The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms for a New Age
Server: Odin
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Posts: 29
By Odin.Snowballx 2014-04-18 12:38:41
Anyone have any dnc gear sets I could look at?
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2014-04-18 13:02:10
So BG says that the job points needed for each upgrade increases per level so I wanted to make sure... Was the last level in each of those 2 categories 10 job points each?
Yeah, it costs 55 points per category at the moment.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 70
By Ragnarok.Liteholt 2014-04-18 14:14:01
While I know they're not ideal, here's what I currently use on my DNC, as a general idea of things to aim for. Manibozho pieces are path A R15.
For when you're soloing, or don't have Haste or Marches. Though I'm debating whether or not I should swap in the Potestas Bomblet for the Feather, not sure how much difference it would made. I'm aiming to replace the Nusku's with a Patentia once Limbus decides to be nice and actually give me one.
ItemSet 322574
For times when you need a bit more DEF, I swap in the maxixi casaque +1 instead of the Charis.
If you are in a group with access to Haste and Marches, or Embrava, here's my 'goal to get to' set. I currently lack the mask, for now I use my Uk'uxkaj Cap.
ItemSet 322577
For WS, here's my base set.
ItemSet 322578
And for Exen, I use this.
ItemSet 322579
For Waltzes, I use this. Just need to +1 the head.
ItemSet 322583
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Odin.Snowballx 2014-04-19 10:58:47
Thanks!! :D
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 70
By Ragnarok.Liteholt 2014-04-23 14:49:49
After spending quite a large number of hours grinding out sparks in Abyssea - Tahrongi, I can now call myself a proud owner of the horos casaque +1. Just went through and updated all my gearsets in GS. Anywhere that the Iuitl Vest was being used (mainly in PDT sets) I now have the Horos +1, and it has now become my 'high level need DEF against this' body piece in place of Maxixi +1, as it has 21 Att/Acc over the 13 on Maxixi +1, as well as the PDT-4%, with the same evasion/M.Evade/MDB as Maxixi +1.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-04-25 03:43:48
Ragnarok.Liteholt said: »For Waltzes, I use this. Just need to +1 the head.
ItemSet 322583
Probably worth pointing out that the "Potency of Cure Effect Received" on Buremte Gloves and Chuq Belt does not affect Waltzes, just Cure spells.
Only stats that will affect waltz are:
1) Waltz Potency
2) CHR
3) Target's VIT (so for self-waltzes, VIT is nice for your own gear)
While Buremte are not bad, they are roughly a sidegrade with Maxixi+1 (Maxi slightly winning for self-waltz, Buremte slightly winning for waltzes on others). Horos+1 beat both easily thanks to the beefy CHR/VIT stats.
And don't forget the two Waltz Potency +3% rings.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Ragnarok.Liteholt 2014-04-25 16:12:00
Yeah, I have the valseur's ring, just forgot to put it in there. And yeah, I forgot that I swapped the hands and belt out when I got Caudata and Maxixi+1, still working on the Horos+1 head and the Horos+1 hands.
By tarupowa 2014-05-01 16:08:36
can anyone give me some tips on my tp set? just came back after about 8 months and here's what im currently using,all gear from before i left.
weapons: aphotickukriand leisilonu +1.
head: iuitl headgear
body: thaumas coat
hands: iuitl wristbands:
legs: quiahuiz trousers
feet: iuitl gaiters
rings: epona's and rajas
back:atheling mantle
belt: twilight belt
earrings: thedelve dual weild ones
ammo: charis feather
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Ragnarok.Liteholt 2014-05-04 17:59:32
Tarupowa, the only things that I can see off the bat that you could stand to upgrade would be the Aphotic/Lesilonu for some better daggers, if you can do Skirmish 3 and get a Leisilonu +2, or so the Tchakka fight until you get a Atoyac, or if you have any of the 119 mission fights complete have a Polyhymnia crafted. I use Polyhymnia/Eminent as my weapons of choice.
Also, while the Thaumas body is good, it isn't really that useful unless you have someone casting haste on you, or you have a BRD who can give you Marches. Swap it for either the Charis Casaque +2 or the Maxixi or Horos Casaque +1 (Horos preferred, but it's a LOT of work to get it). For your head, try doing Hurkan until it gives you an Uk'uxkaj Cap. Hands, go for Maxixi or Horos Bangles +1, or do Yumcax until you get a Buremte Gloves.
By tarupowa 2014-05-21 15:24:46
i have horos body NQ atm for tp, an horos head is on there too. i have the hurkan hat and use for exenterator when i use that(i have rudra's and use that when i can climactic) working toward the 119 JSE dagger but not much gil atm. gonna work on getting the reforged AF soon too. so far for relic i have head,feet, an body at Ilevel 109. i might change to the charis +2 an cap haste with other stuff. would charis +2 be recommended over the horos?
