Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Posts: 9208
By SimonSes 2019-04-20 15:43:27
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
I agree, addons that are cheating are nice to have, the only one i use myself is Anchor, cos im lazy and hate pressing "W" after knockback.

I don't use React cos I like to take pride in my reflexes which not everyone has, so I use them over a bot.

Cheating in ffxi should be known and accepted by now lol, it's just dumb when people say cheating is required to beat something, aka this month's ambuscade.

You fo realize that its not simple W after knockback, but very often you actually need to reposition the mob and if its a supertanking then its even worse.
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
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By Asura.Shiraj 2019-04-20 15:51:36
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Yeah for sure, but it's mostly Omen the knock back happens, others aren't as bad. Normally in omen I used to run forward and when the boss moved it just came back into Geo bubble. For mobs like Kyou everyone stacks in a corner and knockback doesn't affect us as bad.

This may sound, but I can't remember what mobs do knockback while supertanking tbh. Aside from Erinys which is usually avoided.

I know what you mean, but I mainly used Anchor as a QoL thing(aka i am lazy at times and don't pay attention), I did always position the mobs properly when I never used it so knockback wasn't as bad as it should have been.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2019-04-20 16:38:43
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Anchor isn't a "QoL" thing. It's clearly an unintentional advantage. Maybe some tanks can build a set with enough -knockback to replicate the impact of the effects, but most people cannot. Gearswap isn't regarded as a full cheat because everything it does can be replicated in game without it. But you aren't avoiding entire knockbacks without Anchor in most situations.

It's also not simply being knocked back, there is repositioning the mob, as well as potentially ranging your healer, which is a major concern negated by using that cheat.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Yuffy
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By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-04-20 16:55:04
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Shiraj said: »
I agree, addons that are cheating are nice to have, the only one i use myself is Anchor, cos im lazy and hate pressing "W" after knockback.

I don't use React cos I like to take pride in my reflexes which not everyone has, so I use them over a bot.

Cheating in ffxi should be known and accepted by now lol, it's just dumb when people say cheating is required to beat something, aka this month's ambuscade.

You fo realize that its not simple W after knockback, but very often you actually need to reposition the mob and if its a supertanking then its even worse.
You anticipate the actual knockback animation, right? Because if you do so, you negate the knockback, which is why Anchor would only be useful for those long *** knockbacks onlyEverything else can be negated through legit means.

I remember being refused an invite to clear T4 in Reisenjima because I didn't use Anchor. Some people on this game are ill.
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-04-20 17:14:17
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I mean, gearswap is exactly the same, no? It's a QoL thing. You swap gear faster than equipsets. Also if you read what I did say... when i didn't use Anchor I would try to position the mob where knockback wouldn't really affect much.

If you can pretty much negate the knockback to a minimum annoyance than what does it matter if you use it or not?

Also everything in game cannot replicate gearswap... Some people have some insane gearswaps which are pretty cool which auto change stuff(while you are doing other stuff), auto bot your entire character. You can literally automate an entire PLD with gearswap and WHM.

I did play without gearswap or any addons, literally Vanilla for all content. I only changed to windower around November last year.

After I had beaten all content... I know how the ***works, I've dealt with it. It's nowhere near as bad as you are claiming.

Dealing with knockback is common sense... if a mob does it position it to where knockback doesn't affect you. If you can't even do that i dunno what to tell you
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-04-20 17:15:49
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Anchor isn't a "QoL" thing. It's clearly an unintentional advantage. Maybe some tanks can build a set with enough -knockback to replicate the impact of the effects, but most people cannot. Gearswap isn't regarded as a full cheat because everything it does can be replicated in game without it. But you aren't avoiding entire knockbacks without Anchor in most situations.

It's also not simply being knocked back, there is repositioning the mob, as well as potentially ranging your healer, which is a major concern negated by using that cheat.
The issue with knockback- gear is that it only works sometimes depending on the attack and the targets hit. With AoEs that hit multiple targets, it seems to use a knockback value set for the whole party. Meaning that the Tank's knockback- doesn't even get evaluated sometimes. This of course includes luopans... Also, when this weirdness happens, targets that evade the attack entirely can still be knocked back.

I recall this being a huge pain in the *** on Ark Angel EV whenever a luopan was getting hit by shield strike as well.

