(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-07-18 17:20:49
Are you people *** serious? This is a goddamn guide thread. Block eachother and let's get back to slitting our wrists while playing Papa Roach. Mods, delete this post and all the *** ones over the last page and topic ban ALL of us. Clearly we can't *** keep it together.
Edit: Evidently I can't report myself.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-07-18 17:25:04
At this point, this thread truly needs to be a DRK's Last Resort for information. The guide is just Falling Apart. So many posters are just Getting Away With Murder, these days.
I'm sorry to everybody trying to actually learn the job, here. You tried so hard and got so far. But In The End, it didn't even matter.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
By Phoenix.Urteil 2016-07-18 17:27:08
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-07-18 17:30:37
That was a heated argument? I've seen far worse on these forums alone. Anyways, back to DRK. Anyone have any interesting sets? Would prefer Lib sets but every little helps. I posted mine several pages ago but they may need an update.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Siren.Bloodlusty 2016-07-18 17:56:35
That was a heated argument? I've seen far worse on these forums alone. Anyways, back to DRK. Anyone have any interesting sets? Would prefer Lib sets but every little helps. I posted mine several pages ago but they may need an update.
Kylos, i was trying to find your post about tenzen but ***escalated quickly and seem to have lost it..
I made a new video for Tenzen low man, set up is BLU,GEO and DD that can deal damage. Nice and simple stuff, iv'e even put some text into it due to requests. Get yourself a partner and go make some easy GIL - Check my channel in a couple of hours and it should be uploaded
I too am a father and work a lot of hours a week. My playtime is only 2-3 hours a day and more at the weekend. You can do it, I belive in you
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31
By Lakshmi.Niico 2016-07-18 19:15:44
Anyone have some updated sets for Cross Reaper? Perhaps some "mid-top tier" vs "BiS"
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-07-18 20:12:38
Seconding the Cross Reaper request.
Also, someone in the previous 2/3 pages was talking about doing 9k reliably with Catastrophe (I don't know on what content) while using "basic" gear.
I have Apoc II only myself but I'm nowhere near dealing 9k on a regular basis even on the easiest content.
Here is the set I patched up for now:
ItemSet 344811
Do you guys have some "basic" sets for Cross Reaper/Insurgency/Catastrophe/Resolution, nowadays? By basic I mean anything that is up to T1 Escha (all 3 areas) and NQ abjurations. Sets would be aimed at soloing in general and SR/Ambuscade VD mainly. I don't have access to any other content for now. Because the OP seems to be really outdated and I'd rather put efforts in upgrades from those sets if they do exist.
I have obtained Odyssean feet/hands and Argosy celata today, so these may be taken into consideration if relevant within the limited pool of gear.
By Gruknor 2016-07-18 21:28:07
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »Seconding the Cross Reaper request.
Also, someone in the previous 2/3 pages was talking about doing 9k reliably with Catastrophe (I don't know on what content) while using "basic" gear.
I have Apoc II only myself but I'm nowhere near dealing 9k on a regular basis even on the easiest content.
Here is the set I patched up for now:
ItemSet 344811
Do you guys have some "basic" sets for Cross Reaper/Insurgency/Catastrophe/Resolution, nowadays? By basic I mean anything that is up to T1 Escha (all 3 areas) and NQ abjurations. Sets would be aimed at soloing in general and SR/Ambuscade VD mainly. I don't have access to any other content for now. Because the OP seems to be really outdated and I'd rather put efforts in upgrades from those sets if they do exist.
I have obtained Odyssean feet/hands and Argosy celata today, so these may be taken into consideration if relevant within the limited pool of gear.
There is a post below this one that says updated headsets and gearswaps. That should help you out.
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-18 21:29:31
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »Seconding the Cross Reaper request.
Also, someone in the previous 2/3 pages was talking about doing 9k reliably with Catastrophe (I don't know on what content) while using "basic" gear.
I have Apoc II only myself but I'm nowhere near dealing 9k on a regular basis even on the easiest content.
Here is the set I patched up for now:
ItemSet 344811
Do you guys have some "basic" sets for Cross Reaper/Insurgency/Catastrophe/Resolution, nowadays? By basic I mean anything that is up to T1 Escha (all 3 areas) and NQ abjurations. Sets would be aimed at soloing in general and SR/Ambuscade VD mainly. I don't have access to any other content for now. Because the OP seems to be really outdated and I'd rather put efforts in upgrades from those sets if they do exist.
I have obtained Odyssean feet/hands and Argosy celata today, so these may be taken into consideration if relevant within the limited pool of gear.
There is a post below this one that says updated gearsets and gearswaps. That should help you out.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-07-18 22:02:06
"This one"?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2016-07-18 22:11:11
ItemSet 344813
Something like this work? Anywhere you see Valorous/Odyssean you can swap in NQ argosy depending on what your random augs are. I put Argosy body because you and "T1 all zones AND NQ abj". If body is out of reach you can do Acro's with +25 ACC and some like WSD +3 and STR +10.
Edit: Should be shooting for any mix of STR/STP/DEX/WSD/ACC/ATT/DA on Odyssean and Valorous.
