The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Bismarck.Lothoro 2019-06-12 21:24:25
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »Bismarck.Laurelli said: »Well, before joining an EGLS, I was on BLU 80% of the time, 20% I was on PLD. Because BLU is great for lowman content.
After joining an EGLS, I'm on BLU about 1% of the time. And all the other BLU's in my shell are also almost never on BLU. Because BLU loses out in super-buff situations.
*The only exception was that all took turns bringing it to dyna just to max out our necks.
I haven't joined an Ambuscade shout with BLU's in the party either in at least 2 years.
The only BLU's I ever see anymore are afk ones. So say what you want about BLU's being in a good position, but they aren't. They're back to where they were in early SOA days where, if someone let you come BLU, it's because they were doing you a favor. Your groups simply don't want BLU, it doesn't remove anything from the job itself.
You groups are the problem, not BLU. Play with smart people, it helps.
Senkyuutai, it's truly incredible how you manage to take people's quotes and completely misinterpret them without even knowing any context. And then even mention "smart people." Oh, the irony.
Yes, on Dynamis D Wave 3, in super buff situations with 12+ people, BLU does lose out when its competing with well geared DRK/WARs for that DD slot. When you have rolls, songs, and bubbles for a DD DD GEO COR BRD WHM pt, and you have a RDM in the alliance, BLU isn't exactly adding much utility. You can diffusion mighty guard, but you're already capped haste, so you still benefit from the regen but not quite as useful. You can tenebral crush for defense down, but the other DD (WAR/DRK) can already full break. Not to mention, Expiacion doesn't exactly share great SC properties with other DDs, while Torc/Upheaval works quite well with a DRK and WAR as the two main DDs.
For Dynamis Wave 3, yes, I'm going to take a well geared DRK over BLU. Better survivability and dps when super buffed. And that's not to say BLU isn't good, it's just not as good as DRK in that scenario. So stop spewing ridiculous things like "your LS doesn't value BLU" when it's simply taking the most effective DD jobs to clear content in the fastest way possible. When my LS does wave 1/2 farming, BLU works quite well, especially low man for the white wind and mighty guard utility.
If you want to argue that BLU is a better fit for that DD slot than DRK for a 12+ member alliance in dynamis Wave 3, be my guest. But gtfo with this "your ls is the problem" crap.
By oyama 2019-06-12 21:41:47
Quote: You can diffusion mighty guard, but you're already capped haste, so you still benefit from the regen but not quite as useful.
Nitpicking but the def+ and magic def+ are the more valuable aspects of mighty guard outside of the haste. The regen is a nice afterthought, and everything on it stacks with similar effects so I'd still say Mighty Guard is a good utility in a zerg even when already haste capped. Plus it can counter slow.
But otherwise I agree, for Dyna Wave 3 BLU is good, others are better. My BLU could probably do well on wave 3, including boss, esp after R15 Tizona, but I leveled WAR and got Chango so I could come DD to boss runs, because that job is better for that task IMO. Mighty Strikes, Warcry w/ Savagery, Blood Rage, Retaliation, Restraint, Fusion and Light Property on Upheaval...it's just better for that fight. WAR is fun as hell and I can DD on blu on literally everything else.
I just wanted a ring, either one lol.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2019-06-12 21:47:44
Quote: You can diffusion mighty guard, but you're already capped haste, so you still benefit from the regen but not quite as useful.
Nitpicking but the def+ and magic def+ are the more valuable aspects of mighty guard outside of the haste. The regen is a nice afterthought, and everything on it stacks with similar effects so I'd still say Mighty Guard is a good utility in a zerg even when already haste capped. Plus it can counter slow.
But otherwise I agree, for Dyna Wave 3 BLU is good, others are better. My BLU could probably do well on wave 3, including boss, esp after R15 Tizona, but I leveled WAR and got Chango so I could come DD to boss runs, because that job is better for that task IMO. Mighty Strikes, Warcry w/ Savagery, Blood Rage, Retaliation, Restraint, Fusion and Light Property on Upheaval...it's just better for that fight. WAR is fun as hell and I can DD on blu on literally everything else.
