Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
By Pantafernando 2024-08-10 02:42:15
Good morning you who are getting old. Also you getting more old. And you who getting even more old.
Sometimes its hard to notice, but the body is quite honest to tell you the truth.
By Dodik 2024-08-10 06:24:29
By Pantafernando 2024-08-10 06:57:36
Bismarck.Josiahflaming said: »I bet one of you is a big enough harry potter nerd to bring me an answer to this

According to ChatGPT:
Quote: In "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," when Harry is bitten by the basilisk, he survives because Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, heals him with its tears, which have magical healing properties, including the ability to cure the deadly venom of the basilisk. The question of why the Horcrux inside Harry isn't destroyed by the basilisk bite is an interesting one, and here's how it can be understood:
Basilisk Venom and Horcruxes:
Basilisk venom is one of the few substances in the Harry Potter universe capable of destroying Horcruxes because it is incredibly powerful and destructive. When a Horcrux is destroyed, the piece of the soul within it is also destroyed.
The Horcrux in Harry:
Harry himself is an accidental Horcrux, meaning that a piece of Voldemort's soul latched onto him when Voldemort's killing curse rebounded. This piece of soul resides within Harry, but it is not an object in the traditional sense, like the other Horcruxes (e.g., the diary, locket, etc.).
Why the Horcrux Wasn't Destroyed:
- Healing by Phoenix Tears: After Harry is bitten by the basilisk, Fawkes heals him almost immediately. The Horcrux in Harry is not given enough time to be fully destroyed by the venom because the venom itself is neutralized quickly. If the venom had been allowed to fully work, it might have destroyed the Horcrux, but the healing happened too swiftly for this to occur.
- Intent and Magical Mechanisms: The destruction of a Horcrux usually involves the intentional targeting of the object with a substance capable of destroying it. In Harry's case, the basilisk bite was not targeted at the Horcrux but at Harry himself. This might imply that the Horcrux within him wasn't directly attacked in the way a Horcrux inside an object would be when using basilisk venom.
- Harry's Unique Status: Harry as a living being is fundamentally different from an inanimate object that is made into a Horcrux. The piece of Voldemort's soul inside Harry is deeply intertwined with Harry's life force, unlike the Horcruxes that reside in objects, which may also contribute to why the basilisk's venom did not affect it in the same way.
In essence, the quick intervention by Fawkes and the unique nature of Harry as a living Horcrux are the main reasons why the basilisk's bite did not destroy the Horcrux inside him.
By Pantafernando 2024-08-10 06:58:18
Im not sure why people still complain about AI.
Its perfect! Way better than 99% of humans
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-08-10 07:14:24
I don't like that answer. I think it's more along the lines of:
Harry Potter is a young adult series, and the rules of the world are loosely defined. The author did not think that far ahead. Enjoy it for what it is.
By Dodik 2024-08-10 07:18:23
Taking stories about teenage wizards seriously is so cringe.
By RadialArcana 2024-08-10 07:22:13
Im not sure why people still complain about AI.
Its perfect! Way better than 99% of humans
If you bought a new mmorpg and every other single person in the world was run by Chatgpt, that can play and talk to you would you continue to play it? They could even pretend to be your friend, and share your opinions on everything.
If you found out everyone that replies to you on this website was chatgpt, would you continue to post here? If not, why not?
What about a new social media website, that was just you and everyone else was chatgpt? Where all your posts got thousands of likes, agreed with everything you said? Would that be the most popular social media site, or do people actually prefer reality and friction?
This is a very real future (I believe it's called the dead internet theory, which is obviously false currently but maybe one day..) we could be headed to.
By Pantafernando 2024-08-10 07:49:25
Ow gosh, Im feeling like Afania now, but here we go.
If you bought a new mmorpg and every other single person in the world was run by Chatgpt, that can play and talk to you would you continue to play it? They could even pretend to be your friend, and share your opinions on everything.
I actually was brainstorming if I could make a private server of FFXI, I personally think it would be good to add some AI NPCs to join, pretending the game to be in its prime days.
I wont deny this is sad, but you cant go back, and going this route would be the closest you can get to there.
Obviously I never had a real thought if our current AI can properly reflect the behaviour in play, nor how much computational cost it would be necessary to run so many AI controlled chars, but short answer, YES.
If you found out everyone that replies to you on this website was chatgpt, would you continue to post here? If not, why not?
This is a more tricky one, but I suppose it depends on your goals on posting.
I already wrote it before, only the act of venting greatly helps a lot of emotional weakness we can momentarily feels during a normal day.
Also, sharing whatever thing you want to share also has a psychological effect.
Given those two points, the feedback isnt actually the real point in posting.
But the question: if you want to vent/share without any feedback, then why wont you do it in Notepad app? Well, there is a third effect when posting that is that we want to ressonate with people alike you. Then I would agree that it really makes no sense trying to resonate with a machine, as you cant really create bonds with algorithms. I cant explain exactly whats "bonds" despite being intuitively, but I would agree that I dont believe in bonds between humans and AI.
Despite the third point, the first two would still make me post in a forum with only AI.
What about a new social media website, that was just you and everyone else was chatgpt? Where all your posts got thousands of likes, agreed with everything you said? Would that be the most popular social media site, or do people actually prefer reality and friction?
This is in line with the previous topic, I would just add about the social media part.
One thing that made me reflect what is social media was when I wondering about live in Twitch.
