The Beast Within -- A Guide To Blue Mage

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The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
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By oyama 2019-06-11 00:11:08
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This is silly. Just because most jobs got these upgrade, doesn't take away what BLU got. Are you implying blu deserves more gear upgrades than every other job in game? Why?

More? All those jobs got most of those things and then they also got more, non-jse stuff through endgame events. Real options outside the JSE realm, that blu didn't get much of. To be put on stuff doesn't mean we're getting more, just the same.

I'm fine settling for less during omen cuz I'm glad those jobs got those boosts (though I did want a lot of those pieces for it), but it's been a while and it'd be nice to get a new, interesting thing to explore and adjust our builds every now and then.

i'm not asking to be top dps on BLU, i'm asking for something that makes them desired in endgame.

endgame meta wants the best job for a roll and since BLU doesn't excel anywhere they are like a puzzle piece that doesn't fit.

Hate to say it, but I do think you're playing with the wrong BLUs, tbh. Blu can specialize in a few areas if it wants to, and it doesn't have to bring a full balance of utility all the time.

Omen: Best AoE job for clearing trash floors, and can still DPS on the midboss or mega boss if needed. Somewhat niche but it is usually beneficial to bring a BLU to omen.

I think people sometimes underestimate how powerful a BLU that has been spec'd to purely DD is. It won't necessarily beat the heavier DDs in a fully buffed situation, but it can keep pace and even sometimes beat them because real events aren't like spreadsheets.

As for sudden lunge, yea it won't land on bosses but it will land on trash leading up to the boss and that can be helpful with mobs that use 2hrs.

You can go full-tilt DPS and still have room for one or two utility spells that are well suited to the event you're doing. That's the great thing about blu, it's exactly as specialized or unspecialized as you make it.

All this to say I love blu and I don't think we "need more upgrades," but I'm also in the camp that wants some interesting sidegrades or small upgrades on the melee side.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-06-11 00:16:50
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Blu wasnt on tiger pants, nor Ebody.

that's a pretty terrible argument, lol
By Afania 2019-06-11 00:20:58
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Siren.Kyte said: »
Blu wasnt on tiger pants, nor Ebody.

that's a pretty terrible argument, lol

I noticed ebody was a bad example(if thats what youn meant), so added this:


Edit: also just for your reference for comparsions sake: ninja, another light armor job thats supposed to be a tank, was on tiger pants, usukane, hachiryu set, haubergeon. All of these gears were miles ahead of what blu got(lolmorrigan) in terms of DD.

Blus melee gear quality is MUCH higher these days. Both +3 and jse neck are pretty melee oriented. Nothing to complain imo.

I didnt see waves of complaint at 75 about morrigan set v.s what nin can wear. And now people arent satisfied with melee jse neck and 20% wsd +3 -.-
Server: Shiva
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user: Hyriu
Posts: 167
By Shiva.Applesmash 2019-06-11 00:21:30
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Shichishito said: »
Shiva.Xelltrix said: »
I just want some flash new gear to use.
i second that.

Shiva.Xelltrix said: »
I don't really care that we don't have a niche required spot since we can fit in as respectable DD in pretty much all the fights anyway.
its ffxi, shouts with REMA requirement for ambuscade N+. without a niche and only a "respectable" damage output you'll never be in high demand for endgame, just a 2nd or 3rd choice at best.

Nobody shouts for REMA DDs for ambu here :p. Although nobody really shouts for ambu I guess.

That aside, looking for some full acc swaps for Thibron sets since I’m about to R15 Tiz, didn’t see any in the OP.
Posts: 250
By oyama 2019-06-11 00:28:48
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Ayanmo Head +2, Chirich Ring +1, Kentarch Belt +1, Reiki Yotai, Carmine/Adhemar pants +1, Falcon Eye are some good ones to mix in.
By Shichishito 2019-06-11 00:59:29
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Afania said: »
I didnt see waves of complaint at 75 about morrigan set v.s what nin can wear. And now people arent satisfied with melee jse neck and 20% wsd +3.

at 75 cap pretty much all of BLUs elemental spells did mediocre damage and had too high mp cost. the reason you didn't see complaints was more due to the job not beeing very popular at that time rather than everyone beeing fine with the upgrades.

