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By Verda 2016-06-14 10:26:45
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HELM stands for Harvesting Excavating Logging Mining

The pop items are obtains from doing those things in Eschan zones. They are harder than T3 and higher level, can you can (and some do) consider and call them t4 at least in Reisenjima, there's multiple helm levels Zi'tah however and all are harder than T3 and Sky has it's own type of "unlisted" by the NPC popsets for harder NMs though the Ark Angels at least use some HELM items.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Odin.Alauna 2016-06-14 10:28:27
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Zeak said: »
I'm also gonna give the affirmative on the odd lag. It's been causing an assortment of crazy glitches as well. One in particular completely erased my head and sub slot; my stats were accurate, but the equip screen made it look like there was nothing in those slots.

I've encounter similar lag before, but nothing this severe. Usually, a quick modem reset is enough to fix the issue, but nothing seems to be working right now. So, it's either a server issue or maybe an ISP issue. I don't really know any English speakers in-game right now to confirm either way, but the lack of mass complaining leads me to assume it's the latter.

Ditto the strange lag. Messing about at the entrance to Reisenjima this morning (0400 PDT). First, Qultada straight-up disappeared from my party, but i could not resummoned him because apparently i had summoned the max number of trusts (even though my party list was clearly at 5). Could not see or target him at all. /returntrust all and resummeded everyone, and then Amchuchu displayed in the list like a party member in another zone (HP bar missing, and showing the zone name as "Reisenjima". He was there, he did his stuff, and I could target cure him just fine for cures.

Lag was real choppy at times, and when I started bouncing to different portals, i blacked out at #3, forced me to //terminate.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 661
By Phoenix.Demonjustin 2016-06-14 13:00:47
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Did windower update in some way that restricts the upper limit of the resolution? Till today I had it set to 1370 and now it's not letting me get over 1366.
: /
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Khajit
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By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2016-06-14 13:48:43
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Is there a list of what drops where during the current campaign for bcnms? It's a bit difficult to decide wtf to target during spare time when I don't have a general idea of what drops are.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-06-14 13:52:44
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The bird BCNM in Monarch Linn drops Hexed gear (including -1) and the Bugbear BCNM in the Mineshaft BC area drops currencies.

Both direct drops, so you can use ffxidb to track a lower bound estimation of drop rate:
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-06-14 14:14:03
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Morihei said: »
Question! What are HELM NMs in the Escha areas, and how are they different from the normal T1/2/3 NMs? Are they tougher? Do they have different requirements?
Specifically, they are:

- Blazewing: 135 Mantis
- Pazuzu: 135 Gallu
- Coven Trio - Bucca, Alphuachra, and Puca: 135 Pixies (must kill all 3 for credit)
- Wrathare: 135 killer rabbit

- Ark Angels: Level 140 versions, popped and fought separately
- Genbu, Byakko, Suzaku, Seiryu: Level 140 versions, popped and fought separately
- Kirin: Level 150 version, transforms into Kouryu (150 Ouryu type Wyrm) at 50%
- Warder of Courage: Level 150 version of Absolute Virtue

- Teles: 150 Siren
- Albumen: 150 Mandragora
- Zerde: 150 Botulus
- Vinipata: 150 Naraka
- Onychophora: 150 Sandworm
- Erynis: 150 Amphiptere
- Schah: 150 Caturae (Raja)

People call them HELM NMs because the first of these (in Zi'Tah) were discovered when people traded materials acquired from "harvesting" in Escha. Pop items became a little more unusual as new ones came out, like with Onychophora requiring Worm Mulch as one of the needed items.

They're harder than other NMs in Escha, and the level 150 ones give you 30 minutes to fight instead of the usual 15. The Zi'Tah ones aren't so bad, and it's not unheard of to melee any of the ones 140 and below (though Byakko and Genbu are not really worth fighting this way). At 150, the evasion scaling and aoe dangers become too high for most groups to consider anything but a mage strategy on most.

