The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms For A New Age

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The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms for a New Age
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Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-19 09:48:33
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I'm working to get this all updated and stuff, until then, read what's already here!

Current sets on pages 83-84.

In general, check the last few pages of the thread, as the most updated information will be there.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-19 09:48:58
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DNC 101: Basics and Random Facts
An Introduction to the Dancer Class

Tis the beatin' of the heart what lays the foundation. Ye embrace it with yer whole body, and then e'er so gently start tappin' out the steps. Yer blood gets t'bubblin' an' ye can hear it percolatin' about in there. An' then ye might stick a twirlin' turn and send it rushin' t'all yer extremities. Shimmies straight up the spine and sends a shudder clean through ye, it does. After that, then she's mine an' no mistakin'. Haven't the faintest where I be or how I got there, I just am. An' everyone around fuels me, each of 'em offerin' up their own music--a symphony o' souls. An' that's yer rhythm. Ye cannot help but dance.

---Laila Brillioth

The dancer class is oft misunderstood and overlooked and it's sort of unsurprising: like the other hybrid classes of Vana'diel, the Dancer suffers a bit of an identity crisis. We will attempt to define the class in this guide and solve this identity crisis; but by and large, the class is what you make of it. I'm not here to tell you how to play the class; rather, I'm here to tell you of what the class is capable. From there you should be able to make an informed decision on how to fit the dancer class into your game.

Job Traits

The important thing to realize is that Dancers receive high amounts of Dual Wield, Accuracy Bonus, Evasion Bonus, and Skillchain Bonus, as well as moderate amounts of Subtle Blow, Critical Attack Bonus, and Conserve TP. These job traits combine to play to the Dancer's niche: a fast-hitting, evasive front-line support job with a high critical hit rate and skillchain prowess which rivals that of the Samurai.

LevelJob TraitEffect
15Evasion Bonus IEvasion + 10
20Resist SlowLikely has higher tiers.
20Dual Wield ICombined delay -10%
25Subtle Blow IEnemy TP gain -5%
30Accuracy Bonus IAccuracy + 10
40Dual Wield IICombined Delay -15%
45Evasion Bonus IIEvasion + 22
45Subtle Blow IIEnemy TP gain -10%
45Skillchain Bonus ISkillchain Damage +8%
58Skillchain Bonus IISkillchain Damage +12%
60Dual Wield IIICombined Delay -25%
60Accuracy Bonus IIAccuracy + 22
65Subtle Blow IIIEnemy TP gain -15%
71Skillchain Bonus IIISkillchain Damage +16%
75Evasion Bonus IIIEvasion + 35
MeritClosed Position+3 Accuracy/Evasion per merit level, when facing target
76Accuracy Bonus IIIAccuracy + 35
77Tactical Parry I2 TP/Parry
77Conserve TP IIncreases TP return 15% of the time
80Critical Attack Bonus ICritical Hit Damage +5%
80Dual Wield IVCombined Delay -30%
84Tactical Parry II3 TP/Parry
84Skillchain Bonus IVSkillchain Damage +20%
86Evasion Bonus IVEvasion + 48
87Conserve TP IIIncreases TP return 18% of the time
88Critical Attack Bonus IICritical Hit Damage +8%
91Tactical Parry III4 TP/Parry
97Skillchain Bonus VSkillchain Damage +23%
97Conserve TP IIIIncreases TP return 21% of the time
97Tactical Parry IV5 TP/Parry
99Critical Attack Bonus IIICritical Hit Damage +11%

Job Abilities

While Dancers have a wide array of abilities at their fingertips, many of them will go unused in favor of the strongest abilities. It may sound tempting to use as many abilities as one possibly can, since many of them are reasonably powerful; unfortunately, Dancers are saddled by the delay associated with activating a job ability. Without going into detail, the dancer essentially loses an an entire attack round (potentially more if there are many sources of haste) every time a job ability is activated. This results in a substantial loss of damage and a significant opportunity cost in TP - on top of the TP cost to activate many of these abilities. Since the offensive nature of any front-line job should not be ignored, job abilities should be used sparingly and the most effective job abilities should be favored.

Dancers run into another weakness in their abilities in their competitive nature: many abilities share a recast timer. Fast decisions often must be made on the battlefield to determine which ability is best for the current situation, because the alternatives may be locked for a significant period of time after using an ability (even if the ability fails to activate due to Paralysis).