abyssea AoEing and CDC at lvl cap 99 made the job interesting and i didn't see demand for BLU in endgame until abyssea and voidwatch procs.

there were significan't changes from 75 to 99 and 99 to ilvl so drawing any comparisons from 75 to ilvl era will not help a lot in a discussion around neglect in gear upgrades and its place in current endgame.
By Afania 2019-06-11 11:21:57
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Shichishito said: »
Afania said: »
I didnt see waves of complaint at 75 about morrigan set v.s what nin can wear. And now people arent satisfied with melee jse neck and 20% wsd +3.

at 75 cap pretty much all of BLUs elemental spells did mediocre damage and had too high mp cost. the reason you didn't see complaints was more due to the job not beeing very popular at that time rather than everyone beeing fine with the upgrades.

abyssea AoEing and CDC at lvl cap 99 made the job interesting and i didn't see demand for BLU in endgame until abyssea and voidwatch procs.

there were significan't changes from 75 to 99 and 99 to ilvl so drawing any comparisons from 75 to ilvl era will not help a lot in a discussion around neglect in gear upgrades and its place in current endgame.

My point is that blu is in a much better position than 75 era, and IMO an overall more useful job than war Sam drk. So people just complain too much.
By Shichishito 2019-06-11 12:53:15
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Afania said: »
blu is in a much better position than 75 era
i agree

Afania said: »
and IMO an overall more useful job than war Sam drk
for aoeing and mit tier lowman/solo play, not so much for endgame.

whats the meta for most endgame? cor brd geo whm tank dd? BLU isn't top tier DD, they waste more time self buffing to stay alive while war and drk can rely on their high HP and stron armor and they don't have utility that support and healer don't already have covered.

wether that makes it overall the most usefull job depends on what type of content you want to focus on.
Posts: 250
By oyama 2019-06-11 13:03:58
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for aoeing and mit tier lowman/solo play, not so much for endgame.

You're just blatantly wrong here. Maybe some blus, but someone who knows what they're doing is keeping up with the top tiers well enough to justify its spot as a DD, is very sturdy with minimal effort, and brings Mighty Guard for everyone. It's a great job for endgame, as well as for solo/lowman play. If you're playing those two scenarios the same way, you're doing it wrong.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-06-11 13:19:15
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
It's not really a debate. Since Omen, BLU has received significantly less Melee DD Gear/Stats, and it has been more mage/niche oriented (Regal Earring, Shamash, Pinga set). They've all but stopped giving BLU access to anything significant unless its an item they HAVE to give to BLU (Naegling). It's their way of soft nerfing the job. Literally every event since Omen, BLU has been the weakest recipients
God bless SE for this.

Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
and jobs like RUN have gotten the favoritism.
Now this is the next issue that needs to be taken care of.

Shichishito said: »
or aoeing and mit tier lowman/solo play, not so much for endgame.
You're crazy. BLU can and will sit at the endgame table and they're not even a weight, they totally fit.

I don't see any reason not to bring a well geared BLU, just because their sole purpose isn't damage doesn't mean their damage isn't high/high enough.
Server: Valefor
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user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-06-11 13:59:11
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oyama said: »
for aoeing and mit tier lowman/solo play, not so much for endgame.

You're just blatantly wrong here. Maybe some blus, but someone who knows what they're doing is keeping up with the top tiers well enough to justify its spot as a DD, is very sturdy with minimal effort, and brings Mighty Guard for everyone. It's a great job for endgame, as well as for solo/lowman play. If you're playing those two scenarios the same way, you're doing it wrong.


I’m usually always holding top marks DPS wise against some really strong contenders. Maxed out WARs, DRK, DRGs, SAMs, THFs. On Dyna-D NMs, VT Ambuscade, T3 and HELM NMs. Like no bull, a “Real” BLU is typically very hard to Out-Damage AND we have room to bring extra Utilities to the table to help lessen the load of the lead performers - Actually been curious to see if my BLU is presently stronger than my R15 Chango in Zergs... been getting some odd DPS results when cross-checking in lolSR but hardly any actual testing
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Tdizzle
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By Ragnarok.Tdizzle 2019-06-11 14:17:54
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
oyama said: »
for aoeing and mit tier lowman/solo play, not so much for endgame.

