Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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Server: Siren
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By Siren.Blnasty 2016-04-14 10:49:37
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Is it known what the empy +1 set bonus proc rate is? As I get more JP and need less of the skill gear, I'm wondering if its better to wear conserve MP gear or empy +1 set. For the time being I'm using empy +1 head/legs in my geomancy set (still need other hands/body to hit 900) and wondering if umbani boots vs empy +1 feet is better. Looking forward to master status, is it better to wear full 5/5 empy +1 or stack conserve MP in those spots? Curious what you high end people are wearing.

edit: found this thread discussing it http://www.ffxivpro.com/forum/topic/47632/geo-900-skill-question is the set bonus really 5% per piece so 25% for all 5? this seems too good to be true
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
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By Asura.Toralin 2016-04-25 19:02:44
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Anyone know the max Pet: regen set? Was reading somewhere you almost keep BoG active always.. Obviously the new cape makes this even better
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-26 01:22:11
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Keep in mind no matter how much regen you have, your Luopan will automatically disappear 10 minutes after you summoned it.
Also keep in mind the "Regen" vorseal also applies to your pet.
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
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By Asura.Toralin 2016-04-26 08:12:55
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Keep in mind no matter how much regen you have, your Luopan will automatically disappear 10 minutes after you summoned it.
Also keep in mind the "Regen" vorseal also applies to your pet.
Helpful thanks! 10 minutes would let GEO ride BoG the entire time. So this would be the goal! good info on the vorseal
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-04-26 10:39:36
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Iirc Luopans have 23 damage/tick debuff, so you'll hit no-AoE damage parity at that point. Lasting Emanation halves this, which leaves you with about 11 damage/tick. No reason to not pair it with Blaze of Glory.

As far as a max regen build, one of the Skirmish sets can get +3 pet regen/piece, AF Feet, Empyrean head, and the most recent back armor let you get 25 HP/tick. Thus your Luopan should regen ~14HP/tick. Whether it will stay alive for 10 minutes will depend on what you're fighting and how many Life Cycles you can squeeze out.
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
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By Asura.Toralin 2016-04-26 10:51:17
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Thanks great info!
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-26 11:17:39
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Lasting Emanation halves this, which leaves you with about 11 damage/tick. No reason to not pair it with Blaze of Glory.
I see some reasons not to actually.
If you're in a fight where you know your Luopan won't last long after Dematerialize wears off, I usually prefer to pair it with Ecliptic Attrition, so that while it lasts we can get an extremely powerful Bubble, and the additional damage/tick won't be an issue because that Luopan wouldn't have survived until the end of its normal life cycle regardles.
This is especially good when you can synergize with other cooldowns from other jobs.

In all other situations where incoming damage on the Luopan isn't anything too concerning and especially if the fight is gonna last a bit, I prefer Lasting Emanation.
Can combine Lasting Emanation and Ecliptic Attrition on the same Luopan btw if someone didn't know.
Either by waiting for the shared cooldown to be up again, or through lucky cooldown resets.

Concerning regen gear I can think of
Bagua Sandals +1 (+3 regen)
Azimuth Hood +1 (+3 regen)
Isa Belt (+1 regen)
New cape (+10 regen)
Sucellus (+3 regen, but this doesn't concern an Idris owner of course)

Don't forget the Vorseal regen either. Can get as high as +11, altough anything over +8 isn't very realistic I'd dare to say.
Server: Asura
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user: Foreverj
Posts: 381
By Asura.Foreverj 2016-04-27 06:41:08
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Not sure if discussed, should I bring Idris to Idris 121 or spend my efforts elsewhere? Is Idris 121 worth the 160 million in beitutsu? Looking to make almace epeolatry as well.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-27 07:17:06
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I'd love to hear more opinions on it as well.
Last I checked 121 Idris was good all around (nuking, debuff) but wasn't the best at anything.
I think Grio and Gada can be better for debuff with very good augments, grio can be better for nuking.
Not taking into account am1 and am2 at least?

I Know I will totally 121 my idris regardless, but it's gonna take me a while...
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-04-27 07:23:09
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Asura.Foreverj said: »
Not sure if discussed, should I bring Idris to Idris 121 or spend my efforts elsewhere? Is Idris 121 worth the 160 million in beitutsu? Looking to make almace epeolatry as well.