I just wanted a ring, either one lol.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Bismarck.Lothoro 2019-06-12 21:48:36
Quote: You can diffusion mighty guard, but you're already capped haste, so you still benefit from the regen but not quite as useful.
Nitpicking but the def+ and magic def+ are the more valuable aspects of mighty guard outside of the haste. The regen is a nice afterthought, and everything on it stacks with similar effects so I'd still say Mighty Guard is a good utility in a zerg even when already haste capped. Plus it can counter slow.
But otherwise I agree, for Dyna Wave 3 BLU is good, others are better. My BLU could probably do well on wave 3, including boss, esp after R15 Tizona, but I leveled WAR and got Chango so I could come DD to boss runs, because that job is better for that task IMO. Mighty Strikes, Warcry w/ Savagery, Blood Rage, Retaliation, Restraint, Fusion and Light Property on Upheaval...it's just better for that fight. WAR is fun as hell and I can DD on blu on literally everything else.
I just wanted a ring, either one lol.
Good points about the Mighty Guard that I forgot to include. And completely agree. It’s not that BLU is a bad choice for dynamis wave 3, it’s that other jobs are better choices.
By Afania 2019-06-12 22:09:13
But otherwise I agree, for Dyna Wave 3 BLU is good, others are better.
Wave 3 run isnt just boss and volte though. We still farm wave 1 and 2 in w3 runs. So blu can cleave on wave 1 and 2, change spell to DD on w3.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2019-06-12 23:10:03
But otherwise I agree, for Dyna Wave 3 BLU is good, others are better.
Wave 3 run isnt just boss and volte though. We still farm wave 1 and 2 in w3 runs. So blu can cleave on wave 1 and 2, change spell to DD on w3. So, in other words, BLU is good, others are better...
By SimonSes 2019-06-13 04:54:17
I really wanted to read whole 3 last pages I missed, but I dont have that much time lately and only picked most of it.
I think people know BLU is a hybrid job, but still its widely underrated what that really means. Examples:
1) People discuss RDM, SCH etc. not being able to AoE heal as good as WHM, yet almost none mentions BLU here. White Wind is like 1400 aoe cure that can be spammed by front line BLU with Tizona. BLU can easily main cure whole DD party in most events
2) BLU can AoE nuke for 20k+. Most people know that, but 95% of people think that you need to set nuke setup and cant melee then. This is simply not true. You can easily AoE nuke having full or almost full melee setup. Also aoe cleaving works not only for Reisen CP party, but also for something like Dynamis D. I think I haven't seen anything faster than BLU cleaving in Dynamis D wave 1 and 2. Also people only looks at melee upgrades we got in past few years, but completely ignore how much magic accuracy we got, that let us nuke/debuff harder stuff much more effectively
3) Speaking of magic accuracy. There are utility spells that are not really used, but are potentially very powerful for niche strategies. I haven't tested them on anything serious, so I have no idea how good they are. Light of Penance, Jettatura, Cold Wave, Voracious Trunk, Lowing, Osmosis, Absolute Terror, Foul Waters, Searing Tempest, Reaving Wind. Also Regurgigation could be fun as hateless nuke with pup tank. Subduction is also not only a very good low mp aoe nuke, but also probably the strongest gravity debuff in game
4) Pinga is not that bad. It has very high meva like most Su3 gear and meva sets are more important than most people think
TL;DR Instead of focusing on BLU dps, people should maybe try to explore the full potency of it's hybrid values.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2019-06-13 08:26:27
We know how BLU works, we just hate feeling left out. Lately, the only times BLU has been getting new gear is when SE releases new gear for every job. Being left off both the Odin rings is really what sparked this whole conversation.