LevelJob AbilityEffect
SP1TranceNegates the TP cost of dances, reduces the recast of Waltzes
5SambasConsume TP to imbue your melee attacks with supportive effects.
15WaltzesConsume TP to restore HP or remove negative status effects.
20StepsConsume TP to enfeeble the target and earn finishing moves.
20Flourishes IConsume finishing moves for a variety of effects.
25JigsConvenient travel-related self-enhancement dances.
40Flourishes IIConsume finishing moves for a variety of effects.
MeritSaber DanceGrants a high level of the "Double Attack" job trait, but restricts access to Waltzes.
MeritFan DanceReduces physical damage taken and increases enmity, but restricts access to Sambas.
MeritNo Foot RiseGrants finishing moves based on merit level.
77PrestoThe next step will be enhanced and grant an additional finishing move..
80Flourishes IIIConsume finishing moves for a variety of offensive enhancements.


Their supple frames adorned in magnificent garments, dancing in plain view on the battlefield, boldly defying downpour after downpour of beastman arrow, the dancers bestowed countless of Altana's legions with both courage and resolve, earning them the title "maidens of the battlefield."

LevelSambasTP CostDurationEffect
5Drain Samba102:00Party members recover HP on melee strikes.
25Aspir Samba102:00Party members drain MP on melee strikes.
35Drain Samba II251:30Party members recover HP on melee strikes.
45Haste Samba351:30Increases attack speed of party members.
60Aspir Samba II251:30Party members drain MP on melee strikes.
65Drain Samba III401:30Party members recover HP on melee strikes.

There are three types of Samba: Drain, Aspir, and Haste. Drain Samba comes in three tiers of increasing potency, Aspir in two, and there is a single tier of Haste Samba. While enhanced with a Samba, your melee attacks inflict a "daze" effect on the target. All party members who strike a "dazed" enemy will receive the beneficial effect of your samba.

Drain Samba allows party members to recover HP proportional to the delay of their weapon upon striking the dazed target (attacks do not do additional damage), but this is ineffective against undead targets. This ability is rarely used at higher levels.

Aspir Samba allows party members to drain MP proportional to the delay of their weapon upon striking the dazed target, but this is ineffective against undead targets or targets without MP. This ability is rarely used, even at lower levels.

Haste Samba grants 5% (51/1024) job ability haste to any party member engaged with the dazed target. This is a powerful effect and can be increased to 10% (101/1024) via group 1 merits. This ability significantly increases not only your own TP gain and damage per second, but that of all party members engaged. Once this ability is learned, it's essentially the only Samba worth using. (And it's definitely worth using.)

The duration of all Sambas can be increased by 30 seconds by equipping a Dancer's Tiara or Dancer's Tiara +1 upon activation. (You are free to remove it after activating the ability and still reap the increased duration).


The next ability you will encounter in your Dancing career is the Waltz. These soothing dances consume the TP you gain by attacking enemies to restore HP or remove status ailments. Unfortunately, their shared timers somewhat cripple their effectiveness, and as white mages and scholars have seen their healing prowess increase by leaps and bounds as the level cap increased, Dancers mostly saw an increase to their offensive prowess. Still, waltzes are situationally invaluable and a good Dancer knows when to halt their pirouette and waltz the party out of a perilous situation.

LevelTP CostWaltzesEffect RecastScaling Factor (k)Base (B)Est. Recovery*
1520Curing WaltzRestores target's HP.0:060.2560123 HP
2540Divine WaltzRestores HP for party members in area of effect.0:130.2560123 HP
3035Curing Waltz IIRestores target's HP.0:080.5130258 HP
3520Healing WaltzRemoves one detrimental effect from target party member.0:15
4550Curing Waltz IIIRestores target's HP.0:100.75270473 HP
7065Curing Waltz IVRestores target's HP.0:171.00450736 HP
7880Divine WaltzRestores HP for party members in area of effect.0:200.5280431 HP
8080Curing Waltz VRestores target's HP.0:231.25600963 HP

*Estimated recovery calculated with caster CHR + target VIT = 190 and Waltz Potency +15%

The table above includes a value for "Scaling Factor" and "Base" for each waltz. These are used in the waltz formula:

Where P is the sum total of the waltz potency you have on your waltz gear (for example, if you're wearing Dancer's Casaque (+10%) and Sonia's Plectrum (+1%) then P=11), C is your charisma, V is your target's vitality. The funny bracket things represent the floor function - in other words, evaluate everything inside of the floor brackets and then chop off anything after the decimal point (round down). The waltz formula adds up your CHR to the target's VIT, scales it by the scaling factor k adds B, floors that value, applies your waltz potency, and then floors the value again.