Do those other things first.

121 Idris is full time GEO level.

My Grio has: INT+20, mag acc+16, MAB+25, Conserve mp+6, mdmg+2 on it and nukes slightly harder than Idris 121 (11k vs 11.1k on a t5 non-MB).

The big advantage Idris 121 has is that Grio with those augments is Mag acc+30, mag skill + 228

Idris 121 is: Mag acc+40, mag skill + 255. So for more evasive creatures I can toss on Idris and land things better.

But then GEO isn't allowed to MB serious content, so it's really not terribly significant. But it also is our best enfeebling option by far and gives a very significant boost to landing those, which is pretty much why I upgraded mine.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2016-04-27 09:56:12
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base grio is: 14 macc 19 INT/MND 228 macc skill
121 idris is: 40 macc 0INT/MND 255 macc skill

Max grio augs are 30 macc 20 stat and 10+ enfeebling skill. So with 26 macc and a moderate amount of INT or MND you're already approaching a 121 idris, and if you can get some enfeebling skill on there as well you're probably even doing better for enfeebles. Plus you can use Mephitis grip over a shield (afaik there isn't any shield that GEO can use that approaches that grip). I doubt you'll spend 160m looking for those augments.

As far as pet regen goes, with a maxed build (26 regen) and 2 regen vorseals, I seem to be about net even with ecliptic attrition (could also be a 1-2 hp a tick as I haven't watched the HP over 10 mins). But I did have a +75% potency malaise last 10 minutes on the sandworm Sunday :D
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-04-27 10:10:29
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I swear I've posted this stuff somewhere on here before, but. For reference,

Base Luopan perp cost is -24 HP/tick.
Ecliptic attrition is -30/tick.
Lasting emanation is -17/tick.
Lasting+Ecliptic is -23/tick

Oh, there is it. original post.

So with +28 pet regen, you're losing -2hp/tick with ecliptic up. Your luopan would lose 400 HP(about 24%) by the time it depopped after 10 minutes.

EDIT: Come to think of it, why is none of this on the wiki?
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-27 11:10:16
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Yeah I was kinda taking into account stat conversion to macc as well and Mephitis for Grio (+10 overall) compared to the normal +5 we get from our typical shield.

Still, it would take some pretty awesome augments for Grio and Gada to get close to 121 Idris when it comes to pure macc, not taking into account AM1.

In the end I think Grio can produce better results for nuking though, granted the difference is probably not too high. You can get pretty sexy augments there, even MagicBurst ones to free up other slots, lots of INT (Idris has none) etc etc.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2016-04-27 16:18:07
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ok.... I guess I will do this out:
I have 2 Grios and both are better than Idris 121 for INT based enfeebling. I can't say exactly how many stones I spent but it was probably under 300 for both.

GRIO1: Macc 32 INT 38 MND 19 macc skill 228 enfskill 11
Idris: Macc 40 INT 0 MND 0 macc skill 255
Macc -8 INT +38 MND +19 macc skill -27 enf skill +11 (+5 for grip) = +19 for INT enfeebles +0 for MND enfeebles

GRIO2: Macc 39 INT 39 MND 19 macc skill 228
Idris: macc 40 INT 0 MND 0 macc skill 255
macc -1 INT +39 MND +19 Macc skill -27 (+5 for grip) = +16 for INT enfeebles -4 for MND enfeebles (this is my nuking grio)

Even lady's nuke grio is ahead of her idris for INT enfeebling:
LGRIO: Macc 30 INT 39 MND 19 macc skill 228
Idris: Macc 40 INT 0 MND 0 macc skill 255
Macc -10 INT +39 MND +19 macc skill -27 +5 for grip = +7 for INT enfeebling, -13 for MND enfeebles.

The min augs you need on grio to match idris are some combo of macc + enf skill + stat = 29 which is not as rare as you might think.

You can also make the argument that grio is far better for potency, since potency is effected by dSTAT.

You will also likely seen Grio begin to pull much father ahead for nuking as content level increases thanks to superior INT. As GEO I still nuke a lot of higher level content (maju/yakshi), so it's fairly relevant.