By SimonSes 2019-06-13 08:46:08
So how many times you lately used spells I mentioned? Do you have perfect white wind and magic fruit sets? Macc sets for debuffs and stun?
What's more important than getting unique gear is getting gear that progress the job.
For example Orpheus's Sash is for all jobs, but it's probably the biggest upgrade for BLU (and su5 RDM). Same for Epaminonda's ring, since we have no access to some powerful WS rings.
Pinga set is not a DD set, but it has great (probably game changing for solo or lowman) defensive value. It's also great for cure sets. Not every upgrade needs to focus on DPS.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2019-06-13 09:06:44
So how many times you lately used spells I mentioned? Do you have perfect white wind and magic fruit sets? Macc sets for debuffs and stun?
What's more important than getting unique gear is getting gear that progress the job.
For example Orpheus's Sash is for all jobs, but it's probably the biggest upgrade for BLU (and su5 RDM). Same for Epaminonda's ring, since we have no access to some powerful WS rings.
Pinga set is not a DD set, but it has great (probably game changing for solo or lowman) defensive value. It's also great for cure sets. Not every upgrade needs to focus on DPS.
I don't have Epaminonda'sring. I have Karieyh Ring +1 instead. Aside from that, I have everything else you mentioned. That's exactly why I'm asking for new stuff. But whatever, people cannot express any opinions or desires here without keyboard warriors assuming that those opinions are based on some form of intellectual deficiency. I'm done arguing with people who call strangers "stupid" while safely hiding behind a computer screen. BLU's are not on the rings, what's done is done.
By Nariont 2019-06-13 09:09:40
Weve had "optimal" ww sets since escha, only changes was i think pinga legs. Our nuke sets havent changed outside of weapons sunce omen, tp sets havent changed outside of jse necks eveyone got, ws sets havent changed sans relic legs that other dds got.
Oh and pingas probably the 2nd weakest of the su3 sets, high meva is its biggest offer and all the su3 sets sides arke are mid-high meva
EDIT: forgot o.sash so yeah nukes changed a bit due to an all jobs sash
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-06-13 09:12:59
Do you really think the people complaining about a lack of new gear somehow missed out on all that gear you listed? I have all of it lol, that’s why I’m annoyed we’re still being excluded so frequently.
By oyama 2019-06-13 09:24:08
No one said every upgrade needed to focus on DPS. The issue most of us have is being on few (not no) new pieces of interesting gear from new content generally, for enjoyment of pursuing new things for the job and updating sets for the roles we commonly fill, which are strong utility DPS and cleaving. Omen was rough, so we're maybe a little sensitive about it. If we were on the mage ring too, or both rings but not the sword, this convo probably would not have happened. We'd get one melee piece and one mage piece, both of which make sense for the job and are not game-breaking, from an event that introduces 7 new items. That seems reasonable to me.
We know how blu works.
By Afania 2019-06-13 09:47:09
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »But otherwise I agree, for Dyna Wave 3 BLU is good, others are better.
Wave 3 run isnt just boss and volte though. We still farm wave 1 and 2 in w3 runs. So blu can cleave on wave 1 and 2, change spell to DD on w3. So, in other words, BLU is good, others are better...
That's the wrong way to interpret my words.
Blu can do all 3 waves effectively was my point. Other DD are worse choice on w1 and 2, and barely (if at all) better on w3.
We generally don't separate runs into wave 3 only. We farm before doing wave 3. Jobs that's barely the best in w3 isn't necessary the best choice.
By oyama 2019-06-13 09:53:46
And my point wasn't that a Wave 3 run has to be just boss and volte either, and no one said BLU wasn't effective or a good choice for dyna generally, for all waves, except like one guy.
By SimonSes 2019-06-13 13:32:09
And my point wasn't that a Wave 3 run has to be just boss and volte either, and no one said BLU wasn't effective or a good choice for dyna generally, for all waves, except like one guy.
You said "others are better". Afania is trying to say that it might not be true and BLU might be the best if you include all waves in your run.