Not a lot of centralized information on the strongest of NMs beyond this thread for the ones in Reisenjima:
By Verda 2016-06-14 14:41:26
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The Gods and WoC aren't technically HELM since they don't use any items obtained from HELM. Ark Angels aren't commonly referred to as HELM but do use a combination of things and HELM like t4 Reisenjima. I'm not really a fan of the term myself it's confusing but the titles for the groups on bg-wiki's escha page do a good enough job of categorizing them imo https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Category:Escha The JP wiki interestingly enough puts them all under Geas Fete category page and only groups them by CL and doesn't even give them group titles. I'm fine w/ group titles though if it helps people talk about them. Geas Fete on JP wiki

I knew someone mad they layed it out that way though they felt it should be more like ZNM layouts so we'd know which clears are needed before you can pop what, it'd also be nice if the creature levels of each group were listed, CL 145 is easier to list and make sense of to me for example. Edit: I did add the creature levels we know from the JP wiki, unfortunately for the hardest fights SE does their the creature level is unknown thing when you're preparing to pop. Just CL isn't the only indication of difficulty but at least it's listed now :D
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-06-14 15:01:55
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HELM is an arbitrary descriptor for these anyway, I think it's more to the point that they're hidden from the normal list of Grisly Trinkets and don't have a tiered sequence to unlock popping conditions.
By Verda 2016-06-14 15:39:25
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It is player manufactured if that's what you mean ya, but words still have meaning personal definitions don't really fly. I'm not sure who decided on first doing them to call them HELM but it stuck. Still, I've never heard anyone refer to AA, Gods or WoC as HELM and even the wiki since the pages were created for Sky made the distinction. He asked what HELM meant so I answered him, the rest is off topic really.
Posts: 95
By Morihei 2016-06-14 23:32:01
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Alright, I have another question. How does attack stack against increasing weapon base damage. Is there a +attack equivalent to +15 DMG?
Posts: 95
By Morihei 2016-06-15 09:50:21
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^ Can I bump this? I really don't know how it all fits together, and looking up dps and attack/defense algorithms doesn't help. So if anyone knows how attack fits in to dps vs base weapon damage, would you fill me in?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Brocovich
Posts: 136
By Odin.Brocovich 2016-06-15 10:09:32
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Morihei said: »
Alright, I have another question. How does attack stack against increasing weapon base damage. Is there a +attack equivalent to +15 DMG?

It depends on your DMG before adding the 15 DMG, your attack and the enemys defense (actually your STR and enemys VIT too).

Assuming you got a weapon with 100 DMG, adding 15 DMG increases your TP DMG (not WS!) by ~15%.
If you start with 1000 attack and enemy has 1000 defense, you would need ~150 attack to get the same 15% increase. All this ignoring fSTR, crits, defense debuffs, attack buffs....
Posts: 95
By Morihei 2016-06-15 10:12:26
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That's a really good summation, and all I needed! Thank you! and actually, that means that attack doesn't really mean much, since most things have more def/vit than we have str/attack, right? I mean, talking about 119-124 content, normal Reisenjima mobs, Normal/Hard Hard Mode fights.
By Verda 2016-06-15 10:24:20
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Morihei said: »
most things have more def/vit than we have str/attack, right?

fSTR is also added to base damage but how much that caps at is determined by your base damage. things like idris geo frailty with 50% boost from blaze of glory are 62.7% defense down, add on dia 2 from rdm subjob and it's 72.7% def down. Stack that with berserk 25% attack boost and indi-fury 61.7% attack boost, and vs most content you're capping pdif already from one job (roughly 3.7x the attack as defense), even verse something like tojil that has 1900 defense. (leaves him 518 def, which means you only need around 2k attack to cap pDIF). Reasons like this is why GEO is so valuable right now.
Posts: 15226
By Pantafernando 2016-06-15 10:59:45
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I would like to do 2 questions:

1. My pc lags when multiples avatars appears on my screen. Is there anything i can do to reduce those effects?

2. Can an ochain become afterglowed with boulders, like others REM?

Thanks in advance.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-06-15 11:04:44
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Pantafernando said: »

I would like to do 2 questions:

1. My pc lags when multiples avatars appears on my screen. Is there anything i can do to reduce those effects?

2. Can an ochain become afterglowed with boulders, like others REM?

Thanks in advance.

