Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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Server: Asura
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user: Nazantia
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By Asura.Nazantia 2016-08-21 19:18:11
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New Geo here.

My LS killed some stuff and got me the Merlinic head, legs, feet. What are the priorities on augments? One of them is telling me to prioritize magic burst and just get macc+mab secondary and the other is telling me the opposite, to prioritize macc+mab and take whatever I get on burst.

I understand what each is, just not the capabilities of Geo and whether the first guy is right, that I should be able to nuke well too, or if the second guy is telling me I'll never fill the shoes of a BLM/SCH in the party and shouldn't even try.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2016-08-21 19:33:43
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Not a GEO expert but GEO caps Gear MDB with relative ease.

22 From Cardinal Chant
5 From Jhakri Boots + 1
10 From Tenzen Neck piece
5 From Delve Ring

That will bring you to 40% right there.

Makes a lot more sense to focus on MAB+MACC
Server: Fenrir
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user: Tarowyn
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By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2016-08-21 19:50:51
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The unreliability of Cardinal Chant aside, the MB dmg from it isn't part of the 40 gear cap.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2016-08-21 20:08:45
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Fenrir.Tarowyn said: »
The unreliability of Cardinal Chant aside, the MB dmg from it isn't part of the 40 gear cap.

Other people on the forum disagree: http://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/49376/cardinal-chant-magic-burst-bonus/

Also Cardinal is either impossible to use or possible. It isn't unreliable. It is very easy to setup a party so they position a boss to where you can mb. In Apex you can easily position yourself.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Tarowyn
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By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2016-08-21 20:16:30
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This shows it increasing dmg when the person already has pretty much capped gear (only 38, but close enough). Numbers match up exactly to what's expected as well.

And apex, it's hard enough to even get the mob in vaguely the same location all the time let alone getting it precisely west of you while still making sure everyone's being hit by your indi (also a problem since half the mages don't like haste I swear).

As for bosses, I wouldn't normally even nuke on them unless there's only like 1 other nuker, otherwise it's likely to reduce overall dmg more than anything.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Tarowyn
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By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2016-08-21 20:26:53
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Ah, just noticed something in the JP wiki entry on Cardinal, apparently it used to be part of gear but it got fixed to ability in the Apr 2016 update.
Server: Asura
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user: Calatilla
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By Asura.Calatilla 2016-08-23 12:55:33
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What's the perp cost of a luopan, how much pet regen would be needed to offset it?
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Braden 2016-08-23 17:05:33
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24 Normal
17 Lasting Emanation
30 Ecliptic Attrition
23 Lasting+Ecliptic

And base Luopan HP should be 1662. I lost the link to Martel's posts where he tested all of that, but it's in this thread somewhere.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Essylt 2016-08-23 20:20:54
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Fenrir.Tarowyn said: »
I wouldn't normally even nuke on them

Well if wearing a galero increases your MB dmg to almost BLM levels (blm total cap is ~75%, including job gifts, I think) maybe it would make sense to nuke on GEO as well, provided you have a decent MAB set and the boss doesn't build resistance super fast.

Going to get my galero reforged and try it next time I'm out in Reisen.

One thing I'm not clear on though - does the direction for CC have to be absolute or relative (i.e. can I just rotate myself in place until the mob is to the left of me to get the MB bonus)?
Server: Fenrir
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user: Tarowyn
Posts: 580
By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2016-08-23 21:08:38
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The problem with the galero is it has zero other nuking related stats other than the built in int and 15 elemental skill, quite a big sacrifice over say merlinic head.

On most NM's nowadays, a nuke causes some sort of instant dmg reduction over a pretty small time frame, if two nukes land almost at the same time, the 2nd one will get a pretty big chunk down. If it's just a SCH say doing SC's, I'll probably MB, but even adding one BLM in, it becomes barely worth the mp to MB.

The bonus is based on cardinal directions, so the mob must actually be west of you for the MB bonus. You pretty much have to rely on the in game compass for that. Also of note, if they're not exactly west, you'll get some percentage of the MB bonus and some percentage of whatever direction you're leaning towards.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-08-23 21:41:29
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So with the advent of Ambuscade what do you think our ideal cure set is now?

I'm thinking something close to:

ItemSet 341280

The hands are kind of a freebie. And I'm debating whether to go Vanya for the healing skill or stick to the cuffs for some solid conserve mp. Is there maybe a middle option?