By oyama 2019-06-13 16:51:15
Quote: Afania is trying to say that it might not be true and BLU might be the best if you include all waves in your run.
I know. We all know. What I said was
Quote: But otherwise I agree, for Dyna Wave 3 BLU is good, others are better.
I'm not arguing against Afania's point. I'm pointing out that Afania responded directly to what I said about wave 3 with a point about wave 1 and 2, which no one was arguing about. Some groups will skip wave 1 and 2 to do wave 3 and boss quicker, some will farm all of it. In the heavy buff zerg of boss with SPs being used, something like WAR brings more. And I believe Thibron runs into accuracy issues on wave 3 Fomors, so other than the boss you might have to go without it on wave 3 on BLU. Others don't need a non-ilvl weapon to hit max damage potential on the hardest content.
BLU is a great job to come on Dyna no matter what kind of run you are on, but specifically in the case of Wave 3, the heavy DDs bring more of what's needed for that leg. Doesn't mean you shouldn't bring a top-notch blu, but it's something to be aware of if you're putting together a group and allocating slots and roles.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-06-13 16:53:48
If you're posting on ah you're arguing with afania. Every thread. Every time. Even if you don't know it.
To stay on topic. Blu is stronger "than it is supposed to be" that's the key point. It's not supposed to be the best. it's not supposed to be 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th. it should be firmly behind dedicated dd who can only dd.
"Why?" Because that's balance. If the job that can do "more than dd" and still be "the best or near best" dd there is no reason to ever not be "that job".
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-06-13 17:42:21
"Why?" Because that's balance. If the job that can do "more than dd" and still be "the best or near best" dd there is no reason to ever not be "that job".
It's amazing how many people don't understand this.
Your shortsighted groups passing everything else up in favor of DPS does not mean that every job needs equal DPS.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-06-13 18:31:26
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »Bismarck.Laurelli said: »Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »Bismarck.Laurelli said: »Well, before joining an EGLS, I was on BLU 80% of the time, 20% I was on PLD. Because BLU is great for lowman content.
After joining an EGLS, I'm on BLU about 1% of the time. And all the other BLU's in my shell are also almost never on BLU. Because BLU loses out in super-buff situations.
*The only exception was that all took turns bringing it to dyna just to max out our necks.
I haven't joined an Ambuscade shout with BLU's in the party either in at least 2 years.
The only BLU's I ever see anymore are afk ones. So say what you want about BLU's being in a good position, but they aren't. They're back to where they were in early SOA days where, if someone let you come BLU, it's because they were doing you a favor. Your groups simply don't want BLU, it doesn't remove anything from the job itself.
You groups are the problem, not BLU. Play with smart people, it helps. Why do you need to be a turd and question the intelligence of people you don't even know? Because the part I bolded here can only be said by someone who is either very submissive in personality and cannot think for themselves or very stupid people (I now realize it's pretty much the same haha).
Choose your side. When we form parties, DD's are asked to come DD. DD players with BLU have been choosing to come another job, such as WAR, DRK or SAM. So don't give me that "choose your side" BS. Just because you can only think of 2 possibilities, doesn't mean there actually are only 2. It just means you weren't clever enough to think of more. You're changing your story.
BLU is a DD, if people choose to come as another DD, that's fine, I don't see the issue. In your previous posts, your whole argument was that "BLU performs at a much lower level than SAM, WAR and DRK, therefore, they don't come BLU".
Those are two very different things and range from "yeah, that's normal/fine" to "wut".
Can't pull a DJ Abdel on me and act smart in the same post, you learn this when you're 3 years old and you start lying to your teacher/parents.
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »Bismarck.Laurelli said: »Well, before joining an EGLS, I was on BLU 80% of the time, 20% I was on PLD. Because BLU is great for lowman content.
After joining an EGLS, I'm on BLU about 1% of the time. And all the other BLU's in my shell are also almost never on BLU. Because BLU loses out in super-buff situations.