You're just blatantly wrong here. Maybe some blus, but someone who knows what they're doing is keeping up with the top tiers well enough to justify its spot as a DD, is very sturdy with minimal effort, and brings Mighty Guard for everyone. It's a great job for endgame, as well as for solo/lowman play. If you're playing those two scenarios the same way, you're doing it wrong.


I’m usually always holding top marks DPS wise against some really strong contenders. Maxed out WARs, DRK, DRGs, SAMs, THFs. On Dyna-D NMs, VT Ambuscade, T3 and HELM NMs. Like no bull, a “Real” BLU is typically very hard to Out-Damage AND we have room to bring extra Utilities to the table to help lessen the load of the lead performers - Actually been curious to see if my BLU is presently stronger than my R15 Chango in Zergs... been getting some odd DPS results when cross-checking in lolSR but hardly any actual testing

Unfortunately, testing in stuff like SR or Dyna D non bosses will always be skewed to whoever engages first or doesnt get hit with the status effect, etc. SR is meh as the mobs are so squishy now that they're not really anything to compare against since they die so fast. That's probably squewed toward blu if played right as you can buff up and not lose any dps in between where as JAs for other jobs may wear off waiting for next pops.

For MOST content, blu can easily compete, especially stuff that you arent allowed to use SPs (blu doesnt have anything useful here so others not using it is a benefit to the blu). It's only the hardest content in the game where blu begins to fall behind, everywhere else they're top tier if geared/played right. For trash clearing a blu is top tier. A blu can carry an omen group like no other. For some of the bosses they may not be preferred, but it's just gimmicks and that's more player skill than anything. A Sam makes life easiest for a lot of things, but that's just QOL. THen again that's what the mix / max of this game is about, what does the best job with the least amount of 'help' or the easiest to set up around.

Most DD jobs are interchangable, blu is in a special place as it can do alot of things others can't while being able to pack a pucnh and keep up with the big boys. But let's not get it twisted, if you're on a Dyna D boss or something that needs to be zerged the most efficiently possible, blu will not win that race. It wouldnt be fair if they did given what they can do with little support. A Sam or War is going to flat out be better at killing the hardest stuff the fastest in most situations and honestly that's how it should be since they can't cap haste on their own or clear a floor of omen in minutes.

I am salty that blu gets shafted recently on some of the most fun gear (oddly getting shafted off some of the best light DD pieces while at the same time not getting on some of the best MAB mage pieces is kinda weird). None of that is game breaking though, just nice small upgrades that blu got left out on (purposefully good or bad)
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-06-11 14:37:15
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Ragnarok.Tdizzle said: »
Unfortunately, testing in stuff like SR or Dyna D non bosses will always be skewed to whoever engages first or doesnt get hit with the status effect, etc. SR is meh as the mobs are so squishy now that they're not really anything to compare against since they die so fast. That's probably squewed toward blu if played right as you can buff up and not lose any dps in between where as JAs for other jobs may wear off waiting for next pops.

For MOST content, blu can easily compete, especially stuff that you arent allowed to use SPs (blu doesnt have anything useful here so others not using it is a benefit to the blu). It's only the hardest content in the game where blu begins to fall behind, everywhere else they're top tier if geared/played right. For trash clearing a blu is top tier. A blu can carry an omen group like no other. For some of the bosses they may not be preferred, but it's just gimmicks and that's more player skill than anything. A Sam makes life easiest for a lot of things, but that's just QOL. THen again that's what the mix / max of this game is about, what does the best job with the least amount of 'help' or the easiest to set up around.

Most DD jobs are interchangable, blu is in a special place as it can do alot of things others can't while being able to pack a pucnh and keep up with the big boys. But let's not get it twisted, if you're on a Dyna D boss or something that needs to be zerged the most efficiently possible, blu will not win that race. It wouldnt be fair if they did given what they can do with little support. A Sam or War is going to flat out be better at killing the hardest stuff the fastest in most situations and honestly that's how it should be since they can't cap haste on their own or clear a floor of omen in minutes.