Ambuscade cape is MND/Macc/Cure Potency which I made for both enfeebling/healing. Wonder if I should use a FC cape and stick to telchine hands, though...
Server: Asura
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user: cicion
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2016-08-23 22:10:29
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Divinty nq is like a 17mnd auged gada and 2 more heal skill. Neat idea with cape then i could use 20 skill hands. but eh ill just go with revealers mitts and temperd cape +1. Gishdubar Sash if u want 950+ self cures
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-08-25 02:06:55
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Mab+12, Mcrit+5%
Macc+2, INT+14 (Shiva NQ)
Macc+7, INT+12 (Metamorph+1)
Macc+2, Mab+4, INT+8 (Acumen Ring)

What's gonna win? Approximately of course, stuff changes according to buffs and targets.
Anybody able to provide some unbiased and somewhat math-related input concerning this?

I'm unable to estabilish wether I should bother with one of the 3 latter setups or if out of lazyness and minimal increase I should just stay with the former (which is my current setup)
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-08-25 02:34:27
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Asura.Sechs said: »
Mab+12, Mcrit+5%
Macc+2, INT+14 (Shiva NQ)
Macc+7, INT+12 (Metamorph+1)
Macc+2, Mab+4, INT+8 (Acumen Ring)

What's gonna win? Approximately of course, stuff changes according to buffs and targets.
Anybody able to provide some unbiased and somewhat math-related input concerning this?

I'm unable to estabilish wether I should bother with one of the 3 latter setups or if out of lazyness and minimal increase I should just stay with the former (which is my current setup)
I've looked at and pondered this a couple of times, but there really isn't a definitive answer. The higher level the mob the more important int will become, but also in those situations geo isn't nuking often. But then you might also be using the set for BLM. There's really quite a bit more to consider than the numbers themselves. That being said the best overall for all jobs is to get a Shiva +1 and make your dilemma go away.~

Asura.Calatilla said: »
What's the perp cost of a luopan, how much pet regen would be needed to offset it?

Sylph.Braden said: »
24 Normal
17 Lasting Emanation
30 Ecliptic Attrition
23 Lasting+Ecliptic

And base Luopan HP should be 1662. I lost the link to Martel's posts where he tested all of that, but it's in this thread somewhere.

Marty sent me the full spreadsheet that he had done for this and I had neglected to put it into the guide. Sorry about that all, just added it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2016-08-25 03:10:09
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Nocki said: »
I've looked at and pondered this a couple of times, but there really isn't a definitive answer. The higher level the mob the more important int will become, but also in those situations geo isn't nuking often.
I dunno about that. It's more a matter of the type of element we're nuking. On Mobs where we're not using Dark (Death) I usually find myself nuking to be fair. Well it depends by many factors, Rayke up or not, how many BLMs we have and blah blah, but there are many situations where I find myself nuking even on Reisen HELM.

But then you might also be using the set for BLM.
Negative, and no intention to gear up BLM.
I do have SCH but I use AF3 boots tipically (or Merlinic if Klima ain't up). Regardless I don't need the 5% from Jhakri on SCH thanks to Akademos.
On GEO instead I have to resort to Locus ring to hit 40% cap atm, which is exactely why I'm pondering whether or not I should swap to Jhakri+1 instead and use a different ring.

That being said the best overall for all jobs is to get a Shiva +1 and make your dilemma go away.~
Agreed, I would have no doubts at all if I had a Shiva+1 but alas I don't and *** paying 11mils for a ring ^____^
Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2016-08-25 03:39:23
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Asura.Essylt said: »
Well if wearing a galero increases your MB dmg to almost BLM levels (blm total cap is ~75%, including job gifts, I think)
BLM: 106% -> JT:13% JP:20% Gifts:23% Gear:50%
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: cicion
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2016-09-10 20:15:24
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Is it better to use bubble boosting jas on fury or fraility in a 6 man non pet pt set up.
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
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By Sylph.Oraen 2016-09-10 20:22:43
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Frailty and Malaise are normally stronger options than Fury and Acumen, respectively. Enemy NMs have more defense than players have attack.
Server: Asura
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user: cicion
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By Asura.Cicion 2016-09-10 20:28:21
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i knew that was for sure the case with mala wasnt sure about frail fury ty
Server: Shiva
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user: Hiepo
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By Shiva.Hiep 2016-09-21 09:29:27
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Anyone have an updated TP/WS set? What's best mainhand/offhand?
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-09-21 10:58:04
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Shiva.Hiep said: »
Anyone have an updated TP/WS set? What's best mainhand/offhand?