*The only exception was that all took turns bringing it to dyna just to max out our necks.
I haven't joined an Ambuscade shout with BLU's in the party either in at least 2 years.
The only BLU's I ever see anymore are afk ones. So say what you want about BLU's being in a good position, but they aren't. They're back to where they were in early SOA days where, if someone let you come BLU, it's because they were doing you a favor. Your groups simply don't want BLU, it doesn't remove anything from the job itself.
You groups are the problem, not BLU. Play with smart people, it helps.
Senkyuutai, it's truly incredible how you manage to take people's quotes and completely misinterpret them without even knowing any context. And then even mention "smart people." Oh, the irony.
Yes, on Dynamis D Wave 3, in super buff situations with 12+ people, BLU does lose out when its competing with well geared DRK/WARs for that DD slot. When you have rolls, songs, and bubbles for a DD DD GEO COR BRD WHM pt, and you have a RDM in the alliance, BLU isn't exactly adding much utility. You can diffusion mighty guard, but you're already capped haste, so you still benefit from the regen but not quite as useful. You can tenebral crush for defense down, but the other DD (WAR/DRK) can already full break. Not to mention, Expiacion doesn't exactly share great SC properties with other DDs, while Torc/Upheaval works quite well with a DRK and WAR as the two main DDs.
For Dynamis Wave 3, yes, I'm going to take a well geared DRK over BLU. Better survivability and dps when super buffed. And that's not to say BLU isn't good, it's just not as good as DRK in that scenario. So stop spewing ridiculous things like "your LS doesn't value BLU" when it's simply taking the most effective DD jobs to clear content in the fastest way possible. When my LS does wave 1/2 farming, BLU works quite well, especially low man for the white wind and mighty guard utility.
If you want to argue that BLU is a better fit for that DD slot than DRK for a 12+ member alliance in dynamis Wave 3, be my guest. But gtfo with this "your ls is the problem" crap.>"Oh the irony"
The cringe is real.
Most of what you say is stupid, plain and simple. If you are in a situation where you HAVE TO pick a DRK over a BLU for Wave 3/clearing boss, guess what, your group is seriously undergeared/not that great and we go back to my argument: play with different people (if you want to play BLU).
The gap between SAM/WAR/DRK and BLU isn't big enough to warrant batting an eye at a well geared BLU coming as DD in place of a any of the big 3 in any of the content mentioned.
Obviously, people do as they please (well, actually, according to you guys, they don't, god forbid they would), if they have any of those 3 jobs (or hell DRG) and want to play them because they know they'll perform as well/better, it's pretty obvious that you're not gonna tell them to shut it and stay BLU.
At the end of the day, the arguments were:
1) BLU isn't as bad as you make it seem to be
2) Dyna D isn't an event that is dire enough to justify bringing a big 3 over BLU for DD purpose
I honestly don't see how bringing a BLU instead of a big 3 would make or break the run. Even if I take undergeared people into consideration (since I'm more knowledgeable about those people than properly geared people).
Unless your actual name is Frodo, I guess.
TL;DR: Just because certain jobs are better in a specific event doesn't mean you aren't allowed to play other, less efficient jobs. It's all about context, ***is situational, if you guys weren't this narrow-minded you'd have learned FFXI's lesson by now. And guess what: Dyna D isn't hardcore enough to completely cast away BLU if you feel like playing it as DD (or as a hybrid, how it should be played). It'll actually work, the only thing separating you from success is your desire to remain a shitter.
Don't be a shitter.
By Boshi 2019-06-13 19:11:28
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Bismarck.Lothoro 2019-06-13 23:47:03
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »The cringe is real.
Most of what you say is stupid, plain and simple. If you are in a situation where you HAVE TO pick a DRK over a BLU for Wave 3/clearing boss, guess what, your group is seriously undergeared/not that great and we go back to my argument: play with different people (if you want to play BLU).
