Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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By 2016-07-28 06:18:40
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2016-07-28 06:22:12
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Can get conserveMP even on Telchine but honestly I would just cast with as many pieces of AF3 you can (for thh set bonus) if that's your purpose, and get ConserveMP in the other slots.

Personally I put Healing magic skill on my 4 Vanya pieces. I'm currently curing with 4/5 Vanya and Telchine Hands (with a total of 18% CP).
If you don't need CP in hands slot you should be using Ambuscade (Marduk) hands instead, I think.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-07-28 06:27:08
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Asura.Cicion said: »
You forget nehushtan comes with 27 acc base + 228 skill so it might as well be considereda 242 skill
Not saying Nehu it's not good, but you're forgetting that "skill" is considered for each hand separately.
Each hand has its own "skill" level and hence a different accuracy level.
"+accuracy" stats instead apply to both hands. That mean the +27 acc base on Nehushtan, does apply to mainhand too.

Also do not forget that mainhand caps accuracy at 99%, whereas offhand is still capped at 95%.
Because of how things work, if you equip a 242 mainhand weapon and then a 228 offhand weapon, then once you reach accuracy cap for your main hand, you won't be capped on your offhand.
Unless, of course, you decide to overcap, but that will mean that you will have enough accuracy for offhand and excess accuracy for mainhand.

It's a small thing in the end, but the sum of it all is that unless the 228skill offhand weapon is really exceptional (it's the case for some Oboro weapons for instance) it's normally better to aim for 242 ones.

Not sure if this is the case for Nehushtan as well of course, I haven't mathed it out, but I suspect it might as well be.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-07-28 07:12:43
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Asura.Sechs said: »
If you don't need CP in hands slot you should be using Ambuscade (Marduk) hands instead, I think.
Sadly, GEO can't wear the Inyanga set.
By 2016-07-28 07:26:39
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2016-07-28 07:32:19
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Armeth said: »
What's the difference between adding healing magic skill and adding "Cure" potency?
You can find more details on BG-Wiki or maybe on the WHM forums, but long story short: Cure Potency works for all healing magic curing spells, it's a % increase and it's capped at 50%. Adding beyond that will produce no result.
If you want to make your heals stronger once you've reached the CP pot you have basically two ways: Healing Magic Skill and MND.
MND greatly affects cures like C5 and C6 but has lowe relevance on lower tier spells.
Other way around with Healing Magic Skill.

Uh, sorry if it sounds confusing but it's something like that. Basically it's a way to make your heals stronger even if you're already at the 50% CurePot cap.
By 2016-07-28 07:37:10
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-07-28 08:50:01
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Pretty much!
If we want to nitpick MND is more something for WHM mains (high tier spells) and more of "icing on the cake" for other jobs going /WHM or /RDM.
Healing Magic should be the main priority and MND after that.

But if you really want to get an objective estimation of the impact 10 points of MND and 10 healing skills would have on your Cure3 and Cure4 you can check the formulas on BG-Wiki :)
By 2016-07-28 09:04:00
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2016-07-28 09:24:27
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You can use Dudgeon+Heartseeker earring. They provide 8 attack, 8 accuracy and 7% DW.
Pretty good compromise and very easy to get.
A good DW belt for GEO is the one from the Mithra BC, can't remember the name right now, 6% DW and like 10 attack or something.
By 2016-07-28 09:49:37
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By Gruknor 2016-07-28 10:00:54
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He is telling you about easy to obtain dw options for geo.

Brutal and eabani are better if you need dw. Which is to say all the time for a dwing geo.
By 2016-07-28 10:03:14
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2016-07-28 11:11:55
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Gruknor said: »
Brutal and eabani are better if you need dw. Which is to say all the time for a dwing geo.
Probably meant Suppa and Eabani, right?
And also for your latter part it kinda depends.
At capped Gear haste + capped magic haste (no Haste Samba) you need ~11% DW to cap Attack Delay if your subjob is /NIN.

Up to ~12% you won't see TP reduction, but over that (from 13 onwards) you will and that's gonna hurt your dps because of the reduced tp/hit.
Armeth if you didn't know already: DW reduces the attack delay and the TP/hit. Can read details in the "attack speed" page of BG-Wiki but long story short: when you reach the attack delay reduction adding more DW won't produce a further delay reduction (you're at cap!) but it will still produce a reduction in the TP/hit.
Which is exactely why don't want to use too much DW than the amount necessary to reach the cap.
The ~11DW (~12%) values I gave you are for when you're at capped gear haste. If you're using Onca + Telchine head (aug 3% Haste) you will be at 25% haste, not 26%, which means the DW threshold raises up a bit to something like ~12%(~13%).

