Rain seemed sort of light there this morning but it's a bit heavy now. Not seen different weather strength since RSE I think.
Safari is somehow just immune to rain though...
Took a few hours but I finally caught a protean frogadier female a minute ago. IV total is on the low side but it does have perfect Sp.Atk at least.
Has anyone found a list of some of the new pokemon's egg moves? I've read that forakie gets Spikes and/or Rapid spin but not seen any proof.
It's way to damn naturally frail to set up three lairs anyways but rapid spin could be cool.
It took me long enough but I finally reached 5/6 on a Larvitar (was stuck on 4/6 for the longest time). Now to get a male 5/6 and I can finally try for the first pokémon of my team that is competition ready.
It took me long enough but I finally reached 5/6 on a Larvitar (was stuck on 4/6 for the longest time). Now to get a male 5/6 and I can finally try for the first pokémon of my team that is competition ready.
I reached 4/6 very fast, I think it took me around 9 eggs. But then I was stuck on 4/6 during 100 eggs or so. I just hope I can get a second 5/6 or a straight 6/6 within 40 or so.
Generally hexflawless is pointless as you're only using one of your attacking stats on most Pokemon. Quintflawless is fine and for a special attacker technically the lower the Attack IV the better.
I reached 4/6 very fast, I think it took me around 9 eggs. But then I was stuck on 4/6 during 100 eggs or so. I just hope I can get a second 5/6 or a straight 6/6 within 40 or so.
only reason to get a second 5/6 is if you're going for 6/6 or need a male to breed onto different pokemon in an egg group. only reason you need 6/6 is for mixed attackers anyways.
I reached 4/6 very fast, I think it took me around 9 eggs. But then I was stuck on 4/6 during 100 eggs or so. I just hope I can get a second 5/6 or a straight 6/6 within 40 or so.
only reason to get a second 5/6 is if you're going for 6/6 or need a male to breed onto different pokemon in an egg group. only reason you need 6/6 is for mixed attackers anyways.
Well my issue is that the first was a female, I just got a male now on the first batch so I'll make them have some fun. I need to check what other pokémons are in the same list as Larvitar, see if I can profit from it.
I unfortunately don't have the HP IV on Larvitar, that's mainly why I'm shooting for 6/6.