There was some discussion of this weirdness on the official forums some years ago, where SE said they weren't going to fix it. "Working as intended."
Went and dug up the post.
Certain “knockback” attacks used by monsters generally will take into account the amount of “Knockback” resistance the character has, and the amount of distance traveled will change based on that. Additionally, if you are able to dodge the attack, you will not be knocked back.

However, if a target is hit by certain area of effect attacks that were implemented before December 2014 with party members or pets present, party members and pets will be affected, which results in the distance traveled being based on the party as a whole.

The monster attacks that are being reported are of the latter, so these reports are working as intended.
If the statement here about this only affecting attacks from before dec 2014 is accurate then this shouldn't apply to Omen specifically.(something to test at some point. I mostly gave up on using knockback- gear after discovering this 'glitch' so I haven't tried it on newer content.) But that still means there are a lot of cases where knockback gear can't be relied upon if more than one target is being hit. And well. Luopans.

I'm not saying this justifies the use of anchor, just that gearing for knockback isn't always a reliable solution even for tanks. So, /puts back to wall.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-04-20 18:47:32
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Again, why are people so dead set on saying things aren't cheating or downplaying them? Anchor, react, naked while charmed are all blatantly bypassing the mechanics you're intended to have to deal with. Whether that's morally wrong or not is entirely up to the playerbase's perception, but it's pretty obviously cheating.

Something being put into .lua instead of .exe doesn't suddenly make it not cheating.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-04-20 18:51:55
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Its obviously cheating. Theres almost nothing we do that isn't. but... if it's a clearly broken mechanic it wouldn't be cheating if the game weren't broken, so is it really still cheating
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-04-20 18:52:44
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Its obviously cheating. Theres almost nothing we do that isn't. but... if it's a clearly broken mechanic it wouldn't be cheating if the game weren't broken, so is it really still cheating

Which is this in referral to?

Barspells are easily done by anyone with reflexes.

Charm is intended to provide a threat. You have ways to strip shadows, crowd control spells, etc.

Knockback is part of the fight, repositioning is intended to be part of the challenge.

What exactly is broken?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-04-20 18:55:20
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If you wear -knockback and still get knocked back because other people don't wear knockback. (this is a known thing by square) Overriding the knockback to be "fixed"

And barspells are not easy done by anyone with reflexes. a few already stated it was impossible for them due to wifi/chatlog/ping
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-04-20 18:56:36
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They lied about their latency to pad their point. It's real easy to prove otherwise.

And, as SE said, it is working as intended. Does the gear say 'prevents all knock-back effects' or 'distance knocked back-'?

If you could lower the damage of Unfaltering Bravado with cheats, would that be ok because your 'damage taken-%' gear doesn't work..?

Nobody said you can't cheat. But this whole attitude of pretending every commonly used cheat doesn't provide an advantage is completely ridiculous and out of touch.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-04-20 18:58:45
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
If you could lower the damage of Unfaltering Bravado with cheats, would that be ok because your 'damage taken-%' gear doesn't work..?

Absolutely. If you could patch lua into the game that let migawari work that would be fine too.

Damage is damage. There shouldn't be things that get to break the rules. Defending ring doesn't say "all damage... except these damages defined here in this small print on page 2"
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-04-20 19:08:06
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
And, as SE said, it is working as intended. Does the gear say 'prevents all knock-back effects' or 'distance knocked back-'?
The issue we're referring to here is one in which the reduces knockback gear has no effect at all. The reduction works normally, until two or more targets are hit by certain aoe attacks. Then the reduction stops working reliably. And for reference sufficiently small knockback effects can be completely nullified by gear. An effect of flooring in the calculations I assume.

SE can say working as intended all they like, but that's still messed up.

And no, I'm not trying to claim that anchor isn't cheating or is justified just cause the game's mechanics are screwy. Just in case any of that was directed towards me.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-21 02:48:17
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Alright, I have now updated the RUN Dps Spreadsheet with most of the QoL upgrades the PLD sheet has.

- DREAM R15 WS+ bonuses now apply (Btw do we know if these apply to the whole WS or just first hit like WSD? Please let me know!)

- WSD now just applies to the first hit of the WS

- Modern food, fighting targets, gear lists, etc

- Works on Google Sheets! Even the drop downs should work now I think

Please let me know if you encounter any further bugs!