1. There are glowless avatar dats in this link:

2. No.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-06-15 11:08:18
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The only way to afterglow a shield or instrument is through the 99 trials involving 250 marrow or 3k dross/cinder. There are no 119 versions of these items, and thus no way to afterglow them via plutons or boulders.
By Verda 2016-06-15 11:28:22
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Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
Pantafernando said: »

I would like to do 2 questions:

1. My pc lags when multiples avatars appears on my screen. Is there anything i can do to reduce those effects?

2. Can an ochain become afterglowed with boulders, like others REM?

Thanks in advance.

1. There are glowless avatar dats in this link:

2. No.

There's an in game command to turn off glow effects of cavernous maws, avatars, and other things since a few patches ago:
/localsettings blureffect off

Turns it off to turn it on again:
/localsettings blureffect on

To see other things they added with that command do
/? localsettings

You can even turn everyones armor off (takes effect next time character models load) and everyone runs around in their underwear!
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2016-06-15 11:45:47
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Odin.Brocovich said: »
Morihei said: »
Alright, I have another question. How does attack stack against increasing weapon base damage. Is there a +attack equivalent to +15 DMG?

It depends on your DMG before adding the 15 DMG, your attack and the enemys defense (actually your STR and enemys VIT too).

Assuming you got a weapon with 100 DMG, adding 15 DMG increases your TP DMG (not WS!) by ~15%.
If you start with 1000 attack and enemy has 1000 defense, you would need ~150 attack to get the same 15% increase. All this ignoring fSTR, crits, defense debuffs, attack buffs....
This is.... Not right at all.
+DMG increases all damage from that weapon. Not just white damage.
As WS damage uses the damage of the weapon to determine the damage of the WS.
It's not a % gain, but an additive to the base. Same as "Magic Damage".

Attack is a ratio multiplier (just like MAB, just less potent as MDB is always small while NMs tend to have very large DEFs).
STR is used for damage as a differential comparing the player's STR to the target's VIT, which we commonly refer to as ƒSTR.

+DMG on a weapon WILL give you a larger boon than the same amount of +atk, but that is because that +10 DMG is going to be multiplied out and expanded on. (Also there's attack buffs, but DMG is pretty much set in stone.)
And it certainly IS a contributing factor of WS damage.
But the two can't really be compared as they aren't related. (Unlike +STR and +Atk as one converts from the other, and one has more use than the other in terms of increasing certain WS's damage.)

Pantafernando said: »

I would like to do 2 questions:

1. My pc lags when multiples avatars appears on my screen. Is there anything i can do to reduce those effects?

2. Can an ochain become afterglowed with boulders, like others REM?

Thanks in advance.
2) (on Phone or I would cut down) Can't AG it with Boulders like others have said, but it DOES have an AG variant. It's identical to the 99 in every way... Just gives AG animation aura and whenever you use Shield Bash, gives everyone around you 30s of -7%PDT.
Posts: 95
By Morihei 2016-06-15 14:10:31
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FaeQueenCory said: »
Odin.Brocovich said: »
Morihei said: »
Alright, I have another question. How does attack stack against increasing weapon base damage. Is there a +attack equivalent to +15 DMG?

It depends on your DMG before adding the 15 DMG, your attack and the enemys defense (actually your STR and enemys VIT too).

Assuming you got a weapon with 100 DMG, adding 15 DMG increases your TP DMG (not WS!) by ~15%.
If you start with 1000 attack and enemy has 1000 defense, you would need ~150 attack to get the same 15% increase. All this ignoring fSTR, crits, defense debuffs, attack buffs....
This is.... Not right at all.
+DMG increases all damage from that weapon. Not just white damage.
As WS damage uses the damage of the weapon to determine the damage of the WS.
It's not a % gain, but an additive to the base. Same as "Magic Damage".