The gap between SAM/WAR/DRK and BLU isn't big enough to warrant batting an eye at a well geared BLU coming as DD in place of a any of the big 3 in any of the content mentioned.
Obviously, people do as they please (well, actually, according to you guys, they don't, god forbid they would), if they have any of those 3 jobs (or hell DRG) and want to play them because they know they'll perform as well/better, it's pretty obvious that you're not gonna tell them to shut it and stay BLU.
At the end of the day, the arguments were:
1) BLU isn't as bad as you make it seem to be
2) Dyna D isn't an event that is dire enough to justify bringing a big 3 over BLU for DD purpose
I honestly don't see how bringing a BLU instead of a big 3 would make or break the run. Even if I take undergeared people into consideration (since I'm more knowledgeable about those people than properly geared people).
Unless your actual name is Frodo, I guess.
TL;DR: Just because certain jobs are better in a specific event doesn't mean you aren't allowed to play other, less efficient jobs. It's all about context, ***is situational, if you guys weren't this narrow-minded you'd have learned FFXI's lesson by now. And guess what: Dyna D isn't hardcore enough to completely cast away BLU if you feel like playing it as DD (or as a hybrid, how it should be played). It'll actually work, the only thing separating you from success is your desire to remain a shitter.
Don't be a shitter.
Again, incredible to see how you take someone’s words and completely misinterpret them. Where exactly did I say I don’t allow my LS members to come BLU on wave 3? I’ll wait.
What I actually said (again, if you could simply read) is that if I have someone with a well geared DRK and a well geared BLU, and they agree to come on w/e job I ask them to come as for wave 3,I’m going to pick DRK because of better survivability and dps. It’s not that BLU is bad, DRK is just better.
I’d really love to see your thought process on how you jump to these ridiculous conclusions and take things out of context. BLU is fine on wave 3. I’ve had people come on BLU on wave 3 before, and it was fine, it didn’t make or break the run. Yeah, we don’t usually have a BLU on wave 3 because it’s rarely requested or people would rather come on a different job, not because it’s forbidden.
A reading comprehension class would do you wonders.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 434
By Bahamut.Agerine 2019-06-14 00:14:16
Can’t wait to sift through even more pages to find relevant info that I may have once remembered being here. Too bad the forum search function is dead.
Carry on.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2019-06-14 00:28:39
Can’t wait to sift through even more pages to find relevant info that I may have once remembered being here. Too bad the forum search function is dead.
Carry on.
If BLU were added to those new rings, you wouldn't have to do any sifting :D
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-06-14 00:33:20
I mean google is a thing.
By Afania 2019-06-14 00:38:21
This entire debate is pointless to begin with. If people said "the gear blu gets since omen isnt what I want", none would disagree.
But they just had to push the statement further into "blu got no gear upgrade""im running out of things to do", then bash the job while trying to support their none exist argument, putting fuels in the fire.
also spoiled COR mains ought not to comment on gear neglected jobs!
I love how cor got brought into this when nobody even mention it.
Excluding JSE neck/SU4/SU5, post omen blu got:
2 usable pulse weapons.
All trove accessories.
1 odin htbc drop.
Cor got:
2 pulse weapons
All trove accessories
0 odin htbc drop.
Blu actually got more stuff than cor post omen if we exclude JSE stuff like everyone said.
So while its true that blu got less from omen(9 for cor and 6 for blu), it certainly isnt the case anymore. Omen is just one 2017 content, whats past is past.
This "no gear for blu" debate is 100% confirmation bias.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2019-06-14 04:01:14
Pretty sure they meant af/relic stuff. Even there COR made it way better than BLU. Also, the difference being, a lot of that stuff for COR is BiS. Where say Naegling for BLU is what? 3rd/4th best?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10266
By Asura.Sechs 2019-06-14 04:10:33
Isn't Naegling/Thibron the second best option, in terms of pure DPS, for BLU? Right after Tizona/Thibron?