It's your 160m to spend, but I do not think it's the most cost effective route for the weapon you are looking for. Grio is pretty attainable and stones are also fairly cheap.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2016-04-27 17:10:03
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
I swear I've posted this stuff somewhere on here before, but. For reference,

Base Luopan perp cost is -24 HP/tick.
Ecliptic attrition is -30/tick.
Lasting emanation is -17/tick.
Lasting+Ecliptic is -23/tick

Oh, there is it. original post.

So with +28 pet regen, you're losing -2hp/tick with ecliptic up. Your luopan would lose 400 HP(about 24%) by the time it depopped after 10 minutes.

EDIT: Come to think of it, why is none of this on the wiki?

I think that these numbers may be off. I am testing this in escha right now, and my loupon HP didn't budge from 98% over 10 mins with ecliptic up with 28 regen. 28 regen also seems to ticking its HP up 1% every 5 ticks without any JA active.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-27 18:02:30
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Do you have Regen vorseals? Remember they apply to the Luopan as well.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-04-27 18:36:07
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Fenrir.Montaeg said: »
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
I swear I've posted this stuff somewhere on here before, but. For reference,

Base Luopan perp cost is -24 HP/tick.
Ecliptic attrition is -30/tick.
Lasting emanation is -17/tick.
Lasting+Ecliptic is -23/tick

Oh, there is it. original post.

So with +28 pet regen, you're losing -2hp/tick with ecliptic up. Your luopan would lose 400 HP(about 24%) by the time it depopped after 10 minutes.

EDIT: Come to think of it, why is none of this on the wiki?

I think that these numbers may be off. I am testing this in escha right now, and my loupon HP didn't budge from 98% over 10 mins with ecliptic up with 28 regen. 28 regen also seems to ticking its HP up 1% every 5 ticks without any JA active.
So i did a few duration tests.

EDIT: It occurred to me I should perhaps explain these. I coded something to track the time from aftercast to petchange. Used that to gather precise duration. Used Ecliptic immediately after casting the geo spell.

the table contains teh observed duration i got from testing as well as a calculated duration based on luopan HP, decay rate, and pet regen value.

These match up pretty much spot on with -30 hp/tick. if I were even 1/tick off, the duration would differ noticeably.

Round two. went to abyssea and got a regen atma on.
+15 regen atma, and +15 in pet regen gear. Total +30 regen.

Blaze of gloried the luopan so it'd start at lower HP(can't seem to regen higher than 98%?)

And sat there for 5 minutes with no change in luopan HP.
added +1 regen for 31 total.

Luopan HP immediately ticked up by 1%.

Dropped 2 regen for 29 regen. Luopan HP dropped back down by 1%. although it took a good 50 seconds for another tick down to occur.

This is pretty definitive. +/- 1 regen moves luopan HP up/down. Right at 30, stasis.

I dunno what factor is creating the situation you're seeing, but I'm pretty convinced that ecliptic up luopan perp- is still 30/tick.

You might recheck your sets/vorseals. Possibly try testing outside escha? something weird might be going on there.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-04-27 19:23:14
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Fenrir.Montaeg said: »
ok.... I guess I will do this out:
I have 2 Grios and both are better than Idris 121 for INT based enfeebling. I can't say exactly how many stones I spent but it was probably under 300 for both.

GRIO1: Macc 32 INT 38 MND 19 macc skill 228 enfskill 11
Idris: Macc 40 INT 0 MND 0 macc skill 255
Macc -8 INT +38 MND +19 macc skill -27 enf skill +11 (+5 for grip) = +19 for INT enfeebles +0 for MND enfeebles

GRIO2: Macc 39 INT 39 MND 19 macc skill 228
Idris: macc 40 INT 0 MND 0 macc skill 255
macc -1 INT +39 MND +19 Macc skill -27 (+5 for grip) = +16 for INT enfeebles -4 for MND enfeebles (this is my nuking grio)

Even lady's nuke grio is ahead of her idris for INT enfeebling:
LGRIO: Macc 30 INT 39 MND 19 macc skill 228
Idris: Macc 40 INT 0 MND 0 macc skill 255
Macc -10 INT +39 MND +19 macc skill -27 +5 for grip = +7 for INT enfeebling, -13 for MND enfeebles.