I am salty that blu gets shafted recently on some of the most fun gear (oddly getting shafted off some of the best light DD pieces while at the same time not getting on some of the best MAB mage pieces is kinda weird). None of that is game breaking though, just nice small upgrades that blu got left out on (purposefully good or bad)

That's fair. BLU is really good but has been left off any real update lists for quite some time. Would be nice to be granted something other than Mandatory improvements (JSE Necks, Empy +3 in 2021, etc)

But like I said, I try not to go for DPS at all unless something's way off for those very reasons that you said. Its just too easy to skew. I miss KParser for this reason, you can let the thing run the entire event and go back and look at who did what and where at each NM by name. I loved that thing...

Tangible numbers only. Acc, WSAvg, Number of WSs used, that's what I find useful. Otherwise it's "Who Hit First?" vs "Who Lagged/Got Stunned or something?"
Server: Bismarck
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user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2019-06-11 15:15:05
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People just want blu to be on some new gear so that blu's have a reason to actually do the new content. No one thinks blu is in a bad position and everyone knows what gear blu's got recently. There's so little of it, it's hard to overlook anything.
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2019-06-11 15:29:51
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Speaking of new equipment is the new sword BiS other than Thibron? Has to be for Savage but maybe even for CDC over Colada 15DEX? Would Naegling still win with CDC uncapped even over the QA? I don’t have the spreadsheet setup anymore.
Posts: 250
By oyama 2019-06-11 16:27:40
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I don't know if it beats colada/naegling for ws dmg on CDC, but honestly I would probably offhand it just for the extra QA during tp phase. CDC has higher tp return so this plays nicely into that.
By Afania 2019-06-11 17:01:36
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Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
People just want blu to be on some new gear so that blu's have a reason to actually do the new content. No one thinks blu is in a bad position and everyone knows what gear blu's got recently. There's so little of it, it's hard to overlook anything.

1) but blu IS on the new gear. Don't make excuses for not interested in doing the new content lol.

Blu is not on the new gears - X

People dont like mage gears/ffxi style sidegrade - O

2) we just have someone on last page complain about blu being undesirable in endgame. So there are definitely people that thinks the job is in bad position.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2019-06-12 08:20:38
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Well, before joining an EGLS, I was on BLU 80% of the time, 20% I was on PLD. Because BLU is great for lowman content.
After joining an EGLS, I'm on BLU about 1% of the time. And all the other BLU's in my shell are also almost never on BLU. Because BLU loses out in super-buff situations.

*The only exception was that all took turns bringing it to dyna just to max out our necks.

I haven't joined an Ambuscade shout with BLU's in the party either in at least 2 years.

The only BLU's I ever see anymore are afk ones. So say what you want about BLU's being in a good position, but they aren't. They're back to where they were in early SOA days where, if someone let you come BLU, it's because they were doing you a favor.
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
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By Asura.Toralin 2019-06-12 09:26:37
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I agree EGLS blu is not sought after, but when im doing stuff with just my mule, ichor/tokens/unity/hmbf blu is always my goto job
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-06-12 09:30:44
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That's totally different scenario. Hell I use my ninja when I'm doing htbf and miscellaneous chores but it still gets blown away in any serious content vs DD
Posts: 250
By oyama 2019-06-12 10:32:01
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That may be your experience, but that doesn't necessarily hold true for all EGLS on all servers, and certainly doesn't hold true for every fight. I'm usually on GEO, but if I'm asked to DD, no one bats an eye if I come blu, because it is strong and is only beaten by the very best-geared heavy DDs we have, and then not by that much. My LS generally doesn't ask for specific DD jobs, just DDs that pull their weight. Only exception might be Wave 3 boss, which is just one fight, and most of our dyna runs are farming runs anyway. Then yea, we try to get DRKs, SAMs, and WARs. YMMV, some LS are more flexible than others, and in the case when you're given that freedom, you can be on BLU more often.
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2019-06-12 11:08:26
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tyalangan said: »
Speaking of new equipment is the new sword BiS other than Thibron? Has to be for Savage but maybe even for CDC over Colada 15DEX? Would Naegling still win with CDC uncapped even over the QA? I don’t have the spreadsheet setup anymore.

for melee stats as an offhand for CDC:

Naegling vs base Colada

Dmg+16 Dex+15 acc+20 att+30 swordskill+8

Colada is dead.
By Afania 2019-06-12 11:29:49
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Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
Well, before joining an EGLS, I was on BLU 80% of the time, 20% I was on PLD. Because BLU is great for lowman content.
After joining an EGLS, I'm on BLU about 1% of the time. And all the other BLU's in my shell are also almost never on BLU. Because BLU loses out in super-buff situations.