The estimate potencies in the table above includes a minimal amount of waltz gear because it's generally not worth carrying around.

The Anwig Salade from A Moogle Kupo d'Etat can be augmented with Waltz Recast -2, which is a pretty significant reduction and helps alleviate the annoying timers - although it does compete with two of our strongest pieces of Waltz Potency gear. In the past, the waltz potency Anwig made or broke the Dancer, but these days they waltz a lot less and it's more of a convenience.

For more information on Waltzes handled more technically, check out Byrth's article on Waltz Efficiency.


Steps enfeeble the target and grant finishing moves with which the Dancer can perform its other abilities.

LevelStepsEffect 12345
20QuickstepLowers target's evasion.-8-12-16-20-24
30Box StepLowers target's defense.-5%-7%-9%-11%-13%
45Stutter StepLowers target's magic evasion.-??-??-??-??-??
83Feather StepLowers target's critical hit evasion (increases player critical hit rate).3%*4%*5%*6%*7%*

*Value assuming Charis Toeshoes +2

Steps inflict a debilitating status on the target (called a "Daze" despite working very different from Samba-related dazes) that increases in stages. Each application of a particular step increases the associated daze (and as a result, the potency of the effect) by one level, up to a maximum of level 5. Successfully landing a step will grant the user two finishing moves - or a single finishing move if the daze associated with the step was already at the max level. Dancer's coveted Mythic Weapon, Terpsichore, increases the number of finishing moves granted for a sucessful step by one (at all upgrade stages - but will not grant additional finishing moves if the daze level was already capped). Daze effects from steps have a base duration of 1 minute, and each step applied after the first increases the duration by 30 seconds, up to a maximum of 2 minutes.

The success rate of steps is dependent on the Dancer's melee accuracy, although all steps receive an innate accuracy bonus of +10. They are suject to the accuracy cap, however, so steps will fail 5% of the time even for a level 99 Dancer fighting tiny mandragora in East Sarutabaruta. Because Dancers are highly accurate to begin with, and steps receive this innate accuracy bonus, there is virtually no justification to the group 1 merit category "Step Accuracy." Seriously, don't do it. Additionally, gear that enhances "Step Accuracy" is dificult to justify because there are often pieces of gear with comprehensive acuracy bonuses matching or exceeding the amount available on gear specific to steps - and these comprehensive items have applications outside of steps.

Furthermore, steps are often combined with the job ability Presto which grants a +50 accuracy bonus to your next step and causes it to raise the associated daze level by two instead of one (For example, utilizing Presto + Step on a target with no daze effect would inflict Daze Level 2). Additionally, for a step for which the daze level has not been capped, Presto will cause the step to grant an additonal finishing move on success. This additional finishing move stacks with the additional finishing move granted by Terpsichore. This is especially notable because for the cost of 10 TP, a Terpsichore-wielding Dancer can store 4 finishing moves which can be in turn reversed for 77 TP - a net gain of 67 TP - every 30 seconds. (Unfortunately you lose about that much to much more from the forced delay associated with the job abilities, so it's really only worth doing for skillchaining).

The most useful of these abilities is, of course, Box Step which goes a long way in alleviating a Dancer's attack woes (and of course, benefits the other melee party members). Combined with Presto, a dancer is essentially guaranteed 7% defense down on virtually any target which is susceptible to melee attacks.

Actual Box Step Values!

LV1: 12/256 (4.7%)
LV2: 17/256 (6.6%)
LV3: 23/256 (9%)
LV4: 28/256 (10.9%)
LV5: 33/256 (12.9%)

Why the weird jump from 2-->3 I can't say.
Adds to Dia II and thus presumably defense down, since those add together.

