The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms for a New Age
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2215
By Siren.Thoraeon 2012-01-13 07:32:45
Also, the level 99 Mythics/Empyreans/Relics appear to be made of unobtainium.
They said the 99 won't be too hard, but the afterglow version will be super difficult if I understood correctly.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-01-13 07:43:43
2000 Riftdross for the Empyrean afterglow version.
100 PW drop items for Mythic afterglow version.
300 ADL drop items for Relic afterglow version.
Furthermore, the afterglow effects are pitiful. Mythics give +15 attack, it lasts 30 seconds regardless what TP you use it at, and it doesn't apply to the weapon user.
My impression is that this is a fork in the trial path, btw. You either do the afterglow version or not.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-01-13 07:46:46
3000 Riftdross for the Empyrean afterglow version.
100 PW drop items for Mythic afterglow version.
300 ADL drop items for Relic afterglow version.
Furthermore, the afterglow effects are pitiful. Mythics give +15 attack, it lasts 30 seconds regardless what TP you use it at, and it doesn't apply to the weapon user.
My impression is that this is a fork in the trial path, btw. You either do the afterglow version or not.
What about the other stage?
Any idea on trial?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-01-13 07:49:33
My impression is that this is a fork in the trial path, btw. You either do the afterglow version or not.
Also, it is 2000 and not 3000 Riftdross.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 583
By Fenrir.Yuriki 2012-01-13 07:49:48
Say whaaaa...
I suppose the question is, are these the very last trials or not? The general Empy player might not care about the afterglow if it's indeed the last trial. If new ones eventually come out and require afterglow then you may see more people care.
I know I'll do it on my Twash just because I love DNC too much.
Sucks for those people with multiple empys, though!
Any news on items for just the base 99 upgrade?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-01-13 07:57:12
Those are the only trials people are posting, so I am not sure which stage it is for. I know that the level 99 version of each weapon is obtainable, but they messed up the english WS tables again so we can't test things very easily. If you try to use Liberator's WS, you end up using Requiescat, etc.
I will probably log in to check the trait enhancement upgrades on the mythics later today.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 5
By Valefor.Ariusbonovitch 2012-01-13 14:51:01
Ok, not very good with computers, so I'm not going to attempt to place a 'gearset' image.
My question is this...when using Exen on DNC, what earrings/back/rings should I be using.
Currently just using:
Ear1 - Brutal
Ear2 - Suppa
Ring1 - Mars's
Ring2 - Stormsoul
Back - Atheling
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2012-01-13 15:57:04
2000 Riftdross for the Empyrean afterglow version.
100 PW drop items for Mythic afterglow version.
300 ADL drop items for Relic afterglow version.
Furthermore, the afterglow effects are pitiful. Mythics give +15 attack, it lasts 30 seconds regardless what TP you use it at, and it doesn't apply to the weapon user.
My impression is that this is a fork in the trial path, btw. You either do the afterglow version or not. Wow, *** that.
@above: Epona's over Mars's, AGI+4 or Aesir over Suppa.
By mortontony1 2012-01-13 16:00:10
2000 Riftdross for the Empyrean afterglow version.
100 PW drop items for Mythic afterglow version.
300 ADL drop items for Relic afterglow version.
Furthermore, the afterglow effects are pitiful. Mythics give +15 attack, it lasts 30 seconds regardless what TP you use it at, and it doesn't apply to the weapon user.
My impression is that this is a fork in the trial path, btw. You either do the afterglow version or not. Wow, *** that.
@above: Epona's over Mars's, AGI+4 or Aesir over Suppa.
I see everyone WS with Aesir. It's for the attack right? The conserve TP couldn't possibly be /that/ great.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Valefor.Ariusbonovitch 2012-01-13 16:18:24
So Epona's+Stormsoul > Mars's+Epona's? Also, I've been camping the AH for for a +4 earring, but none ever on my server
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Asura.Armonia 2012-01-13 19:35:29
So I basically have what i want for a Tp/Tank/Solo sets but i've been holding off making a Ws set cuz Frankly i dont know what one to use..
Mostly Ive just been spaming PK>Evis for Darkness Im working on my Twashtar currently but i still need 50 shells and 50 scales before i can start using, what is it Striking Flourish + Ruda's? I only have one point in the new dagger merit WS, im assuming it gets a lot better 5/5 but im not impressed by it at all currently.
[Incoming dumb question, brace yourself]
Basically, im lazy and dont want to carry 3 different Ws build sets, Evis-Crit / Ruda's / Exent, is there a universal set i can use for all three or am i just dreaming. Should I be sticking with a certain one WS.
Edit:I just saw the +30% PK damage on the 99 dnc mythic kinda curious if its ganna be worth anything now
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 583
By Fenrir.Yuriki 2012-01-13 20:23:37
So I basically have what i want for a Tp/Tank/Solo sets but i've been holding off making a Ws set cuz Frankly i dont know what one to use..
Mostly Ive just been spaming PK>Evis for Darkness Im working on my Twashtar currently but i still need 50 shells and 50 scales before i can start using, what is it Striking Flourish + Ruda's? I only have one point in the new dagger merit WS, im assuming it gets a lot better 5/5 but im not impressed by it at all currently.
[Incoming dumb question, brace yourself]
Basically, im lazy and dont want to carry 3 different Ws build sets, Evis-Crit / Ruda's / Exent, is there a universal set i can use for all three or am i just dreaming. Should I be sticking with a certain one WS.
Edit:I just saw the +30% PK damage on the 99 dnc mythic kinda curious if its ganna be worth anything now
This is a very easy to get set, minus the Aesir. Works great for Evis. There is better gear available but this is very easy to obtain.
As far as Rudra's, you're going to want to stack it with Climactic Flourish using your Charis Tiara +2. If you want to consolidate your WS sets just use the above Evis set but replace the Aias with your Charis tiara +2.