The min augs you need on grio to match idris are some combo of macc + enf skill + stat = 29 which is not as rare as you might think.

You can also make the argument that grio is far better for potency, since potency is effected by dSTAT.

You will also likely seen Grio begin to pull much father ahead for nuking as content level increases thanks to superior INT. As GEO I still nuke a lot of higher level content (maju/yakshi), so it's fairly relevant.

It's your 160m to spend, but I do not think it's the most cost effective route for the weapon you are looking for. Grio is pretty attainable and stones are also fairly cheap.

Aside from maybe Blind, I'm not aware we have INT enfeebling access. Frazzle and Distract have no potency effect, and are MND-based for accuracy. You're also ignoring Chanter's shield for +5 acc. This means that unless you specifically land a MND/Enfeebling Idris 121 is more accuracy. As well, you can get the aftermath on for Idris, considering temp items and you don't need to land the WS for it to matter...and it lasts for 4.5min.

Regardless, I did suggest ignoring the 121 upgrade when the question was posed, and upgraded it because my alt is a lifelong forever GEO.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 381
By Asura.Foreverj 2016-04-27 19:40:44
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Thanks for the answer everyone. theres no reason for me to bring it to 121 at this point when there are those alternatives suggested.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2016-04-27 19:54:59
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Fenrir.Montaeg said: »
ok.... I guess I will do this out:
I have 2 Grios and both are better than Idris 121 for INT based enfeebling. I can't say exactly how many stones I spent but it was probably under 300 for both.

GRIO1: Macc 32 INT 38 MND 19 macc skill 228 enfskill 11
Idris: Macc 40 INT 0 MND 0 macc skill 255
Macc -8 INT +38 MND +19 macc skill -27 enf skill +11 (+5 for grip) = +19 for INT enfeebles +0 for MND enfeebles

GRIO2: Macc 39 INT 39 MND 19 macc skill 228
Idris: macc 40 INT 0 MND 0 macc skill 255
macc -1 INT +39 MND +19 Macc skill -27 (+5 for grip) = +16 for INT enfeebles -4 for MND enfeebles (this is my nuking grio)

Even lady's nuke grio is ahead of her idris for INT enfeebling:
LGRIO: Macc 30 INT 39 MND 19 macc skill 228
Idris: Macc 40 INT 0 MND 0 macc skill 255
Macc -10 INT +39 MND +19 macc skill -27 +5 for grip = +7 for INT enfeebling, -13 for MND enfeebles.

The min augs you need on grio to match idris are some combo of macc + enf skill + stat = 29 which is not as rare as you might think.

You can also make the argument that grio is far better for potency, since potency is effected by dSTAT.

You will also likely seen Grio begin to pull much father ahead for nuking as content level increases thanks to superior INT. As GEO I still nuke a lot of higher level content (maju/yakshi), so it's fairly relevant.

It's your 160m to spend, but I do not think it's the most cost effective route for the weapon you are looking for. Grio is pretty attainable and stones are also fairly cheap.

Aside from maybe Blind, I'm not aware we have INT enfeebling access. Frazzle and Distract have no potency effect, and are MND-based for accuracy. You're also ignoring Chanter's shield for +5 acc. This means that unless you specifically land a MND/Enfeebling Idris 121 is more accuracy. As well, you can get the aftermath on for Idris, considering temp items and you don't need to land the WS for it to matter...and it lasts for 4.5min.

Regardless, I did suggest ignoring the 121 upgrade when the question was posed, and upgraded it because my alt is a lifelong forever GEO.

Frazzle and distract are both black magic enfeebles so their accuracy would be affected by INT. Their potency is affected by MND but grio still has more.
I'm not ignoring chanter's shield Mephitis is +10 which puts it 5 ahead of chanter's shield, thus adding +5.
AM1/2 will be a problem on high level content outside of escha areas.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2016-04-27 20:18:27
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edit: spoilering cause the post is long.

