Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2019-06-06 01:58:39
Using DT+5 leaves you at ~46% PDT (not including Epeolatry, of course), that's ~5% shy from the cap.
Now 5% is not a big deal if we're talking about a hybrid or w/e else set, but if we're talking about a turtle set should that mean you aim to maximize your HP and defense?
That's how I always intended "turtle set" at least. And in that sense, I'd aim to reach a real PDT cap honestly.
i.e. 10% PDT aug on cape with Mensch+1.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-06-06 02:06:37
Yeah its over mdt cap, definitely pdt10 cape in that set
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2019-06-06 05:11:12
Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »Anyone add Khonsu (ambu strap) to their sets? Thinking just for turtle set because of the -enmity
Nope. I'm still using something like this for my turtle set which caps pdt, and mdt with shell5
ItemSet 355625
What are augs on the cape for this? PDT -10%. should put you at 76% if I remember correctly
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2019-06-06 05:17:42
Yes it does!
Granted it's probably more like 74/75 because, as we all know, those % values are actually expressed in /256 and not /100, which means you need ~1% more to reach the real 50% cap, to which you then add the value from Epeolatry, which is nominal 25% PDT2, but I guess it's probably more around 24%, kinda depends on the real /256 value, nobody tested to my knowledge and it doesn't matter honestly, not like there are other sources of PDT2 you can stack with Epeolatry anyway haha.
By SimonSes 2019-06-06 11:31:56
Yes it does!
Granted it's probably more like 74/75 because, as we all know, those % values are actually expressed in /256 and not /100, which means you need ~1% more to reach the real 50% cap, to which you then add the value from Epeolatry, which is nominal 25% PDT2, but I guess it's probably more around 24%, kinda depends on the real /256 value, nobody tested to my knowledge and it doesn't matter honestly, not like there are other sources of PDT2 you can stack with Epeolatry anyway haha.
Afaik not everything in this game is /256. A lot of new things was in /100 actually. At least it's what I remember form reading some other thread.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-06-06 16:30:07
I'd be interested in a link to this other thread you're referring to.
It was my understanding that whether a stat is out of /256 or otherwise is based on the stat in question. Haste is going to be x/1024 regardless of what piece of haste gear we're talking about. The part that's dependent on the item is the specific value x.
So any piece of DT/PDT/etc gear is going to be an x/256 value. But x could be slightly below, or more rarely slightly above, the stated % value on the gear description.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1442
By Asura.Pergatory 2019-06-06 16:35:20
Either way, I'd wager Epeo is exactly 25% because it can be represented perfectly in either situation (25/100 or 64/256).
Also, plenty of items that aren't accurate are actually over the stated value. For example, Defending Ring is 26/256 which is slightly over 10%. So while it's probably not a terrible idea to assume you're 1 or 2% lower than the stats suggest just to be on the safe side, it may actually be true that you're 1 or 2% above what the item stats suggest.
As a thought experiment, if I assume SE always rounds to the nearest value then it works out like this:
Mensch Strap +1: 13/256 (5.08%)
Staunch Tathlum +1: 7/256 (2.73%) *Confirmed
Futhark Torque +2: 18/256 (7.03%)
Defending Ring: 26/256 (10.16%) *Confirmed
Moonlight Ring: 13/256 (5.08%)
Cape: 26/256 (10.16%)
Flume Belt +1: 10/256 (3.91%) *Confirmed
Erilaz Leg Guards +1: 18/256 (7.03%)
Add those all up and you get 131/256 (three points above the cap). So even if SE went for the lower number on three of those five unknowns, the set is still capped.
I kind of suspect it is capped.
Edit: Filled in some confirmed numbers from BGWiki.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-06-06 16:42:32
Hmm. Could map some of those out maybe... It's pretty annoying getting low level sabotenders to 1k needles. But the sabotender NM in Reisen uses 1k>2k>4K>??? in sequence iirc. Should be pretty fast testing, and you get multiple values to help pin things down.
I might at least test Epeolatry later.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2019-06-06 18:34:18
Testing shouldn't be difficult. A number of items related to or released after Seekers follow the /10 rule.
I made a post last year in the DRK sticky (or was it the High End/Theory-crafting thread?) about Damage Taken+ pieces and the numbers indicated they were actually OVER the stated value.
Dynamis - Valkurm Sabotenders is also an option. They do 1,2 and 4k needles as well.
By soralin 2019-06-07 15:42:00
Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »Anyone add Khonsu (ambu strap) to their sets? Thinking just for turtle set because of the -enmity
Nope. I'm still using something like this for my turtle set which caps pdt, and mdt with shell5
ItemSet 355625
What are augs on the cape for this? PDT -10%. should put you at 76% if I remember correctly
You should definitely be using Parry+5 on your cape tho, and cap DT elsewhere.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2019-06-07 16:46:54
Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »Anyone add Khonsu (ambu strap) to their sets? Thinking just for turtle set because of the -enmity
Nope. I'm still using something like this for my turtle set which caps pdt, and mdt with shell5
ItemSet 355625
What are augs on the cape for this? PDT -10%. should put you at 76% if I remember correctly
You should definitely be using Parry+5 on your cape tho, and cap DT elsewhere.