Posts: 9208
By SimonSes 2019-04-21 04:03:19
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DREAM wsd buff applies to all hits and its unique from both hidden effect (relic and mythic) and augment, so its not 60% total at r15 on relic for example, but 68% and not 45% on r15 mythic, but 49.5%
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-04-21 11:30:45
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SimonSes said: »
DREAM wsd buff applies to all hits and its unique from both hidden effect (relic and mythic) and augment, so its not 60% total at r15 on relic for example, but 68% and not 45% on r15 mythic, but 49.5%
Well, except that Ergon's never got the 30% mythic wsd bonus in the first place. So an R15 Epeolatry is just +15% from the augment on dimidiation.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-04-21 11:36:56
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I almost posted the same thing, but he was responding to his question as to how they are applied, not stating their relevancy to RUN.
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-04-21 14:40:56
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Any chance of adding +8(9 for madrigal) songs and honor march to that sheet?
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-21 16:26:45
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SimonSes said: »
DREAM wsd buff applies to all hits and its unique from both hidden effect (relic and mythic) and augment, so its not 60% total at r15 on relic for example, but 68% and not 45% on r15 mythic, but 49.5%

This is really good to know, I have to go fix this on the paladin sheet.

Not a big deal for RUN because it doesn't get those bonuses, but good to know.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-21 16:27:38
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Autocast said: »
Any chance of adding +8(9 for madrigal) songs and honor march to that sheet?

Yep can do! That should be pretty easy!

Ill see if I can get Honor March added at some point too!
Server: Cerberus
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user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-04-27 19:24:07
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Would Nanadaka be a good option for stuff like Ambuscade VD until I get Lionheart/Epeolatry, or is there better? All I have is Aettir right now and neither better GSs will be available until much later.

I'd like to be able to use RUN and output proper damage, I have the rest of the gear, only the weapon option is giving me troubles, as I guess the gap between Aettir and Lionheart/Epeolatry must be quite big.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 15
By Asura.Skyefox 2019-04-27 19:33:19
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Whats the best thing to use embolden on?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-04-27 19:44:56
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In a zerg and you're tanking I would recommend Embolden Crusade.
In a zerg and you're a heavy DD, Embolden Temper.
In a long fight such as Erinys as tank, Embolden protect beforehand.
In a short, yet hectic fight, or the fight is hectic at the start, example, Black and White MT use Embolden Phalanx.

Embolden on a barspell could come in handy for mobs like Albumen, don't forget that. But not really needed, I should say.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-29 18:37:16
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Once again updated the RUN Spreadsheet.

* Fixed the "WSD applying three times" bug that is present on many sheets
* Added Geomancy to the Setup page (Just Haste/Att+/Acc+/Def-/Eva- for now)
* Added support for bard songs to go up to +9, and Honor march
* Fixed bug where acc was capped at 95%
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-04-29 18:49:24
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For a two handed weapons and for off hand weps acc is still capped at 95%. So, where exactly were you fixing this?
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-29 19:00:31
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
For a two handed weapons and for off hand weps acc is still capped at 95%. So, where exactly were you fixing this?

Oops! My bad! I didn't realize only 1 handers got the 99% cap. Easy enough to fix!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-04-29 19:02:55
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soralin said: »
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
For a two handed weapons and for off hand weps acc is still capped at 95%. So, where exactly were you fixing this?

Oops! My bad! I didn't realize only 1 handers got the 99% cap. Easy enough to fix!
Yeah, I envied the change. All my DD are two-handers. lol

Honestly I wish they'd just remove the acc caps all together and let us hit 100% hit rate. Being able to instantly tell from a single miss that you aren't capped on acc would be great.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-29 19:39:28
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soralin said: »
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
For a two handed weapons and for off hand weps acc is still capped at 95%. So, where exactly were you fixing this?

Oops! My bad! I didn't realize only 1 handers got the 99% cap. Easy enough to fix!
1h is capped at 99% only for MH, while OH is still 95%.
H2H has both hands capped at 99%
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-05-01 23:04:44
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What Dark Matter augments does Run chase after on its gear?

Im presuming first and foremost, Phalanx+6 on Herc gear aside from head, right?
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