi for so long that even though I am no longer interested in the game, I still feel an attachment to the community that I have been around all these years. Who knows I may return eventually! Like they always say you never truly quit ffxi right? :)

tl;dr: Someone want to keep the guide pretty for the Geomancers?
Edit: Guide has someone to keep it updated now. Thanks for all the messages. :)
Server: Asura
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user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2014-08-25 13:55:53
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For you Geo's that do Yorcia delve, how much macc do you have in your nuking sets? Do you do do low tier nuke spamming or high tier nukes? I'm pretty inexperienced with Geo and am trying to figure out how to up my nuke game.

Edit: After looking at nuking more, it seems macc isn't something I should really worry about. However on Delve 2 mobs what is dINT like? Can you cap it? For instance I'm looking at Wizzan Strap vs Mdamage strap.
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2014-09-17 15:21:50
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What set of gear and or merits puts you at the current highest tier for spell potency? Minus mythic weapon of course.
Server: Asura
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user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2014-09-17 15:28:31
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As far as I know the set on the front page is still all we have, the only thing really added was you can augment the JSE cape for an extra 10 skill.

I'd really like to see that table on the front page that says the potency of spells be updated, it's way out of date.
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2014-09-17 15:45:03
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Ya I heard some people talking about being able hit a new tier but dunno if true or what skill if so. I'm at 794 right now not sure if that is the original top tier or not. no merits.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Tummie
Posts: 85
By Lakshmi.Tummie 2014-09-22 10:58:16
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A recent update changed the potency of GEO buffs along with the addition of Geomancy + items.

Geo Refresh caps at 5mp/tic
Geomancy +5 items (Dunna/Nepote Bell) brings it to 10mp/tic
Geomancy +10 (Idris) brings it to 15mp/tic

Geomancy items do not stack as the game looks at the highest Geomancy value.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2014-09-22 11:49:24
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A recent update changed the potency of GEO buffs

Need examples of new values (not including the geomancy straight + buff adjustments). I need to see where the potency was either increased or decreased. To me, I think they shouldn't have even messed with GEO.

For what it appears, this update sounds more like a Nerf to Idris owners. Need more details on this. Former numbers and new numbers, please.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Tummie
Posts: 85
By Lakshmi.Tummie 2014-09-22 12:12:32
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
A recent update changed the potency of GEO buffs

Need examples of new values (not including the geomancy straight + buff adjustments). I need to see where the potency was either increased or decreased. To me, I think they shouldn't have even messed with GEO.

For what it appears, this update sounds more like a Nerf to Idris owners. Need more details on this. Former numbers and new numbers, please.

Quite the opposite. The update from August? buffed the hell out GEO spells. I am working on a table now for all of the known values.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Tummie
Posts: 85
By Lakshmi.Tummie 2014-09-22 12:47:56
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Here are the values I pulled from various threads over on BG. There is some missing values since a lot of GEO's have merited their Geo/Handbell skill so we are missing the new potency numbers. The base potency wasn't nerfed but increased all across the board. My skills aren't even capped right now and they are surpassing the old cap potency numbers.

I'll try to fill this in as best as possible.

Buff Potency w/Capped Skill Merits+Gear Merits+Gear+Dunna/Nepote Merits+Gear+Idris
Indi-Regen Caps at 30/tic Regen 30/tic Regen 35/tic Regen 40/tic Regen
Indi-Refresh Caps at 5/tic Refresh 5/tic Refresh 10/tic Refresh 15/tic Refresh
Indi-Fury no data no data +45.6% attack +59.2% attack
Indi-Barrier no data no data no data +83.8% Defense
Indi-Precision no data no data +71 Accuracy +96
Indi-Acumen no data no data no data +65 MAB
Indi-Fend no data no data no data +83 MDB
Indi-Focus Unknown % Magic Accuracy ----- ----- -----
Indi-Attunement Unknown % Magic Evasion ----- ----- -----
no data +31 +33 no data
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Latifah
Posts: 230
By Lakshmi.Cledant 2014-09-24 08:26:27
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Someone on my server (not lakshmi)is spreading stupid and inaccurate information about that you can actually block the charm and amnesia abilities from the yorcia T5 boss with geo-vex + blaze of glory + Ecliptic Attrition...

This is not true, (it doesn't make sense to begin with) it have been tested several times with well geared geo 821 skill/dunna.
Posts: 325
By Xavierr 2014-09-24 08:34:43
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I have to disagree with that statement. I ran yorcia 3 times yesterday and our GEO did those spells and charm never landed. From my understanding it is not 100% resist rate but it's pretty damn high.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Tummie
Posts: 85
By Lakshmi.Tummie 2014-09-24 11:09:34
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Lakshmi.Cledant said: »
Someone on my server (not lakshmi)is spreading stupid and inaccurate information about that you can actually block the charm and amnesia abilities from the yorcia T5 boss with geo-vex + blaze of glory + Ecliptic Attrition...