Dia II + Box Step 1: 38/256 (14.8%)
+2 : 43/256 (16.8%)
+ 3: 49/256 (19.1%)
+4: 54/256 (21.1%)
+5: 59/256 (23%)

7% defense down may not sound like a lot, but it's actually more potent than adding 7% to your own attack. Additionally, it compounds with other sources of defense down additively and defense reduction has an exponential effect on the potency of attack. This may not be intuitive, but we can see it easily by expressing defense reduction as the equivalent attack increase as follows:

And plotting it:

And now things we know intuitively start to make sense! While 7% defense down is modestly equivalent to a 7.6% increase to our attack, and 25% defense down is equivalent to raising our attack by 33% - halving the enemy's defense (50% reduction) is the same as doubling our attack (100% increase) which is what we'd expect. Of course, for high levels of defense reduction, we may not see the full effect due to the cap on ratio but Dancers usually only have this to worry about in high-buff situations.

Feather Step is what a Dancer will want to use in most situations where the ratio cap is of concern, since a boost to critical hit rate is always welcome. Quickstep sees niche uses versus highly evasive enemies such as THF enemies in Salvage, and could see some use in higher level alliance content if Dancers become viable in these events, but for now the situations where it would be useful are rare. Stutter Step has a sole function in increasing the accuracy of Violent Flourish's stun effect, but if you need the magic accuracy boost to land the stun effect, Violent Flourish is probably a poor strategy in the first place. In an event like Besieged or Campaign, where other jobs frequently use Dancer as a support job, it can be a good idea to rely on Feather Step for finishing moves since only Dancers can use this Step and other players increasing daze effects for the subbable steps can lead to disappointing single-finishing move steps!

Flourishes I

These abilities consume finishing moves to inflict some sort of effect on a target. At higher levels, these will be used uncommonly.

LevelFlourishes IEffect Finishing MovesRecast
20Animated FlourishProvokes target.1-20:30
30Desperate FlourishWeighs target down with a low rate of success.10:20
45Violent FlourishStuns target with a low rate of success.10:20

Animated Flourish generates 1000 Volatile Enmity for one finishing move and 1500 for two, making it a bit weaker than provoke. There's not much use for it at higher levels except for as a claiming tool. Desperate Flourish can weigh a target down, which reduces its evasion; unfortunately, if you need to lower a target's evasion due to low accuracy you will have difficulty landing this ability due to its hefty accuracy penalty. Violent Flourish on the other hand has a high accuracy bonus similar to that of the first hits of weapon skills (in the ballpark of +100). Unfortunately, the stun effect is easily resisted on many targets. You can however equip an Etoile Casaque, Etoile Casaque +1, or Etoile Casaque +2 to greatly enhance the accuracy of the stun effect.

Magic accuracy also affects the stun rate, but it's generally not worth carrying gear specifically for this purpose. If you need to stun a target for which a Dancer would require magic accuracy gear, bring a mage or Dark Knight with access to Stun.

Versus targets on which the stun effect is reliable, Violent Flourish can be an invaluable tool to maintain Utsusemi images on DNC/NIN. Simply stun the target and immediately begin casting Utsusemi: Ichi for an easier time getting shadows back up without being interrupted. It's also useful to interrupt spells or enemy weapon skills, particularly if they have a long ready time. Keep in mind that this ability can both miss and be resisted, however, making it somewhat of a gamble. All of the Flourishes I can trigger Job Ability weaknesses in Dynamis.

Flourishes II

These abilities consume finishing moves various utility effects.

LevelFlourishes IIEffect Finishing MovesRecast
40Reverse FlourishConverts finishing moves into TP.1-50:30
50Building FlourishEnhances the next weapon skill.1-30:10
45Wild FlourishReadies target for a skillchain.20:20

The first, and most valuable, of these abilities is Reverse Flourish. Reverse Flourish converts your stored finishing moves into TP, which can be used as a source of starting TP along with No Foot Rise or used to perform two weapon skills back to back forming a powerful self-skillchain. With the proper equipment and merits, Reverse Flourish will return up to 5 times the amount of TP you spent on steps to generate finishing moves (even more if you have Terpsichore!). It's certainly one of the defining abilities of the Dancer class. Building Flourish is powerful, providing, among other things, up to 25% attack, but relatively expensive since it competes with Reverse Flourish. Why enhance a single weapon skill when you can just use those finishing moves to perform two? This is especially true at higher levels when the TP return from Reverse Flourish is higher. Wild Flourish can be useful in fast-paced events versus weaker enemies for which two weaponskills and skillchain damage would be overkill, but a single weapon-skill and closing skillchain damage is enough to deplete their HP. It can also trigger Job Ability weaknesses in Dynamis.

