Talking about money, i have been executing a supposelly “good” idea.
Im always bothered about the (low) retention I have when I study something. This is nothing new or strange, but there is a limit how much i can effectively gain by simply reading a bunch of letters once, without effectively applying or reviewing later.
And all of that are extra effort that at minimum, will double the initial resources I dedicated to read a book or watch a series of videos.
So, what I have been doing now is reading/watching lessons with the mindset of rephrasing, reorganizing concepts and structures and prepare the text I write as a book I can release in the future.
This is a “good” idea because it add on top of reading/watching effort also a layer of “active” reading/watching, what boost the amount of knowledge retained.
Plus, having a material with potential to be released in the future allows me to prepare passive incomes, one of the most desirable thing one can have, imo. It makes worth every second I spend reading/watching: if im not retaining 100% of it, at least Im making use of that time to generate extra money in the future.
While this increase a lot of the time I need to complete a couse, in a sense that cost is kinda negligible for someone like me, who think that I have some degree of attention disorder: i normally take way longer to complete a course because Im always thinking in something else. For example that Angular course I undertook, in terms of duration, it was only ~55h of lessons. But it took me like 6 months to complete it because i had to rewatch many lessons, many days I simply didnt watch any because of gaming or other stuffs.
And active reading/watching helps me keeping focused in something, so in the end, it shouldnt be that much difference in time spent by simply reading/watching with my current attention disorder and reading/watching actively while writing texts that can be used for money in the future