The pants aren't really doing anything for you if you don't have multiple merits into Saber Dance, but the question is, why wouldn't you? The only thing I could think of that might compete is Fan Dance merits and well, here's a message to those of you with that merited past 1/5:
If you think those Fan Dance merits are saving you, think again.
Any situation dangerous enough to merit the use of Fan Dance is likely going to rapidly strip Fan Dance of its potency and leave the ability relatively worthless.
If you're fighting something that's not hitting you often enough to "use up" the good part of Fan Dance before its 5/5 recast (3 min) is up, then why aren't you just running Haste Samba and killing it faster?
This is what I don't get when other DNC tell me "I have 5/5 Fan Dance" because I like to solo.
I don't solo very often, to be honest, but I do enjoy it.
Fan Dance is for emergencies. Emergencies don't(shouldn't) happen once every 3 minutes.