Flourishes III

These abilities all consume finishing moves for some sort of offensive enhancement.

LevelFlourishes IIIEffect Finishing MovesRecast
80Climactic FlourishConsumes finishing moves to force the first hit of a certain number of rounds to go critical.1-51-5
89Striking FlourishConsumes finishing moves to force a double attack.20:20
93Ternary FlourishConsumes finishing moves to force a triple attack.30:20

Striking Flourish and Ternary Flourish rarely see any use due to their long recast (and in the case of the latter, high cost) relative to their effectiveness and competition with the more useful Climactic Flourish. Although Charis Casaque +2 enhances Striking Flourish to add a 50% critical hit rate (even to non-critical weapon skills), it's more effective to just force a critical hit outright with Climactic Flourish. Climactic Flourish does consume all finishing moves, so it will take a little finesse to complete a Solo Skillchain involving this job ability. The general strategy is as follows:

With Saber Dance and haste buffs, this strategy is pretty reliable to execute. However, it's really only useful to Twashtar wielders who have access to the powerful single-hit weapon skill Rudra's Storm. This strategy would actually be much easier for a Terpsichore-wielder to execute but a Terpsichore wielder has no interest in using Climactic Flourish! The above strategy can also be simplified if combined with the job ability Sekkanoki from a Samurai support job.

Please note that when using Climactic Flourish on a Weapon Skill you'll want to be sure to wear your Charis Tiara +2 upon activation - and during relevant attacks. Not only will the tiara grant a bonus critical hit (up to 6 critical hits for 5 finishing moves spent), it will also grant a 20% critical attack bonus while equipped! That's an incredible boost to a Weapon Skill like Rudra's Storm, where the majority of the damage will spring from the initial critical hit. Many people also use Spellcast to ensure that the tiara stays equipped for all melee attack rounds while the Climactic Flourish buff is active.

Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-19 09:49:12
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DNC 102: Weapons and Equipment

Stuff behind spoiler contains a lot of out of date stuff, but the updated version is coming soon!
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-19 09:49:19
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New and more useful section coming soon!
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-19 09:49:25
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Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-19 09:49:35
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Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-19 09:49:39
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Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-19 09:49:42
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Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-19 09:53:09
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To start the discussion, let's compare:

charis feather
potestas bomblet

on the following stages

1.) Old Content
2.) Dynamis - Nouveau (I personally parse 15% crit rate vs. DC-to-99 mobs in Dynamis, you can use that as a reference point)
3.) Voidwatch
4.) Abyssea

Feel free to consider whatever buffs you like!
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6219
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2011-12-20 02:11:37
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For Voidwatch, Potestas will win on every TP/WS thing except for Climactic'd Rudra's.

For DC mobs in Dynamis, Charis is probably with +1~5% crit rate and +5% crit damage, so I'm not sure which would win.

For EP mobs in Dynamis / Old Content, you probably already have capped crit rate. That's only 25% though, so Charis Feather only gives a ~1% increase in net damage. You may be better off with Potestas Bomblet.

In Abyssea, Charis feather is likely going to be king because of how high your crit rate is.

The next quandry is Rancor Mantle vs. Atheling!

Rancor Mantle vs. Atheling for Evisceration is a no-brainer, because Rancor Mantle lets you use Justiciar's Torque and pick up a lot of attack.

Rancor Mantle vs. Atheling for TPing in situations without Haste buffs is a tougher call. 3% DA and 3 Attack vs. 5% Crit rate. Even if crits are doubling your damage, DA affects your TP gain as well. I'd go with Atheling because (if there is an upgrade) eating the damage taken +10% doesn't seem worth it. It may be worth it in cases where crits are more valuable and damage is negated, like against Voidwatch monsters with Fanatic's.