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Server: Sylph
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Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2014-06-29 12:17:37
Trying to re-gear my dancer. So far I've come up with:
When defense doesn't matter:
ItemSet 315466
Head augmented with 2% Haste/8 STR&10 ATK.
When it does:
ItemSet 325376
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2014-06-29 12:21:10
You can't augment the head with both 8 STR and 10 Attack, iirc?
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Jassik 2014-06-29 12:23:36
ya, only one of the 3 from the KI.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2014-06-29 12:28:12
Ooops, you're right.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2014-06-29 12:46:40
I've been finding that a OAT/Crit Rate Atoyac ends up doing pretty well.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2014-06-29 13:23:58
I've been finding that a OAT/Crit Rate Atoyac ends up doing pretty well.
Don't say that, I just R15'ed my Sabebus :(
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 204
By Shiva.Trixan 2014-07-04 09:19:43
Anyone know an appropriate set for aeolian edge?
By Pantafernando 2014-07-04 10:40:21
Anyone know an appropriate set for aeolian edge?
Stack mab.
Pieces to consider:
Wayfare head and body
Friomisi earring
Stocheion medal
Acumen ring
Sheneedpleasure legs +1
Toro cape
If you can, use vanir knife. As you will be hitting low dmg in pdt phase, can consider atoyac with oat for tp or even atoyac with mab.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sapphire 2014-07-04 11:41:09
I've been finding that a OAT/Crit Rate Atoyac ends up doing pretty well. I went with a OaT/Stp version and like it for the slightly faster tp gain. I use it on some rng and rdm builds so I opted out of the critrate aug.
I haven't tried using it on hardmode DM and stuff like that, but for vw/dyna/meripo/salv its a pretty fun offhand.
By tarupowa 2014-07-04 13:41:02
So guys i been working on my tp set, and now i think its a lot better. i still dont know how to post it so its an image so i gotta type it out sorry :(
Izhiikoh/Polyhymnia charis feather(aiming for ginsen)
whirlpool mask, asperity necklace, DA or DW earrings depending on buffs.
Qaaxo body and hands R15 with DA path, epona's / rajas ring
Atheling mantle, twilight belt(gonna get potentia) maxixi tights(almost +1!!!) and horos toe shoes +1 with max CP merits.
let me know how you guys think of this as a tp set please :D
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 317
By Ragnarok.Azryel 2014-07-07 12:32:30
I had some questions about dancer merits and weapon skills:
I’m leveling my mule’s dancer for the sole purpose of farming Arrapago Remnants II, and I was wondering what someone that actually knows something about dancer would do with merits bearing that goal in mind? As of late I’ve been soloing AR2 on my mule’s scholar and it’s totally doable, but hitting the stone macro every 4 seconds for an average run of an hour sucks… I just can’t handle the monotony anymore, thus I’m leveling my mule a melee job, and DNC seemed the path of least resistance since she already has dagger skill, two solid daggers, and Exenterator from her days of being a BRD. I admittedly know very little about dancer, and would appreciate any input on this matter.
Also, weapon skills: I’ve been leaning towards Evisceration and Rudra’s on my THF as of late, so I’m assuming I should do the same with my mule’s DNC, though I’m not sure if or when I’ll unlock Rudra’s on that character… Is there another WS that’s somewhat worthwhile to use in the meantime with Climactic Flourish? Or phrased another way: what’s my best “spike damage” option for dancer? I’m thinking about the 3-minute time limit on killing the Armored Chariot in order to pop the HQ boss. Thanks.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 4
By Phoenix.Icemaush 2014-07-21 08:51:23
Hi guys,
I've noticed a lot of dancer's are using Maxixi Bangles +1 over Horos Bangles +1 for TP sets... Does the step acc +20 make that big a difference over the extra stats that Horos provide? And if so, can't they just be macroed in for steps?
Can someone please explain this to me as I'm trying to decide which hands to go for?
Thank you!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
By Carbuncle.Skudo 2014-07-21 09:31:52
Favouring Maxixi Bangles +1 pretty much means giving away Accuracy +11 for another Attack +4. So Maxixi Bangles +1 is superior in content where you don't need more accuracy. The additional accuracy to Steps of course does not help a bit there, either.
If you don't use Maxixi Bangles +1 in your TP set (e. g. if you actually need accuracy for non-fodder stuff), you could still macro it in for your steps.