Shetal (6% DW) + Suppa (5% DW) = 11, which is exactely perfect. Can equip another non-DW ring in the other slot like Telos or Cessance or Brutal according to needs.
Shetal + Dudgeon/Heartseeker = 13 which is a bit too much but you should be fine if you're at 25% gear haste.

Can play a bit with equipment to obtain different numbers with different combinations but alas GEO doesn't get many options :x

All of what I've said matters if you're at capped magic haste, /NIN and not using (or receiving) any form of Haste Samba. Get Haste samba (either 5% or 10% one) and things change a lot or go /DNC instead of /NIN and numbers/thresholds are gonna change radically. Likewise if you're not at capped magic haste (but why should you ever?)

Also don't forget that Shetal Stone, iir, is the only practically useable waist item with Dualwield that GEO can equip.
You get no other DW options on GEO other than Ambuscade cape augmetned with DW+10 or the SoA ring with DW+5.
By 2016-07-28 21:13:05
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Posts: 194
By Gruknor 2016-07-28 22:43:12
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I meant suppa not beutal.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-08-03 01:56:43
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Fun/slightly (very) dumb idea post-update:

ItemSet 345110

Obviously room for improvement, accessories are random things I either have or can acquire with minimal effort on my alt. Imagine there's Jhakri +1 x4 in there. Caps haste with a haste+10 aug on the back.

This is not at all a serious set, but if the eva change was decent then I might actually put something like this to use in some lowman/solo situations. Hexa Strike and Realmrazer are fusion weaponskills, which is super useful for me since BLU doesn't have access to any sword fusion WS. TP gain's not great, but if I can get enough TP to cover one WS in a 3-5 step SC while getting some bursts in then it's good enough.

There's also Onca Suit if acc isn't too much of an issue or you want to retain some pet regen in the back slot.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2016-08-03 02:28:20
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Jhakri+1 stats (no head) => STR 115, DEX 93, MND 114, Acc 152, Att 152 (Meva 223, MDB 14)

Onca Suit stats => STR 93, DEX 76, MND 60, Acc 124, Att 147, DA 10% (Meva 252, MDB 12, DT -10%)

With a quick glance can easily see how this has potential over Onca when it comes to raw stats.
You're giving up 6%DW or multiattack in the waist slot though (could recover a bit of DA using Cetl in place of Goading), 10% DA in the 5 main slots, and 10% DA from the cape by putting haste in place of DA.

Furthermore you'd need one additional cape for WS, whereas with DA you can get a decent compromise for both TP and WS phase.
I dunno if I want to bother with it for TP phase honestly, I think I will likely stay with my lolset, but for WS I think it's totally gonna be a winner.
Server: Sylph
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user: Tarlant
Posts: 19
By Sylph.Taruranto 2016-08-07 08:20:32
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Planning to come back for free login probably, they still haven't nerfed Coalitions for Idris access, right?

Anything good from Ambu this month?
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-08-08 10:55:34
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Sylph.Taruranto said: »
Planning to come back for free login probably, they still haven't nerfed Coalitions for Idris access, right?

Anything good from Ambu this month?
Correct that they have not updated imp timers still.
If you're just getting into the ilvl gear part of the game then this months ambu set (Morrighan) is quite nice.

I have been prepping sets to update the melee section of the guide, just waiting for AH to let me actually put in Jhakri gear.
Server: Sylph
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user: Tarlant
Posts: 19
By Sylph.Taruranto 2016-08-12 12:40:50
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Dang, if I use Ambuscae's cape I end up falling behind the pdt- by 2,5%. :<

I don't have Isabelt and, honestly, I wouldn't even know where to get it on my server. I could try to get that 2,5% with Telchine, body is just 2% and legs and feet are 3%, but I would need to 4/4 at least two pieces with Adoulin aug RNG...
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-08-12 12:54:34
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honestly with how much of the damage is magic on relevant mobs you should be aiming for -4 DT on telchine head/body/legs/feet, geo mitaines+1, dunna, sucellus, isa to cap DT instead of PDT.. if you keep solstice, you can have a -3 DT aug in there and still cap, but it costs you 3 regen

that frees up your earrings to use something useful and makes a colossal difference in how long your luopan will last

prob not what you wanted to hear since you are averse to alluvion augs, but they're the way forward

as far as the isa belt, any group of 3 with alluvion or newer gear and varied damage types should have little trouble clearing kamihr delve
Server: Sylph
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user: Tarlant
Posts: 19
By Sylph.Taruranto 2016-08-12 13:10:23
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^I don't know the situation on Leviathan, but Sylph is basically a dead server, there are groups running stuff but they don't pick up randoms (And I wouldn't know who to ask)