This is not true, (it doesn't make sense to begin with) it have been tested several times with well geared geo 821 skill/dunna.

Did you have Indi-Attunement bubble up because that increases your magic evasion to help resist enfeebles. It's already been noted that certain enfeebling effects from monsters can be resisted with the combination of Vex and Attunement.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2014-09-24 11:26:02
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I don't understand why Vex/Attunement wouldn't work on Hyosca, people in my LS use it and say it works pretty well. Vex/Attunement also works very well on other forms of amnesia (we use it for Incursion) so why would Hyosca be different? Yeah you won't ever get a 100% resist rate, but it will help.
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2014-09-24 11:53:01
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How many brdsongs was it with geo haste to cap haste. Also sam equestion with haste and haste 2 and geo spell?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Inference
Posts: 417
By Bismarck.Inference 2014-09-24 11:59:40
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Haste II or Geo-Haste paired with a +3 Victory March will cap.
Geo-Haste paired with Haste will cap.
Geo-Haste paired with Haste II is beyond overkill.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Tummie
Posts: 85
By Lakshmi.Tummie 2014-09-24 12:07:47
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Geo Haste caps at 28% with every point of Geomancy adding 1%.
I believe it caps at 28% before you cap out on skill but I'll have to check it out later when I get a chance.
Server: Sylph
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user: scummy
Posts: 9
By Sylph.Scummy 2014-09-24 12:22:07
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Lakshmi.Cledant said: »
Someone on my server (not lakshmi)is spreading stupid and inaccurate information about that you can actually block the charm and amnesia abilities from the yorcia T5 boss with geo-vex + blaze of glory + Ecliptic Attrition...

This is not true, (it doesn't make sense to begin with) it have been tested several times with well geared geo 821 skill/dunna.

8 runs of Yorcia and 1 charm, due to Bubble being down. Geo-Vex/Indi-Attunement with no Blaze or Ecliptic. Might want to check your facts.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2014-09-24 12:26:41
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Basically Geo Haste + Haste will cap magic haste. Usually you'd want to use other spells if you have access to Brds and such. The offensive power that Fury+Frailty gives is just insane and makes putting Geo as a haste slot hurt.

As a side note, do we have updated Frailty numbers to add to that table? I know that some tests were done via ballista with Idris right after the update but I haven't seen any done for just us Dunna users.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2014-09-24 18:13:34
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I don't really know how to make fancy tables on this website but:

Spell/Naked with merits/Naked with merits and Nepote/My Max gear (427 Geomancy/406 Handbell)
Precision and Torpor/22/68/71

While testing frailty we noticed that the percentage would differ based on defense. It seemed to cap at 8.5% as the highest Defense but would scale up to 8.8% with lower defense.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2014-09-25 04:35:26
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Too bad you didn't cast the first column with a handbell, so it's just Geomancy, not Handbell + Geomancy determining your potency.

n00b. lol

Our frailty test was strange, though, as one would assume you would appear to get a lower percentage as your defense dropped due to flooring, not a higher percentage, but...

The exact defense example here was the following:
1011 defense -> 932 defense = 8.5%
246 defense -> 226 defense = 8.8%, however...
246 / 1.085 = 226.728, so the floor is 226, which lines up with normal -8.5% DEF.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2014-09-25 05:09:06
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Asura.Failaras said: »
As a side note, do we have updated Frailty numbers to add to that table?
What Spicy and I tested today, though without capped skill, is:

(All values subject to possible flooring, possibly skewing percentages)

-15.4% DEF, no Geomancy+
-37.1% DEF, +5 Geomancy+

That being said, this alludes to Geomancy+ granting an additional penalty of 4.34% per plus (21.7% for Dunna/Nepote)

This seems a pretty strange number, really, so there's gotta be some flooring going on somewhere. The more likely values are -15% and -22.5% for Geomancy+5 (total -37.5%) We can test it more tomorrow/today.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2014-09-25 11:09:36
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That makes sense why the frailty numbers I had were lower than before the buff, who ever thought you'd need a handbell to use handbell skill!?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2014-09-27 11:54:45
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I run blazed eclipsed Geo-Vex on T5 in Yorcia, an eclipsed Geo-Vex on T2, and a bolstered Indi-Vex on the mega boss. You can run bar spells (amnesra, paralyzra, blizzara, etc) on any of these to further your protection, along with addle and nocturne.

Very rarely (maybe like 1 in 10++ runs) someone will get charmed or amnesia'd from T5. IF for some reason the mob is still alive and Vex is down (it got a hit on the luopan because dematerialize didn't pop fast enough, DD is bad, it got lucky on charm, whatever) you can just run vex + attunement and you're back in action. Yeah, it's a DPS loss without fury, but it will be dead really soon anyways and guarantees it won't get another charm off.

On T2 it blocks the majority of the bad stuff. Eclipse is used alone here without blaze because blaze won't be up in time for T5, while eclipse will. In addition to that, you just don't really need that much to block his status effects because he's only T2, and an eclipsed vex handles it. Only fury is needed (not frailty) because pDif is already capped or close to capped on this guy, so it's not even really a DPS loss.