By ScaevolaBahamut 2014-07-21 09:36:50
Favouring Maxixi Bangles +1 pretty much means giving away Accuracy +11 for another Attack +4. So Maxixi Bangles +1 is superior in content where you don't need more accuracy. The additional accuracy to Steps of course does not help a bit there, either.
If you don't use Maxixi Bangles +1 in your TP set (e. g. if you actually need accuracy for non-fodder stuff), you could still macro it in for your steps.
There aren't really any situations where 4 attack is going to be remotely noticeable, much less significant enough to justify inventory -1, especially since we get some decent mileage out of OAT Atoyac so we've always got room for more accuracy.
I suspect most people using Maxixi +1 are using it because they already had it complete when Horos was released. Horos +1 is better in every way.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2014-07-21 09:47:00
I don't use my dancer in situations where accuracy is an issue, so 4 attack wins out for me. Maxixi +1 were significantly cheaper, although I'm sure I'll do Horos at some point.
By ScaevolaBahamut 2014-07-21 09:49:40
I don't use my dancer in situations where accuracy is an issue, so 4 attack wins out for me.
Why the hell would anybody invest millions of gil on mats and multiple man hours on Rem's pages to +1 reforge gear for a job they only intend to use for fodder?
Yeah yeah how dare I suggest cost/benefit analysis etc etc but these are all resources you could be investing in a job you intend to use for Actual Stuff.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2014-07-21 10:00:14
...because that's all Dancer is good for at the moment, but some people still like the job.
I have all the shinies and play the job (imop) well. I could parse about the same as MNKs and SAMs against Tenzen pre-patch, but it's hard to say that we were equally geared and I doubt I could repeat the performance post-WS patch.
Horos +1 is the odd-man out for our hand armor selection. They're an interesting piece, but mostly for their Evasion and Enmity.
* If you want Accuracy, get a pair of Iuitl Wristbands +1 with an Acc/PDT augment. You generally want PDT in situations where you want Acc and vice versa.
* If you don't need Acc or PDT (fighting fodder) then use Maxixi Bangles +1.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 4
By Phoenix.Icemaush 2014-07-21 10:08:52
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll go with Maxixi since the mats for Horos are quite a bit more expensive and look into getting a pair of those Iuitl Wristbands for the Acc/PDT.
Cheers! :)
By ScaevolaBahamut 2014-07-21 10:11:08
Which is all well and good, but ignores the context of the person asking the question. Here is presumably a dude (he has 1 post so who knows) looking for guidance on how best to gear his DNC; he has no reason to think this thread's definition of "best" differs greatly from what he would find elsewhere. If the answer is "we all use maxixi because we have better jobs to use for real content", fine, but it's worth noting that none of the other job forums around here are this defeatist, and well, that's a pretty major caveat.
I am personally of the opinion that fodder sets are not worth the inventory and effort, because if you're already killing your target in seconds an additional 4 attack or whatever is not going to make a difference. In practice, if all you intend to use your DNC for is farming Dynamis then you might as well just get RoE armor and an eminent dagger and start steppin'. Would you disagree?
EDIT: If you are concerned about cost, getting Iuitl +1 with the correct augments is going to be dramatically more expensive than Horos +1 (disregarding pages, ofc).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2014-07-21 11:01:30
As far as negativity, my current "serious" jobs are BLM, BRD, and DNC. I have kind of second-tier jobs that I also keep geared (PLD, THF, and SMN), but the first three are my main focus.
For Delve:
Unless we have a good bard already (or someone who doesn't have other jobs geared) and are doing an old zone, I should probably be on Bard. If we have a Bard, I could probably go along on DNC as it isn't entirely dead weight. I've won Tojil parses, etc. I've done Yorcia on BLM and parsed similar to SAMs post-WS patch, but I can't avoid moving the monsters sometimes and standing in range is also undesirable, so I don't really like going BLM to that.
For Skirmish:
Be it Yorcia or Ra' Skirmish, I should be on BLM. I typically parse near 50% in Ra' Skirmishes on BLM, and the justification for Yorcia is obvious.
For Hard-mode BCNMs:
PLD, BRD, or THF are generally the jobs I should be on. There might be an odd time or two when I manage to go DNC (like to Tenzen), but in general my party would benefit more from one of those other three jobs.
For jokey old content crap:
Sure, I'd go DNC if I was motivated to change my job and had any reason to still do this.
As far as price, I'd estimate that it'd cost you about 500k to get a decent Acc augment on Iuitl Wristbands +1 (50% second-augment rate, ~20% chance of Acc, about 50k/stone).
I'm working to get this all updated and stuff, until then, read what's already here!
Current sets on pages 83-84.
In general, check the last few pages of the thread, as the most updated information will be there.