Even getting an Ambu party is a pain, I'm not so much opposed at doing Alluvion or Delve as much I wouldn't know who to ask (there are like... 300 people on right now, and half of them are AFK) Most of the friends I made stopped playing too. :S
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2016-08-15 09:51:40
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How is it possible that there are no rings with Conserve MP? Am I missing something? I've checked Unity... Abyssea gold chest and quest augments... Field of Valor augments... Is there really nothing but a ring that works during Watersday?
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-08-16 12:18:38
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Fenrir.Cherrywine said: »
How is it possible that there are no rings with Conserve MP? Am I missing something? I've checked Unity... Abyssea gold chest and quest augments... Field of Valor augments... Is there really nothing but a ring that works during Watersday?

Sylph.Taruranto said: »

Dang, if I use Ambuscae's cape I end up falling behind the pdt- by 2,5%. :<

I don't have Isabelt and, honestly, I wouldn't even know where to get it on my server. I could try to get that 2,5% with Telchine, body is just 2% and legs and feet are 3%, but I would need to 4/4 at least two pieces with Adoulin aug RNG...

Now that you have all of the regen from the ambu cape, a substitute solution would be to lose the 2 regen from head and use Selenian Cap. Although delve isn't very difficult to get people together for, so I would definitely explore the option of getting Isa Belt.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2016-08-16 13:11:24
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Nocki said: »
Fenrir.Cherrywine said: »
How is it possible that there are no rings with Conserve MP? Am I missing something? I've checked Unity... Abyssea gold chest and quest augments... Field of Valor augments... Is there really nothing but a ring that works during Watersday?

Sylph.Taruranto said: »

Dang, if I use Ambuscae's cape I end up falling behind the pdt- by 2,5%. :<

I don't have Isabelt and, honestly, I wouldn't even know where to get it on my server. I could try to get that 2,5% with Telchine, body is just 2% and legs and feet are 3%, but I would need to 4/4 at least two pieces with Adoulin aug RNG...

Npw that you have all of the regen from the ambu cape, a substitute solution would be to lose the 2 regen from head and use Selenian Cap. Although delve isn't very difficult to get people together for, so I would definitely explore the option of getting Isa Belt.

Couldn't he just get the Telchine head and augment it with Regen 3 and DT- 3%.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: ashtopcat
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By Lakshmi.Ashtopcat 2016-08-16 13:12:56
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yeah delve is easy now (assuming you can get 2 others/mules to tag along), walked into yorcia (blm geo sch + trusts)and came out with a win doing all 5+boss (even with a couple of wipes from my own stupidity), and 1/1 on bolebunga for geo mule
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-08-16 13:16:25
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eliroo said: »

Couldn't he just get the Telchine head and augment it with Regen 3 and DT- 3%.

If you're only aiming for PDT cap, sure.
Part of the reason I took Handler's Earrings out of the guide is because there's quite a few more options for DT and Regen to reach the 38% needed to cap. I suggested getting the belt, or going for the hat because in the long run that's what you need to cap. And in my personal opinion, capping PDT while not capping DT seems like a waste as a majority of aoe damage that occurs in this game is magical.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2016-08-16 14:28:13
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Opinions on feet slot for nuking.
Comparing my augmented Merlinic Feet (aug Macc+34, mab+33) with Jhakri+1.
Atm on GEO I need to use Locus Ring to reach 40% MB cap, but with Jhakri+1 I could use a different ring.

In other terms it's basically:

Mab+12, Mcrit+5%
Macc+2, INT+14 (Shiva NQ)
Macc+7, INT+12 (Metamorph+1)
Macc+2, Mab+4, INT+8 (Acumen Ring)

What's gonna win? Approximately of course, stuff changes according to buffs and targets.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2016-08-17 12:49:32
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Two Quick questions:

Would the Geo Galero+1 be BiS for Magic bursting?

Does Cardinal Chant break the Magic Burst Bonus cap?

NVM, saw the answer else where.
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