I thought it was
1) Tizona/Thibron
2) Naegling/Thibron
3) Almace/forgot
4) Everything else
Please correct me if I'm wrong °-°
...forgot there's also Maxentius/Thibron, and that's pretty good, maybe on 2nd place, better than Naegling I dunno.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2019-06-14 04:21:24
Unsure tbh. I swap to Almace offhand for anything that I don't use Thib.
Not including Omen/JSE drops for Cor though changes a lot of the argument. Considering Regal Necklace/Rostam are huge buffs(either or for the rolls, not even including dt-). BLU has been pretty stagnant for a while in terms of power. Which is not a bad thing. Cor is a support job that is near the top DPS in the game. We had this whole argument years ago about BLU. Especially on anything that does not resist dark/magic. Cor is pretty top tier just with melee/savage blade too.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-06-14 04:50:30
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »The cringe is real.
Most of what you say is stupid, plain and simple. If you are in a situation where you HAVE TO pick a DRK over a BLU for Wave 3/clearing boss, guess what, your group is seriously undergeared/not that great and we go back to my argument: play with different people (if you want to play BLU).
The gap between SAM/WAR/DRK and BLU isn't big enough to warrant batting an eye at a well geared BLU coming as DD in place of a any of the big 3 in any of the content mentioned.
Obviously, people do as they please (well, actually, according to you guys, they don't, god forbid they would), if they have any of those 3 jobs (or hell DRG) and want to play them because they know they'll perform as well/better, it's pretty obvious that you're not gonna tell them to shut it and stay BLU.
At the end of the day, the arguments were:
1) BLU isn't as bad as you make it seem to be
2) Dyna D isn't an event that is dire enough to justify bringing a big 3 over BLU for DD purpose
I honestly don't see how bringing a BLU instead of a big 3 would make or break the run. Even if I take undergeared people into consideration (since I'm more knowledgeable about those people than properly geared people).
Unless your actual name is Frodo, I guess.
TL;DR: Just because certain jobs are better in a specific event doesn't mean you aren't allowed to play other, less efficient jobs. It's all about context, ***is situational, if you guys weren't this narrow-minded you'd have learned FFXI's lesson by now. And guess what: Dyna D isn't hardcore enough to completely cast away BLU if you feel like playing it as DD (or as a hybrid, how it should be played). It'll actually work, the only thing separating you from success is your desire to remain a shitter.
Don't be a shitter.
Again, incredible to see how you take someone’s words and completely misinterpret them. Where exactly did I say I don’t allow my LS members to come BLU on wave 3? I’ll wait.
What I actually said (again, if you could simply read) is that if I have someone with a well geared DRK and a well geared BLU, and they agree to come on w/e job I ask them to come as for wave 3,I’m going to pick DRK because of better survivability and dps. It’s not that BLU is bad, DRK is just better.
I’d really love to see your thought process on how you jump to these ridiculous conclusions and take things out of context. BLU is fine on wave 3. I’ve had people come on BLU on wave 3 before, and it was fine, it didn’t make or break the run. Yeah, we don’t usually have a BLU on wave 3 because it’s rarely requested or people would rather come on a different job, not because it’s forbidden.
A reading comprehension class would do you wonders. We literally agree, what are you going on about talking about reading comprehension class when you're going full memelord on me.
Just took you guys a few posts to add the nuance that "w-we come on DRK because we want to! n-not because my l-leader tells me to!". From that other person post, it's kind of clear that they actually liked their BLU and were sad they couldn't come as BLU because their leader deemed it to not perform well enough for "endgame". If they didn't mean it that way or backpedalled/DJ Khaled'd, that's another story.
But it turns out they're sad because they want to play BLU but choose not to because DRK is better (despite the fact that the end result would actually be identical, eh). Doesn't change that this mentality is stupid (because why would you impose suffering on yourself when playing a video game you are supposed to enjoy) but as they say "to each their own".
But hey, gotta admit, the first post I answered was full Stockholm Syndrome.