*The only exception was that all took turns bringing it to dyna just to max out our necks.

I haven't joined an Ambuscade shout with BLU's in the party either in at least 2 years.

The only BLU's I ever see anymore are afk ones. So say what you want about BLU's being in a good position, but they aren't. They're back to where they were in early SOA days where, if someone let you come BLU, it's because they were doing you a favor.

I generally disagree with people when they use "how often I am on this job" as an argument to prove certain jobs are useful or not. Because from my experience 80% of time it's entirely based on the jobs your group has, not the job performance.

Case to the point. Before 2017 in all the endgame I've done, I was on RUN 70% of time. Despite cor was my main and my cor vastly outgeared my RUN(which only had aettir). Most group and PUG that I was in just needed tank more than cor. If I'm not on cor 50 other people had it or they had alt. Even in ranged setup on albuman I was called on RUN simply because everyone else had a Fomalhaut, but no tank..

Are you going to argue that cor was useless back then? Certainly not. I just happened to be in a situation that everyone else had it and took the spot.

Post 2017 I joined a different EGLS and situation changed completely. New LS had multiple serious epeo RUN but only 1-2 slots for tank in entire alliance. Additionally I stopped doing PUG. As a result I play RUN 3% of time and COR 90% of time in endgame.

Are you going to argue that RUN is a useless job in this situations too? I think not. I don't play RUN simply because everyone else has RUN and took the spot.

Back to BLU. The job shares DD role with 10+ other melee jobs so of course there will be less opportunity to play it than a job that dominate certain role. That doesn't mean the job is bad.

As far as endgame goes I've seen people used a lot of BLU(more so than other DD) to cleave when dyna D came out. Once I was in an alliance with 2 of them cleaving too.

When wave 3 came out I do see blu in wave 3 runs occasionally. Obviously all the blu that ever get a DD slot in wave 3 runs are fully maxed with r15 Tiz. That doesn't mean the job can't get a slot. It just needs a lot of work.

If we look at the job as a whole, it's probably in a better position than most melee. All melee job can get a DD role in endgame, that includes drk war Sam blu thf nin dnc etc. Ive seen all these jobs in a wave 3 run. But blu can also cleave and has other utility. Thus a better job because they can do more.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-06-12 12:43:07
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Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
Well, before joining an EGLS, I was on BLU 80% of the time, 20% I was on PLD. Because BLU is great for lowman content.
After joining an EGLS, I'm on BLU about 1% of the time. And all the other BLU's in my shell are also almost never on BLU. Because BLU loses out in super-buff situations.

*The only exception was that all took turns bringing it to dyna just to max out our necks.

I haven't joined an Ambuscade shout with BLU's in the party either in at least 2 years.

The only BLU's I ever see anymore are afk ones. So say what you want about BLU's being in a good position, but they aren't. They're back to where they were in early SOA days where, if someone let you come BLU, it's because they were doing you a favor.
Your groups simply don't want BLU, it doesn't remove anything from the job itself.

You groups are the problem, not BLU. Play with smart people, it helps.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2019-06-12 15:23:54
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Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
Well, before joining an EGLS, I was on BLU 80% of the time, 20% I was on PLD. Because BLU is great for lowman content.
After joining an EGLS, I'm on BLU about 1% of the time. And all the other BLU's in my shell are also almost never on BLU. Because BLU loses out in super-buff situations.

*The only exception was that all took turns bringing it to dyna just to max out our necks.

I haven't joined an Ambuscade shout with BLU's in the party either in at least 2 years.

The only BLU's I ever see anymore are afk ones. So say what you want about BLU's being in a good position, but they aren't. They're back to where they were in early SOA days where, if someone let you come BLU, it's because they were doing you a favor.
Your groups simply don't want BLU, it doesn't remove anything from the job itself.