Edit2: Should state that you want to focus on STR/WSD/ACC/ATT for Cross Reaper. Your cata build will look similar besides earring selection.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-07-18 22:19:51
All right, thanks.
I have Valorous head, I just dropped Valorous hose (I may attempt Odyssean cuisses in a few, not sure), I should be attempting Valorous Greaves in a few minutes.
Argosy seems out of reach as the NM is T3 (I have 0 knowledge of the power gap between the weaker T1s and Duke Vepar specifically), all I have is a friend (BLU or GEO), trusts and myself as PLD, SAM or DRK (or RUN, soon). So I'm pretty limited.
I got Ankou back a few hours ago. So I'd just need to farm that ring and the belt. That's neat.
My Acro Surcoat is augmented for WS right now, I was hoping there was a step between Argosy/Valorous and Acro, oh well. Thanks a bunch.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2016-07-18 22:26:17
Founder's is another option for body. But if you have Acro with high acc values and WSD on it already I would stick with that.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-07-18 22:35:29
Well, what you say is interesting because I just got access to SR and was planning on farming it, but I have no indication about its difficulty.
Is it something I can tackle alone/with a friend and trusts or is it something I have to have a group for, period?
Because since I came back last month I've seen maybe 3 SR shouts, so I don't think it's a viable option if I have to have a full party.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-07-18 22:40:01
Oh and, about Ankou, I guess the augments are STR+10 acc+30/atk+20 STP+10, or am I wrong?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2016-07-18 22:53:27
could go a couple different routes on that cape.
for TP phase:
For WS phase:
Would prob do a tp phase one first depending on ACC needs. If you have a Niht's with good augments you can use that until you are able to do another Ankou's for ws.
SR is easy enough depending on your setup. Could try it with couple friends + trusts. I am sure that if you were at 3/6 memebers in a shout you will get some bites fairly quick as well.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-18 22:53:50
Anyone have some updated sets for Cross Reaper? Perhaps some "mid-top tier" vs "BiS"
Lots of Valorous / Odyssean augmented. CR is an interesting WS to gear for, it's 60% STR mod lets you stack STR but it's also got a 60% MND mod. So while you won't focus on MND, if you can get 25~30 MND in exchange for 5~15 STR, it's usually worth it.
Really though, the answer to most anything now is "Augmented Valorous / Odyssean". SE really kinda boxed all the melee's in here.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-07-18 23:06:48
could go a couple different routes on that cape.
for TP phase:
For WS phase:
Would prob do a tp phase one first depending on ACC needs. If you have a Niht's with good augments you can use that until you are able to do another Ankou's for ws.
SR is easy enough depending on your setup. Could try it with couple friends + trusts. I am sure that if you were at 3/6 memebers in a shout you will get some bites fairly quick as well. My DRK is still around 1050 acc, so I will go for DEX/STP first I guess. My Niht has attack+15, dark magic skill +7, Drain/Aspir potency +17. Should be good enough for now.
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-19 01:21:49
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »Oh and, about Ankou, I guess the augments are STR+10 acc+30/atk+20 STP+10, or am I wrong?
if this is your tp cape 20 dex will beat 10 acc.
you can further augment to 25 dex this month and up to 30 next month
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 75
By Asura.Raelia 2016-07-19 03:35:07
Four page callback:
I see the near the same DPS on my 3hit + ws apoc set as I get with my 4hit + ws Rag Ilu, no homo, but please don't ever *** this convention up ever again. We agreed on this ***years ago because of shitheads like Arucarud dodging whole arguments and moving goalposts with "oohhhh, see, I call WS+3 a 3-hit" shenanigans when arguing SAM vs. DRK.
All hitbuilds are from zero because that's how a fight theoretically starts. The WS is counted as one of those hits because, generally, it's around the same return as one hit.
WS+2 is a 3-hit, WS+3 is a 4-hit, WS+4 is a 5-hit, etc.
That way you can always get someone's target TP value of one hit as a fraction of 100(0) TP. If I say I have a 6-hit, you can assume I'm aiming for something like 1000/6 TP per hit, or a smidge more for a splitbuild. No stupid "How are you getting 130 Store TP then?" arguments necessary.
About the only other thing you can do to really grind my gears is call your character a 'toon'.
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-19 03:54:44
Four page callback:
I see the near the same DPS on my 3hit + ws apoc set as I get with my 4hit + ws Rag Ilu, no homo, but please don't ever *** this convention up ever again. We agreed on this ***years ago because of shitheads like Arucarud dodging whole arguments and moving goalposts with "oohhhh, see, I call WS+3 a 3-hit" shenanigans when arguing SAM vs. DRK.
All hitbuilds are from zero because that's how a fight theoretically starts. The WS is counted as one of those hits because, generally, it's around the same return as one hit.
WS+2 is a 3-hit, WS+3 is a 4-hit, WS+4 is a 5-hit, etc.
About the only other thing you can do to really grind my gears is call your character a 'toon'.
Already discussed why I do it that way, I won't change because a few people get upset, and very rarely does anyone start at 0 tp, they start at 60% or more.