Attack is a ratio multiplier (just like MAB, just less potent as MDB is always small while NMs tend to have very large DEFs).
STR is used for damage as a differential comparing the player's STR to the target's VIT, which we commonly refer to as ƒSTR.

+DMG on a weapon WILL give you a larger boon than the same amount of +atk, but that is because that +10 DMG is going to be multiplied out and expanded on. (Also there's attack buffs, but DMG is pretty much set in stone.)
And it certainly IS a contributing factor of WS damage.
But the two can't really be compared as they aren't related. (Unlike +STR and +Atk as one converts from the other, and one has more use than the other in terms of increasing certain WS's damage.)

I should have been more specific. I'm making a Guttler.

No, stop laughing. C'mon.

Anyway, I was thinking about the 119 I attack +40 vs Skullrender's augment of DMG +15. There's no way I'm getting 2k attack, but I should have something close to 1200 when it's finally 119. Plus the +10% from Onslaught. I was just trying to think of how they relate, and which one would be better in this new world of Ambu and Escha. I wanted to know if I'd see a dps spike or not, and how much combining the two would improve damage vs Guttler + JSE.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-06-15 14:39:09
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This is.... Not right at all.
+DMG increases all damage from that weapon. Not just white damage.
As WS damage uses the damage of the weapon to determine the damage of the WS.

He's saying that increasing base damage by 15 isn't increasing WS damage by the same amount as it's increasing white damage, which is absolutely correct.
Posts: 15226
By Pantafernando 2016-06-15 18:40:51
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Did someone clear the adoulin mega quest (that requires all coalitions and adoulin quests cleared plus mog garden)?

Im already working my main char in those, but wondering if i should do that for mule too.

Thanks in advance.
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-06-15 19:16:57
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So far, it only appears to consist of 2 RoE quests where you just talk to NPCs around town for cutscenes. Unless we're missing some important step, it's not even complete.
Posts: 95
By Morihei 2016-06-16 08:13:54
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Right. They said in the update that this was just quest 1. I'm sure the series will continue for the next few months, at least, with some kind of really great reward that people will complain about when we get there.
Posts: 95
By Morihei 2016-06-16 13:07:44
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So acc/atk impact both hands if it's on a wep, and you're using Dual Wield, right? But if you have different skill levels on each hand, those don't add up? If one hand has 242 skill, and the other hand has no added skill, with the off-hand just miss all of the time?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Enitsu
Posts: 500
By Bismarck.Dubai 2016-06-16 13:59:13
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Regarding login points, are the points you acquire accumulate during other campaigns or do they reset?

I ask this because I did read that points accumulate from othe campaigns but looking at my points they are WAY less than what I should have.

Like I haven't purchased anything in 2 campaigns so I should have more than 5k points, but looking at my points now, they are sotting at around 3100 or so.
Posts: 95
By Morihei 2016-06-16 14:00:15
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You can only transfer 1500 or 2000 login points. I can't remember which. Sorry about your lost points.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-06-16 14:06:33
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Posts: 157
By Azurea 2016-06-16 14:07:56
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Morihei said: »
So acc/atk impact both hands if it's on a wep, and you're using Dual Wield, right? But if you have different skill levels on each hand, those don't add up? If one hand has 242 skill, and the other hand has no added skill, with the off-hand just miss all of the time?

+ weapon skill only applies to the hand the weapon is in, so if you put a non ilvl piece in your offhand and went off attacking anything of note, you'll pretty well have floored acc (on your offhand), otherwise dual wield would have ludicrous accuracy
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2016-06-17 10:44:07
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If I switch Guilds do I Lose my Guild Points ? and how often can I switch ?

npc: "You must Terminte your contract with the Alchemy Guild to make a contrct with us"

so I don't Know if I should or not.

Also By Switching Guilds Do I still keep my KI ?
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