So outside of escha ecliptic ticks my loupon down ~25% in 5 mins which would be consistent with 30, but I definitely only have 2 regen vorseals (I even checked my own HP is only ticking up by 2). So something weird is probably going on.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-04-27 20:27:30
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HP+ vorseals could effect how long it takes to tick down a percent, but they wouldn't leave you static at 98%....

have you checked how much regen you're actually getting form your regen vorseals... Oh!

zone blessings!
"Compassion Increases the effects of Refresh and Regen Vorseals. "
If this doubled potency, you'd be sitting at +4 from vorseals, so total +30

Check to see if this is up in the test zone?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2016-04-27 20:34:31
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Ahaha I think you're right. It's ticking down now. I guess this means someone happened to kill Azi today. Mystery solved.
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-04-30 10:22:53
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I am happy to say that Brixy has added me as a collaborator on this guide, and I have begun updating the sets in the main post! Details from Martel about Pet: Regen and other newer findings will be added as I continue to revisit the post this weekend.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Tearxx
Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2016-05-17 08:51:55
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Not having idris (waiting for imps is literally the worst), is a regen set even worth having considering 99% of important things use AoE and would be better to just have pet dt- on?
Posts: 57
By Tarlant 2016-05-17 09:03:21
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What's people take on Selenian Cap?

Conserve MP+3, Pet: Damage Taken -10%, Regen +1
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Tussell
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By Quetzalcoatl.Tesseracta 2016-05-17 09:28:26
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Phoenix.Tearxx said: »
Not having idris (waiting for imps is literally the worst), is a regen set even worth having considering 99% of important things use AoE and would be better to just have pet dt- on?
Solstice, Dunna, Lifestream Cape with 4% pet DT, Geo Mitaines+1, and Psycloth Lappa will cap pet DT. You can cap it with other gear (Isa belt 3%, Vanya robe 1% etc) and use regen gear elsewhere. I can't math. That's almost 10% shy of DT cap.

Tarlant said: »
What's people take on Selenian Cap?

Conserve MP+3, Pet: Damage Taken -10%, Regen +1
It's awesome and looks cool. Capping pet DT with ilvl gear and using Azimuth head for +2/3 regen would be better.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2016-05-17 09:52:10
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You can get 7% Pet PDT from earrings as well, and Sucellus offers pet DT (less than Solstice) AND pet Regen.
Inside Escha/Reisenjima zones you're gonna have 3% more DT from Vorseals as well.

Not sure if it's entirely possible, but if you can cap pet DT (37,5 is necessary) without using the head, feet and back slots, that would allow you to ride on a lot of pet regen, which also stacks with the regen from vorseals and makes quite a lot of difference when using Ecliptic Attrition.

Tbf if you can do that even an Idris owner should go that way honestly, and gain the +3 Regen from Sucellus.
I haven't been doing that myself but I've been considering the possibility. I'll probably do it if new gear comes up in the future.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-05-17 10:14:32
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Telchine can get pet DT-4 and pet regen+3, so there's no need to give up DT for regen there. Perfect time to work on that if you don't have it, what with the campaign going on. Likewise the Ambuscade cape augmented with pet regen+10 is kind of a huge upgrade, I'd recommend anyone who plays GEO somewhat frequently get it sooner than later.

Quetzalcoatl.Tesseracta said: »
Solstice, Dunna, Lifestream Cape with 4% pet DT, Geo Mitaines+1, and Psycloth Lappa will cap pet DT.
You're ~8% short there by my count. That's 30%; you need 37.5% on top of the luopan's native 50% to cap. Better full pet setup for non-Idris is Sucellus, Dunna, Geomancy Mitaines +1, Telchine x4, Isa Belt. Combined with the Ambuscade cape that's up to 26 pet regen with capped -DT, which does wonders for keeping your pet alive. Idris opens up various further possibilities such as simultaneously capping both pet and master -DT when needed.

Phoenix.Tearxx said: »
Not having idris (waiting for imps is literally the worst), is a regen set even worth having considering 99% of important things use AoE and would be better to just have pet dt- on?
tl;dr yes, because you can have your cake and eat it too. Maintaining Bolster/BoG+EA bubbles for as long as possible matters sometimes.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2016-05-17 11:15:22
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Oh, for some reason I recalled both being on dusk slot. My mistake!

With body and legs perf augs you'd be sitting at 37% dt outside escha, 40 inside. That's not taking into account the 7% from earrings (which is just pdt iir).
With some combinations and accepting capped pdt/almost capped mdt, you could use a single Telchine item, if you wish to retain refresh +4/3 on body or refresh +2 on legs.
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