So Rancor Mantle is mostly an Evisceration back for us, I think, but it may have some limited TPing roles.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-20 02:49:56
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Assuming high haste buffs, does that tip the scales in Rancor Mantle's favor?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Phetty
Posts: 132
By Bismarck.Phetty 2011-12-20 06:29:05
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So would it be safe to assume these are dnc new tp hands?
Nomkahpa Mittens
Should be able to cap hasste with them and get an extra %3 double attack.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Sirafiinikkusu 2011-12-20 09:54:00
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*unable to quote at the moment so i apologize in advance*

@sylow: haste should have very little to do with double attack and triple attack, attacking at higher speed shouldnt affect how much you A) crit B) Double attack.

i would personally stay with double attack given that another hit makes you ws that much more often.

@phetty as far as standard haste hands go that's a toss up between that and brego's, i personally felt something was off with the brego's themselves at one point due to me taking such extraordinary damage inside dynamis which led me to believe there was either DT+ or crit rate+ (crit rate on you, not the mob) on them. it was later proven that the DT portion of my assumption was incorrect with 1000 needles testing done by Xeno.

but as far as your question goes you could:

A) use brego's and your typical TP set
B) use nomka's and you lose your ability to wear aliyat chakram so it would then just be a concern how it affects your Xhit (darn those 99tp setups)
B) use brego's with Etoile tights +2 and hasty pinion given that af2 legs have 1 less haste than af3.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-20 10:18:32
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Well more haste would mean more crits over time. Crits effectively double your damage, so assuming saber the rancor mantle could potentially offer higher DoT (but atheling would increase WS frequency).

In a low haste situation where accuracy doesn't matter, I actually think those 3 % haste/ double attack gloves will win out over Brego even id you drop the last 0.5% haste from your build. Oneiros cluster is something to consider, but will likely never be reasonable for the average player, if Hasty Pinion screws up your TP. Depending on the Saber Dance enhancement from tights, they may begin losing to Brego because we have to drop haste there, too.

I can't really reccommend Aliyat for anything but solo, and everyone knows how I feel about soloing.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-20 10:23:13
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Sira, were you SJ restricted when you did the Brego thing? I notice I seeem to take extraordinart damage when restricted, but it could be confirmation bias.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 1060
By Lakshmi.Sirafiinikkusu 2011-12-20 10:27:37
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point A) yes you crit more over time but you also double attack more over time, attack delay has nothing to do with critVDatk ratios

point B) with saber dnc up the rancor will pull ahead anyways due to the decreasing returns on Datk.

point C) chakram has it's place though not such a grand place (ie. pulling) and the 6 agi on there provides more subtle blow and more stats for exenterator. not saying in anyway that its better than the other ammo slots though. situational is situational.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 1060
By Lakshmi.Sirafiinikkusu 2011-12-20 10:29:34
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Sira, were you SJ restricted when you did the Brego thing? I notice I seeem to take extraordinary damage when restricted, but it could be confirmation bias.
yes i was
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-20 10:46:07
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as an aside, I'm pretty sure rancor mantle + charis neck wins hands down in VWNM as long as you are able to negate damage.

This also asssumes you aren't receiving marches, which you shouldn't be. A VW alliance is only likely to contain a single BRD so youu should be in a different party on DNC to provide Sambas at full strength. Inb4 brd rotation, but who does that?
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-20 10:47:44
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Lakshmi.Sirafiinikkusu said: »
Sira, were you SJ restricted when you did the Brego thing? I notice I seeem to take extraordinary damage when restricted, but it could be confirmation bias.
yes i was

That explains it. The DC mobs hit like trucks to /00
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6219
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2011-12-20 13:11:38
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So, we have a few options for our TP gear now:

Charis Tiara +2 (6% Haste, 8 Atk/Acc, 8 STP)
Ocelomet Headpiece +1 (7% Haste, 13 DEX, 13 AGI, Set: 3% TA)
Zelus Tiara (8% Haste, -5 Eva)
Brego Helm (5% Haste, 6 STR/DEX, 5 Subtle Blow)
Athos's Chapeau (5% Haste, 8 STR)

Dusk Gloves +1 (4% Haste, 6 Attack)
Alucinor Mitts (4% Haste, 8 DEX)
Brego Gloves (4% Haste, 5 STR, 5 AGI, 9 Acc)
Nomkahpa Mittens (3% Haste, 3% DA, 5 STR)

Twilight Belt (7% Haste, 2% DA)
Phasmida Belt (6% Haste, 6 Acc, 6 Eva)