On mega boss, it blocks all the paralyze and flash, every time, with bolster. Again, fury brings you close to pDif cap or on pDif cap, so frailty isn't a huge loss not to have. I usually open with Indi-Focus on the bolster to apply Distract and Paralyze, then swap before his Firefly Fandango. Indi-Vex is used because the luopan could die if it's running vex, and that leaves a window of opportunity for him to apply status effects.

I started doing this myself because it made sense to do so, and yeah, it works. I've tried to teach other Geomancers to do so, but they either ignore me, don't have the spells, or say I'm wrong and say it doesn't work. However, every person that runs with me knows that I do it and agrees with the strategy (including people in this thread).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Tummie
Posts: 85
By Lakshmi.Tummie 2014-10-03 21:42:25
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Asura.Crevox said: »
I run blazed eclipsed Geo-Vex on T5 in Yorcia, an eclipsed Geo-Vex on T2, and a bolstered Indi-Vex on the mega boss. You can run bar spells (amnesra, paralyzra, blizzara, etc) on any of these to further your protection, along with addle and nocturne.

Very rarely (maybe like 1 in 10++ runs) someone will get charmed or amnesia'd from T5. IF for some reason the mob is still alive and Vex is down (it got a hit on the luopan because dematerialize didn't pop fast enough, DD is bad, it got lucky on charm, whatever) you can just run vex + attunement and you're back in action. Yeah, it's a DPS loss without fury, but it will be dead really soon anyways and guarantees it won't get another charm off.

On T2 it blocks the majority of the bad stuff. Eclipse is used alone here without blaze because blaze won't be up in time for T5, while eclipse will. In addition to that, you just don't really need that much to block his status effects because he's only T2, and an eclipsed vex handles it. Only fury is needed (not frailty) because pDif is already capped or close to capped on this guy, so it's not even really a DPS loss.

On mega boss, it blocks all the paralyze and flash, every time, with bolster. Again, fury brings you close to pDif cap or on pDif cap, so frailty isn't a huge loss not to have. I usually open with Indi-Focus on the bolster to apply Distract and Paralyze, then swap before his Firefly Fandango. Indi-Vex is used because the luopan could die if it's running vex, and that leaves a window of opportunity for him to apply status effects.

I started doing this myself because it made sense to do so, and yeah, it works. I've tried to teach other Geomancers to do so, but they either ignore me, don't have the spells, or say I'm wrong and say it doesn't work. However, every person that runs with me knows that I do it and agrees with the strategy (including people in this thread).

I can confirm this as well. On Yorcia Delve, Blaze Eclipsed Geo-Vex on T5 caused resists on Charm, and Bolstered Indi-Vex on Mega Boss blocked para and flash
Posts: 150
By Refia1 2014-10-03 22:08:53
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ok what, since when do balze of glory and ecliptic nutrtiions stack!???? xD
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2014-10-03 22:24:10
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Always. But Ecliptic + Bolster do not.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Waff
Posts: 376
By Quetzalcoatl.Waffless 2014-10-03 22:30:12
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What should I merit on geo?
Posts: 150
By Refia1 2014-10-03 22:34:06
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Always. But Ecliptic + Bolster do not.

ok and neither does blaze of gory?
Posts: 806
By Crevox 2014-10-03 22:44:38
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Refia1 said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Always. But Ecliptic + Bolster do not.

ok and neither does blaze of gory?

Bolster doesn't stack with anything that increases potency. Bolster sets potency to 2.0, and you cannot take it higher.

What should I merit on geo?

The main post pretty much covers this.

First category:
Full Circle, Blaze of Glory, Demateralize are all good. Personally, I go with Full Circle and Blaze of Glory. Blaze of Glory's recast is too long, and it helps to bring it in line with Ecliptic Attrition and Lasting Emanation. Full Circle is just free MP, and while Demateralize is nice, it's not that big of a deal. There are many situations where you just don't need it, while Blaze of Glory is ALWAYS welcome. The only concern here is you might want to lower Dematerialize's recast a bit to try to get it more in line with Blaze of Glory (this would be nice), so you can either give up the MP from Full Circle or try to balance Blaze of Glory and Dematerialize. I would consider the former honestly, since my MP really isn't that much of an issue usually.

Second category:
This is really just preference. I like 5/5 Radial Arcana because it means more MP for me, and also gives you a potent MP restore effect for everyone else (something you are missing because you can't ballad mages). Curative Recantation can restore LOTS of HP for free, so it's just another free bonus (definitely not necessary/required though). I put one point into Mending Halation since it's not a bad heal, and it's nice to have the JA for when you need it. I think mine heals like 400-500 on everyone. Primordial Zeal is bad.

Basically, what I did:
5/5 Full Circle
5/5 Blaze of Glory Recast

4/5 Curative Recantation
1/5 Mending Halation
5/5 Radial Arcana
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