You groups are the problem, not BLU. Play with smart people, it helps.
Why do you need to be a turd and question the intelligence of people you don't even know?
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-06-12 15:40:42
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Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
Why do you need to be a turd and question the intelligence of people you don't even know?
if you can't question someone's intelligence based on their opinions, wtf can you question their intelligence based on

blu is still plenty strong, sucks it needs a mythic while others get away with aeonic, but that's the price you pay for all it's other upsides
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-06-12 15:51:31
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
Why do you need to be a turd and question the intelligence of people you don't even know?
if you can't question someone's intelligence based on their opinions, wtf can you question their intelligence based on

blu is still plenty strong, sucks it needs a mythic while others get away with aeonic, but that's the price you pay for all it's other upsides

Honestly, it doesn't actually NEED Tizona. Truthfully, you can do just fine without it. Still DPS super good, easily do all the BLU stuff etc etc. It's more of a bonus.

But Man, Tizona is an absolute joy to have haha. It's not mandatory but strongly recommended
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-06-12 17:53:48
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Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
Well, before joining an EGLS, I was on BLU 80% of the time, 20% I was on PLD. Because BLU is great for lowman content.
After joining an EGLS, I'm on BLU about 1% of the time. And all the other BLU's in my shell are also almost never on BLU.
Because BLU loses out in super-buff situations.

*The only exception was that all took turns bringing it to dyna just to max out our necks.

I haven't joined an Ambuscade shout with BLU's in the party either in at least 2 years.

The only BLU's I ever see anymore are afk ones. So say what you want about BLU's being in a good position, but they aren't. They're back to where they were in early SOA days where, if someone let you come BLU, it's because they were doing you a favor.
Your groups simply don't want BLU, it doesn't remove anything from the job itself.

You groups are the problem, not BLU. Play with smart people, it helps.
Why do you need to be a turd and question the intelligence of people you don't even know?
Because the part I bolded here can only be said by someone who is either very submissive in personality and cannot think for themselves or very stupid people (I now realize it's pretty much the same haha).

Choose your side.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2019-06-12 20:28:04
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Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
Well, before joining an EGLS, I was on BLU 80% of the time, 20% I was on PLD. Because BLU is great for lowman content.
After joining an EGLS, I'm on BLU about 1% of the time. And all the other BLU's in my shell are also almost never on BLU.
Because BLU loses out in super-buff situations.

*The only exception was that all took turns bringing it to dyna just to max out our necks.

I haven't joined an Ambuscade shout with BLU's in the party either in at least 2 years.

The only BLU's I ever see anymore are afk ones. So say what you want about BLU's being in a good position, but they aren't. They're back to where they were in early SOA days where, if someone let you come BLU, it's because they were doing you a favor.
Your groups simply don't want BLU, it doesn't remove anything from the job itself.

You groups are the problem, not BLU. Play with smart people, it helps.
Why do you need to be a turd and question the intelligence of people you don't even know?
Because the part I bolded here can only be said by someone who is either very submissive in personality and cannot think for themselves or very stupid people (I now realize it's pretty much the same haha).

Choose your side.
When we form parties, DD's are asked to come DD. DD players with BLU have been choosing to come another job, such as WAR, DRK or SAM. So don't give me that "choose your side" BS. Just because you can only think of 2 possibilities, doesn't mean there actually are only 2. It just means you weren't clever enough to think of more.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Agerine
Posts: 434
By Bahamut.Agerine 2019-06-12 21:21:49
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Anybody using Shamash Robe for anything on BLU?
Maybe DT for idle/pull? If so I'd love to see your sets.

What else?
I've thought two other possible uses.
Macc => it's 1 less than Jhakri+2, and 10 INT less than Jhakri. Sure it doesn't have the annoying lack of HP/MP of Jhakri, but doesn't really seem worth it.
Mab => 2 more mab, 10 less INT. Same as above, doesn't seem worth it to me.

Something else I forgot to take into account?

ItemSet 367203

I use this as my general use DT/Movement/Refresh set. I have capped PDT, 36 MDT and 6 Refresh, 90 Resist silence from Shamash. I love Shamash and I put it into each job that can use it. I wear it more than any other piece of gear.
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