I get too many people asking about ws sets then they ask to clarify what I mean by just straight saying 4hit. I originally said 4hit or 5hit etc, but changed do to the ease of understanding, I also declare flat out that a hit inside the build is declared as a ws set. I realize this will be the worst thing people will deal with in life and will change the very way they do things every day.
The great part about building your sets off a starting tp of 60% and factor in ws tp return, is you can add in more double attack instead of a tp over flow.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 75
By Asura.Raelia 2016-07-19 04:05:51
That's got nothing to do with it. It's like you're actually trying to miscommunicate.
If you start a fight with meditate, you don't call your first cycle a 2-hit because of two 20TP swings. That's just asinine.
It's just for the math and clarity. If you can't agree to clarity, you're just wanting to argue more.
This is literally a thing we sorted out in like ~2004.
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-19 04:10:06
Anyone have some updated sets for Cross Reaper? Perhaps some "mid-top tier" vs "BiS"
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »Seconding the Cross Reaper request.
Also, someone in the previous 2/3 pages was talking about doing 9k reliably with Catastrophe (I don't know on what content) while using "basic" gear.
I have Apoc II only myself but I'm nowhere near dealing 9k on a regular basis even on the easiest content.
Here is the set I patched up for now:
ItemSet 344811
Do you guys have some "basic" sets for Cross Reaper/Insurgency/Catastrophe/Resolution, nowadays? By basic I mean anything that is up to T1 Escha (all 3 areas) and NQ abjurations. Sets would be aimed at soloing in general and SR/Ambuscade VD mainly. I don't have access to any other content for now. Because the OP seems to be really outdated and I'd rather put efforts in upgrades from those sets if they do exist.
I have obtained Odyssean feet/hands and Argosy celata today, so these may be taken into consideration if relevant within the limited pool of gear.
As long as random augment gear is in the top options I will never declare something as BiS. That includes tp, ws, nuke, fast cast, etc... Some pieces will simply win when augmented correctly, it just depends on luck and how much gil you toss into something.
As for Cross Reaper I stack str, I actually use the same set from Reso as my Cross Reaper and have broken 30k Cross Reaper several times. It isn't easy and it involves holding more tp than it takes to hold on Reso to break 30k but it can be done.
(All my test have been with trust and a friend on geo, sub 900 skill, dunna only on Apex Crabs, it is very possible to hit much more dmg.)
4/5 Path A on Argosy, Hands are Path D
Ankou Mantle is currently +25 str, +20 acc/attk, +10 Double Attack (working on +30 str next month)
ItemSet 344816
All these items are very easy to get if you have one of the current core jobs. If you don't have the gil for +1 grip/rings just get NQ. Took me months to finally get my second HQ ring, and I actually bought grip on accident. Tried selling it but nobody bought so I just kept it. (Also bought Sweordfaetels for 4 mil on accident, guy would randomly go afk mid dyna runs when I tried to ask him for at least half the gil back, such is life)
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-19 04:11:34
That's got nothing to do with it. It's like you're actually trying to miscommunicate.
If you start a fight with meditate, you don't call your first cycle a 2-hit because of two 20TP swings. That's just asinine.
It's just for the math and clarity. If you can't agree to clarity, you're just wanting to argue more.
This is literally a thing we sorted out in like ~2004.
I repeat, I am not changing it. It is obviously not miscommunication since everyone seems to understand it. You are the only person trying to argue about it. Saevel asked, he accepted my answer, or not don't know, but he moved on and dropped it. Nobody else has had an issue. It is clear to understand the way I do it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-19 04:48:47
Already discussed why I do it that way, I won't change because a few people get upset, and very rarely does anyone start at 0 tp, they start at 60% or more.
You can call it whatever you want, it only reflects poorly on yourself.
Raelia is right, this standard was made a long *** time ago as a way for everyone to understand gear sets and pass them around. There are countless situations that will alter the exact amount of starting TP, medititate, temp items, being in a previous fight, regain gear, tactician roll during down time, being hit by an AoE, SCH's buff, ect. It would be extremely impractical to try to name our sets based on those situations, so instead we use our base x-hit as the name and the individual adjusts based on the situation itself. Accuracy works the exact same way, we don't state our post-buff accuracy in a set but our pre-buff outside-mog-house accuracy. People will then use food and buffs to adjust that up or even switch up the gear set to one higher based on content.
Community standards are important, ignoring them in favor of your own special snow-flakiness just makes you look bad. This isn't a personal attack, just me letting you know that the community created a standard for a reason.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-07-19 04:49:50
9 and a half hours. I guess that's decent.
By Gruknor 2016-07-19 05:24:45
I think we need to bring up the question about h2h, great axe, and scythe rebalancing to the dev reddit ama on the 25th of July.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 136
By Odin.Brocovich 2016-07-19 05:28:31
I think we need to bring up the question about h2h, great axe, and scythe rebalancing to the dev reddit ama on the 25th of July. Please do not forget Polearms!
By Gruknor 2016-07-19 05:35:30
Please do not forget Polearms!
I left them out. Polearms buff is this month's ambuscade actually requiring you to be there.