That would be +2.5% on ITG mobs. Yes SE was that petty. Anyhow TP moves and status ailments are what really do damage, regular hits aren't dangerous to anyone with a pseudo healer. So sticking PDT -10 on the back and using slots for MEVD / Resist is usually a better idea.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-06-07 17:42:44
Did I miss where the parry+ augment mechanic was tested?
I recall we had a thread about Inquartata gear potency, and how it turned out to be 1:1 Inquartata:Parry rate instead of the 1:2 SE had stated. But I don't recall ever seeing the Parry+ augment tested to see if it functioned like inquartata or had it's own mechanic.
Went to review the thread.
The initial test shows the Parry+ augment as +5% Parry rate gain. Although that is on a low level mob. But I didn't see any later follow ups with tests on high level targets. So I don't currently see any reason to think that the +5 augment equates to 2.5% parry rate.
Did I miss a test somewhere?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2019-06-07 17:45:20
Did I miss where the parry+ augment mechanic was tested?
I recall we had a thread about Inquartata gear potency, and how it turned out to be 1:1 Inquartata:Parry rate instead of the 1:2 SE had stated. But I don't recall ever seeing the Parry+ augment tested to see if it functioned like inquartata or had it's own mechanic.
Went to review the thread.
The initial test shows the Parry+ augment as +5% Parry rate gain. Although that is on a low level mob. But I didn't see any later follow ups with tests on high level targets. So I don't currently see any reason to think that the +5 augment equates to 2.5% parry rate.
Did I miss a test somewhere?
Could of swore there was a discussion in the earlier days of RUN with some random +parry stuff and it turned out to be only half the rate advertised on ITG's. Was back when the idea of "Parry Build" was being tossed around.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-06-07 17:49:48
Well, we did find out that Inquartata was half the rate SE said, which is pretty similar. Maybe you conflated the two?
Anyway I'm making a new list of stuff to test, so I can add the Parry+ augment and mechanics to my list.
Personally, I've been using PDT on back and pumping up the meva even working under the assumption that the parry+5 = 5% parry rate. Though I do intend to make a more parry focused set/toggle later.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2019-06-07 18:00:21
Well, we did find out that Inquartata was half the rate SE said, which is pretty similar. Maybe you conflated the two?
Anyway I'm making a new list of stuff to test, so I can add the Parry+ augment and mechanics to my list.
Personally, I've been using PDT on back and pumping up the meva even working under the assumption that the parry+5 = 5% parry rate. Though I do intend to make a more parry focused set/toggle later.
That's entirely possible.
And yeah more testing against ITG's is always a good idea, shouldn't be too hard either with those 0 slashing DMG ones out there.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2019-06-07 19:16:01
Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »Anyone add Khonsu (ambu strap) to their sets? Thinking just for turtle set because of the -enmity
Nope. I'm still using something like this for my turtle set which caps pdt, and mdt with shell5
ItemSet 355625
What are augs on the cape for this? PDT -10%. should put you at 76% if I remember correctly
You should definitely be using Parry+5 on your cape tho, and cap DT elsewhere.
That would be +2.5% on ITG mobs. Yes SE was that petty. Anyhow TP moves and status ailments are what really do damage, regular hits aren't dangerous to anyone with a pseudo healer. So sticking PDT -10 on the back and using slots for MEVD / Resist is usually a better idea.
Parrying can block additional effects- so while yes, it's not a bad idea to have a PDT back, a parrying back is also nice to have around if you have room/ambuscade points for it.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2019-06-08 15:08:22
Testing shouldn't be difficult. A number of items related to or released after Seekers follow the /10 rule.
I made a post last year in the DRK sticky (or was it the High End/Theory-crafting thread?) about Damage Taken+ pieces and the numbers indicated they were actually OVER the stated value.
Dynamis - Valkurm Sabotenders is also an option. They do 1,2 and 4k needles as well.
Epeolatry is indeed exactly 25%. Fought Sabotender Royale with only high HP gear and no PDT/DT- equipment on; took 2,000, and 4,000 needles (x2) and came out to exactly -25% each time.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-06-08 18:57:43
I've necrobumped the Parry Testing thread with a test for the parry+ augment.
Long story short, it's basically Inquatarta. And does give 5% parry rate.
By Wolfe19821 2019-06-15 09:28:21
Hey, I"ve always been BLU SAM BST NIN PLD. I've been though a few accounts over the years, but I have been around since the NA launch so I have a lot of experience in solo'ing things that ppl say aren't soloable, or tanking endgame with ppl saying you are doing it wrong even though you are making it look half easy.
A friend that has been around since launch as well talked me into trying out RUN when I came back this time and started this account.
I think I have fallen for this job faster than I have any job before. I still need a lot of JP and gear but I can already tell that if done right RUN can be near impossible to kill.