The best way IMO to use Rudra's is to do:
(start with 3-5 FM) Climactic // Presto // Box Step // NFR (depending on how many merits you have... you want 5 FM after your step and NFR) // Rudra's // Reverse // Rudra's. This will give you a sick solo darkness.
You could also try to RF with only 3 FM but then you're gambling on getting a good conserve TP and/or a few DA/TA in the next round in order to make it for the second WS.
For Exenterator you're going to want to stack AGI, STR, Attack, and Accuracy. Your Evis set won't do all too much. Better than your TP set but you'd still need to carry around a whole extra set if you want to make it worth it.
Terpsichore? Who cares if it's worth it, if you can dedicate yourself to getting one go for it!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Asura.Armonia 2012-01-13 20:43:09
Terpsichore? Who cares if it's worth it, if you can dedicate yourself to getting one go for it!
I've wanted one so bad since the day they came out but i was never able to make head way for one plus with all the work im doing for twashtar currently i dunno if i'll ever see one xD
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 510
By Asura.Vrytreya 2012-01-13 20:45:43
I tried this set on Tahrongi and I see a lot of 3k+ number and almost never see less than 2.4k on normal mob. I guess I really hit the 100% crit rate, if not very very close.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Asura.Armonia 2012-01-13 20:46:52
The best way IMO to use Rudra's is to do:
(start with 3-5 FM) Climactic // Presto // Box Step // NFR (depending on how many merits you have... you want 5 FM after your step and NFR) // Rudra's // Reverse // Rudra's. This will give you a sick solo darkness.
Going /Sam and doing a Sekkenoki>Climactic>Ruda>Ruda Sounds SOO much simpler
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Asura.Armonia 2012-01-13 21:09:50
I;m basically working with this right now, as embarrassing as this is
[Dont laugh]
StrKila/Parazonium/ /Thew bomb
[Anwig is Str+4/Acc+10/Att+5/WSAcc+15]
What I want it to look like is like this:
Edit: You know... after actually putting all those things side by side and takeing a step back to look at it all together I really have to ask myself what the F i was thinking.. dood.. Acc much?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1420
By Phoenix.Darkzeru 2012-01-14 04:47:52
3000 for the empy afterglow huh? Yea forget that....
This is stage 2 I'm guessin...
What I'm really wondering is what's the requirements for stage 1....
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 168
By Ragnarok.Unctgtg 2012-01-14 08:03:16
Yes it is Stage 2
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1420
By Phoenix.Darkzeru 2012-01-14 13:12:18
Eh I'll keep the ones I've gotten from VW for now until I know what stage 1 item is......
I wonder if it's that unnamed item I found in abyssea on the test server before the 99 cap :o
So it's come to my attention that the Athos's set (certain pieces) can replace quite a bit of DNCs gear for WS (and possibly other situation)
First thing I notice was the body....which I suppose would replace loki's outside of abyssea?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-01-15 02:03:21
Unless I missed some testing, we haven't had confirmation that the body is +5% Crit damage yet. But yeah, it'd replace Loki's and whatever your evasion TP body is.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 510
By Asura.Vrytreya 2012-01-15 11:27:13
I think couple week ago in BG someone got body+legs combo and saying 9% crit dmg and 4% crit rate.. that's why in previous page I asked whether the thights arae really 5% crit dmg boost.
I can only presume the body is 5% crit damage... which is supposedly very easy to test on lv-1 mob outside starter cities by initiating ranged attack (assuming the skill isn't horribly low like below 50).
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2012-01-15 11:34:37
If no one has tested the full bonus yet, I wouldn't expect rates as high as we predicted. Someone I know has full ogier's and it still only gives 2 refresh with the full set.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 510
By Asura.Vrytreya 2012-01-15 12:25:57
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-01-15 12:29:39
Eh, we can assume it (I already am), but I don't generally trust names I don't recognize that don't provide any kind of data or testing method to back up their claims. For instance...
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2215
By Siren.Thoraeon 2012-01-17 04:50:35
I just got Lux from the stingiest manticore around, and I am pretty excited. However, my current main hand is the DA Para+3. Doing some number crunching, it looks like that despite the lower delay of Lux, my DA Para have better TP gain/attack rate due to the DA +10% on it. This difference is less noticeable in Saber Dance, but still there.
This spreadsheet only considers the delay of the daggers in question with Oynos off hand in my TP set during dynamis. I used a base crit rate of 13% from an old parse I did and extrapolated the increase of dDEX for the applicable weapons. Assume a crit hit did double damage for simplicity's sake. And assumed Haste/Haste Samba. Oh, and I assumed Lux affects both hands. (I will probably test this at a later date in abyssea.)
My question, is it worth using my DA Para over Lux as a main hand for DNC until I finish Twashtar or get lucky with Qilin?
Oh yeah:
Parazonium +3
DMG:47 Delay:211 DA+10
Lux Pugio
DMG:48 Delay:195 DEX+10 Crit. Hit Rate +4%
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 510
By Asura.Vrytreya 2012-01-17 04:55:46
At first I expected some parse to identify if the crit hit rate affecting both hands :[
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2215
By Siren.Thoraeon 2012-01-17 04:57:11
At first I expected some parse to identify if the crit hit rate affecting both hands :[ I'll do that later this week.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-01-17 05:12:42
It has already been done. It works on both hands.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2215
By Siren.Thoraeon 2012-01-17 05:13:34
Both Coruscanti and Lux? Good saves me from having to test it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-01-17 05:27:26
Yeah, it is linked on bgwiki.
I'm working to get this all updated and stuff, until then, read what's already here!
Current sets on pages 83-84.
In general, check the last few pages of the thread, as the most updated information will be there.