I made these to add to the guide when Jhakri was updated into AH sets, but I forgot. I'll get around to it later today.
ItemSet 345378
Cape: DEX, Acc/Atk, Haste

ItemSet 345767
Cape: MND, Acc/Atk, DA

In my opinion, GEO benefits a huge amount from Idris AM, but it will have lower accuracy than Tish if you don't get it to 269 skill (which most people didn't). Tishtrya is also quite good if you consider the high damage, and 10 sTP which is a stat GEO is lacking.

As far as other weaponskills go, using full Jhakri +1 and then using accessories that lean towards whatever the ws mod is, is your best bet.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-09-21 11:14:17
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Problem(s) with those sets:

1) Way below haste cap for equipment. Haste instead of DA would be superior for damage on the cape. Edit: I r dum

2) The +geomancy from Idris does not work if cast in the offhand.
Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2016-09-21 11:19:01
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Problem(s) with those sets:

1) Way below haste cap for equipment. Haste instead of DA would be superior for damage on the cape.

2) The +geomancy from Idris does not work if cast in the offhand.
They are showing the two best options not dual wielding. Its also quite obvious he mixed the 2 cape augs with one another under the sets. Cape: DEX, Acc/Atk, Haste was meant for TP and Cape: MND, Acc/Atk, DA for Realm.
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-09-21 11:23:35
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Problem(s) with those sets:

1) Way below haste cap for equipment. Haste instead of DA would be superior for damage on the cape.

2) The +geomancy from Idris does not work if cast in the offhand.

Asura.Chiaia said: »
Its also quite obvious he mixed the 2 cape augs with one another under the sets. Cape: DEX, Acc/Atk, Haste was meant for TP and Cape: MND, Acc/Atk, DA for Realm.
^this. And fixed.

2. When you pick a weapon when dual weilding on AH, it doesn't always put them in the main hand and then offhand slot. Also, you can cast bubbles and then switch to Tish and have 5+ minutes of Idris bubbles and most melee situations where you would be meleeing on GEO don't last that long.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-09-21 11:26:42
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Nocki said: »
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Problem(s) with those sets:

1) Way below haste cap for equipment. Haste instead of DA would be superior for damage on the cape.

2) The +geomancy from Idris does not work if cast in the offhand.

Asura.Chiaia said: »
Its also quite obvious he mixed the 2 cape augs with one another under the sets. Cape: DEX, Acc/Atk, Haste was meant for TP and Cape: MND, Acc/Atk, DA for Realm.
^this. And fixed.

2. When you pick a weapon when dual weilding on AH, it doesn't always put them in the main hand and then offhand slot. Also, you can cast bubbles and then switch to Tish and have 5+ minutes of Idris bubbles and most melee situations where you would be meleeing on GEO don't last that long.

Man, it's almost like you're trolling me. I thought I skimmed the post wrong, but you mixed it up so I skimmed it right but still only skimmed it.

That's a neat set, I've still been using Onca, but noticing the Gazu has its use I might swap over to that set whenever I join a group for that UNM. Not that I melee often, basically just Selkitt/Belphegor at this point and I have no acc issues. But that's because it's a dualbox, other GEO's would certainly use this more.
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-09-21 11:37:42
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OP Updated~
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2016-09-21 13:16:36
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Wouldn't battlecast Gaiters and Petrov ring be better to sub in if accuracy is not problem*?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2016-09-21 13:57:33
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I've still haven't made up my mind on Jhakri set.
I use it for WS but for TP I still use Onca atm.

Idris is still an excellent DD weapon in the situations where you can reliably keep AM3 up a reasonable amount of time.
In all other situations the high damage from Aeonic Club will likely make it the best DD club for GEO.

It's a shame when you think how many cool DD club options WHM gets that GEO doesn't :(
Server: Asura
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user: cicion
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2016-09-21 14:08:04
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Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2016-09-21 14:11:18
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I've still haven't made up my mind on Jhakri set.
I use it for WS but for TP I still use Onca atm.

Idris is still an excellent DD weapon in the situations where you can reliably keep AM3 up a reasonable amount of time.
In all other situations the high damage from Aeonic Club will likely make it the best DD club for GEO.

It's a shame when you think how many cool DD club options WHM gets that GEO doesn't :(

Without even Considering Idris AM the STP from Jhakri+1 legs and Battlecast gaiters (12) will beat out the +10 DA on the Onca suit.
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