But since I haven't played PLD since 75 cap days, and haven't tanked on NIN since Aby, I'm way out of practice tanking and my timing is way off, but those are things I will work on.
My main question is am I at least going in the right direction so far with my gear.
ItemSet 367186
Since my original question was just concerning the "Tank" set I had only shown that one, since there were a few posts about other sets I needed I decided to list my other sets now as well. Once again any suggestions or advice is highly appreciated.
ItemSet 367185 ItemSet 367187 ItemSet 367184
I do have Fast Cast and Cure Effect Recieved sets as well, but they are still in major progress so not listed. I am currently working on Phalanx sets for both before fights start and for during fights.
My DPS set does use Ioskeha Belt instead of Windbuffet for two reasons, so ACC doesn't take as much of a drop using Dedition Earring, and also because with the gear I have currently I don't see much of a difference between them anyway.
Rawhide Trousers do have Refresh +1, Samnuha Tights have perfect augments STR+10 DEX+10 DA+3% TA+3%.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-06-15 12:58:03
right direction? probably.. but tanking is a whole lot more than one set and you have a long way to go
the thread already has all of this information, just take a little while to read into it
By Wolfe19821 2019-06-15 13:21:18
yeah I know tanking is a lot more than one set, I was just wanting to get an opinion on that set first before talking my others
By oyama 2019-06-15 18:55:46
Yea, you're nearly capping PDT and have a decent amount of DT in there with some Meva. I'd probably start adding HP in the ear slots (Odnowa/+1 are good and come with MDT) , replace Ayanmo ring with a moonbeam/light ring or defending ring, and try to get AF+3 body in there while still capping PDT. Replacing turms hat with relic+3 down the road helps, and of course Loricate +1 or JSE neck when you get it.
By Wolfe19821 2019-06-16 01:05:44
Thank you, that's the advice that I was looking for. Something to aim for with solid paths for it.
By Fayona 2019-06-16 09:50:39
Additionally you should definitely work on an enmity set. Until you’re able to start doing some damage it will be really difficult for you to hold hate from any real DD. Outside from an enmity set the most important set would be a phalanx set. If you got the red Mog rolls from Adventurer appreciation I believe you can trade those for the items that will allow you to get 2-3 pieces of Teon gear. You can put up to +3 phalanx on each piece. This is especially important for starting off on Rune. Especially before you get master and higher levels of enhancing magic skills.
In my opinion there’s no set you’ll get more mileage out of than your phalanx set. At high levels it allows you to take zero damage and DD for hate. When/if you get lion / epeo and can rock some hybrid sets this will be especially important. For instance, I was able to do more damage on Ambu this month than my DD’s while I was getting my alt some points while tanking with a bis phalanx set and lionhart.
This might sounds more advanced than your at currently but Rune just gets infinitely more fun when you’re not having to constantly recast all your spells because they’ve worn off. As far as hybrid sets go I really like the some of the relic +3 pieces and turms hands will be your full time hands basically until you get turms+1.
I’m not certain how nq turms head and feet hold up when your still full turtle I’m sure more experienced tunes could speak to that though.
And last but not least a fast cast set is of utmost importance. You really don’t want to get hit while you’re casting especially before you get a decent amount of JP under your belt. Carmine’s +1 or Nq will go a long way towards helping you in that regards. Also I would make a fast cast Ambu cape as well. And you can use ancient beast coins to get the earring and do WoE for enchanters +1.
There’s also a number of fast cast necks that will help like the one from Meebles or ramuh HTB. As for your DD set I’m not really sure it’s worth it until you get Lion or Epeo. I had a bis DD set from other jobs and the difference between Lion and everything else is a massive chasm for damage. With lion I’m able to hit 40k plus resolutions with Montante +1 that was more like 10k. That said when I’m tanking I’m almost always given the same buffs as all my DD’s so it makes it easier for me to maintain hate by dealing damage. Rune is super flexible so you can mix and match a lot of pieces to fit your play style.
Also I think it should be stressed that few jobs benefit more from a good gearswap than Rune. Hope this helps!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1184
By Odin.Senaki 2019-06-16 23:31:32
Are Adhemar Wrists +1 or Meghanada gloves +2 better for Run Dimidiation WS set?
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-06-16 23:43:20
Kind of a no-brainer meg has WSD
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1184
By Odin.Senaki 2019-06-17 00:33:49
Kind of a no-brainer meg has WSD
So Adhemar Wrists +1 are only used in TP set?
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-06-17 00:37:03
Situational use in reso set I think. Probably any multihit ws. decimation and whatnot
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-06-17 03:52:46
Are Adhemar Wrists +1 or Meghanada gloves +2 better for Run Dimidiation WS set? I usually refer to this guide as it's very close to the SAM guide in term of "why you'd use this or that" nuance and notes.
Spoiler: Meghanada +2, Adhemar for TPing (different paths depending on situation).
By Nariont 2019-06-17 04:04:22
B path hands works fine for reso too like eiryl said, though if you can luck out with a high str/acc+atk/TA pair of herc gloves then great.