Charis Tights +2 (5% Haste, 5 Dagger Skill, 15 Evasion, Enhances Tactical Parry)
Calmecac Trousers (3% Haste, 2% DA/TA, Acc-8)
Etoile Tights +2 (4% Haste, 6 STR, 6 Acc, Enhances Saber Dance)

Charis Shoes +2 (4% Haste, 8 DEX, 8 STP)
Athos's Boots (3% Haste, 5 Eva/Acc, 10 AGI/DEX)

Oneiros Cluster (1% Haste, -7 Atk)
Hasty Pinion (1% Haste, -5 STP)

Tiercel Necklace (1% Haste, 5 Subtle Blow)

So we have a few attractive options for DDing that surpass AF3+2 now. In low Haste situations, being at 25 instead of 26% Haste is really not going to hurt us very much. I have bolded the TP set I'm probably going to aim for. Ocelo headpiece +1 may be better than AF3+2, but it also costs 10mil and is going to be outdated whenever they release updated Nyzul Isle.

I don't see either of the Haste ammos or necklace as worthwhile for the sacrifices you make in most of the situations I find myself in. Cluster is -22 Attack for 1% Haste. Pinion is -5 STP and 15 Attack for 1% Haste). Necklace is 3% Dual Wield for 1% Haste.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-20 19:17:08
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I just REALLY hope they didn't botch the Saber Dance enhancement.

It can really only be 1 of 4 things:

1.) More double attack either through
a.) changing the rate at which the double attack rate decays or
b.) changing the initial double attack rate
c.) changing the floor on the double attack rate (this is what I'm hoping for)

2.) Adding triple or quadruple attacks

3.) Adding other offensive stats (Accuracy, Attack, Critical Hit Rate, Crit DMG+, ODD)

4.) Removing the waltz restriction

(4) would be interesting but ultimately broken, in my opinion.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2011-12-21 01:12:43
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Considering how rarely I want to Waltz with Saber Dance up, I don't think number 4 would matter.

I'm betting it's more DA Rate or Haste, similar to Hasso enhancement on SAM pants.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-21 01:19:21
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Considering how rarely I want to Waltz with Saber Dance up, I don't think number 4 would matter.

If it's haste, that would definitely shove around some gear choices.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-21 01:21:36
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Anyway, I'm working on the content for this thread between mob respawns in Upper Delkfutt's atm, so if anyone wants to suggest something for me to cover, this is a good time :)
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-22 06:14:48
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Alright, I'm working on the TP section of this thread. I have two sets I'd like you guys to evaluate, and please comment on the questions I have posed in the comments section of the sets:

TP Set: General

Comments under spoiler. I bolded things on which I'd particularly like feedback.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-22 06:23:26
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TP Set: Voidwatch - General

Comments under spoiler. I bolded things on which I'd particularly like feedback:
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-22 12:36:06
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slowly adding information during times when I'm not beating myself over the head with a stick in Delkfutt
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Sirafiinikkusu 2011-12-22 15:59:52
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byrth when you have the opportunity can you do the math for potesta's, hasty pinion, brego and nomka's

sorry if im shallow regarding this but i can hardly believe that the attack will beat out the haste from the pinion during TP phase while wearing etoile tights. As for brego vs nomka's its to a lesser degree of confusion considering the double attack on them but im still somewhat concerned about the loss of haste.

also sylow, regarding your voidwatch set why did you drop raja's for mar's? as it stands this TP set is lacking in str which is sorely needed especially for voidwatch, i could see raja's dropped for a 7 str ring but not for mar's.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6219
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2011-12-22 16:14:07
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Lets see, you could have:
22 Attack and like 246~8/1024 gear haste or 256/1024 Haste

Haste Samba is 100/1024 at 5/5 merits. Haste from a Mage is 150/1024.

496~8/1024 Haste vs. 506/1024 Haste, so 506 has a ~2% advantage.

But wait, 22 attack! If you start with 600 attack, 22 more attack is still an increase of ~3.7%. So it wins against pretty much everything that matters these days, including Dynamis monsters/etc.

The end, the pinion is a piece of crap until you start getting bard songs, at which point you're delay capped anyway and need to decide where to cut the fat. Sacrificing 22 Attack isn't "cutting the fat," so you don't need to worry about ever trying to acquire this item.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2011-12-22 16:15:15
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