Why the hell it gives so much money to streamers playing random games for hours and hours? Whats the point?
After thinking about the reason of that, the conclusion I came up was that people arent watching the streamer only for the content, but to be a part of a community of people alike. Supposely everyone in a chat of a streaming are people that at least have the streamer as a common point, thats a "bond" that link everyone there together, and thats the main reason people stick there: to be a part of a whole.
One of limitation of social medias is that the general ones tend to group people that dont have the "bonding" characteristic.
And thats also why I think we are in FFXIAH for so long despite many of us not currently playing it, or even caring about discussion the gaming aspects of it.
Because we consciously or not, understand we came here for a "bond" of liking the very same game, and eventually we creating other types of "bonds" that keep up together for so long.
If we leave here, we can even crate new bonds in others forums, but we wont ever find the same bond with people we know here.
This is a very real future (I believe it's called the dead internet theory, which is obviously false currently but maybe one day..) we could be headed to.
This future I feel its more likely the downfall of humanity social aspects than an evolution of technology.
At that point, maybe our mind are so deteriorated that we can actually feel like ok staying with chatbots than real people.
To prevent that, we would need to favor more healthy bonds between people, but thats not the role of technologies.
Humans have to deal with their own problems by their own.
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
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Posts: 15966
By Asura.Vyre 2024-08-10 07:57:59
Probably wouldn't get sad until I tried to make better friends with the particularly friendly/funnier/cooler response driven bots. Interaction online really isn't all that personable until you try to get one on one or do things together.
Can already see this at work on dating and hookup sites where bots do and have run rampant for years. You obviously aren't going on any dates with bots, but because the interaction is directly trying to lead to something physical, the experience becomes pointless and too much of a hassle. You pretty quickly learn to not trust or even bother going to such sites, because real interaction is almost 0, and what little real interaction you do get is like... undesirable attention from undesirable partners/scenarios.
But in a game world, it could go quite a bit different. If the bots are always there simulating conversation and also "playing" then they beat out human companions quite easily because they can give you everything you're looking for in the game without getting tired and without judging you. As long as you're satisfied with just hanging on the periphery and making gains and playing the game in a pick up/put down kind of way, then you likely aren't going to be bothered. The added convenience of the bots never missing event runs and always "being glad" to see you probably will have you humanizing them and writing off your disdain for the fact that you can't ever go have a beer with one of them.
It would, again, not be until you desired something more. Like a meet up for drinks at a con, or until you went to a fan meetup or something that you'd really feel the gravity of playing with fake people all of the time. But if you knew going in that you weren't really making real friends/these personalities are only accessible in game, then it's probably just a parasocial relationship like lonely folks get with TV characters, but a little more dangerous given the stage further increase of being able to interact with them directly via gameplay.
Could really ruin you for genuine human interaction.
By Pantafernando 2024-08-10 08:41:57
AI is probably the reasonthe secon FF title I like the most is FF12.
always "being glad" to see you
Im always glad to see you guys shitposting.
Except when the shitpost is about politics
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1449
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2024-08-10 08:42:36
Quote: If you bought a new mmorpg and every other single person in the world was run by Chatgpt, that can play and talk to you would you continue to play it? They could even pretend to be your friend, and share your opinions on everything.
If you found out everyone that replies to you on this website was chatgpt, would you continue to post here? If not, why not? that would be quite the AI feat to fake since over the couple decades I have been inside a couple users here after falling in love with a couple international gamers lol
I wouldn't play a single player MMO without a functioning online community, but I would enjoy a single player game with that level of depth to it's npcs
By Afania 2024-08-10 08:49:05
Ow gosh, Im feeling like Afania now, but here we go.
That's entirely way too philosophical for an Afania post so 0/10! >:O
By RadialArcana 2024-08-10 08:52:23
The governments of our nations would love for us to have a dead internet, where we all login and have simulated and controlled interactions with tens of thousands of AI all saying the correct things. They and the elites hate people communicating online, and put lots of resources into censoring and controlling us so we don't get out of line with our thinking.
This is absolutely something I can see being ahead in the next 50-100 years, in some way or another. Imagine they see someone is having thoughts that they don't agree with (such as being anti capitalist or pro a nation you're not supposed to be pro), you could shut that person off from the real internet and create a fake internet that is created to bring them back into "good think" territory. This would only work if we can't tell it's happening of course, and as AI gets better and people more controlled with what they say it becomes easier to push into reality. It would not work on everyone, some people are cantankerous but most would.
Quote: I actually was brainstorming if I could make a private server of FFXI, I personally think it would be good to add some AI NPCs to join, pretending the game to be in its prime days.
For a video game it would be cool if they were all in character of the world and you know what is going on, but imagine you play a game for years and think everyone is a real person and suddenly one day find out everyone playing the game with you and that you ever interacted with was AI. Your friend list is all AI characters, everything you achieved was only viewed by AI, even the guy you argued with that stole your NM was AI. That would be incredibly depressing and sad, and people would be pretty mad into being fooled like that no doubt. The question is, why would it be sad. There is more to these online interactions than just words and the interactions themselves, causes you can absolutely simulate those.
If this simulated internet idea ever happened, you would not even know it and the next day would be the same as the last. One day you would be talking with people all across the internet, and the next it would all be simulated. Seamless.
There is a lot more to people communicating online that just posting and reading others posts or interacting, there is some deeper need for human interaction we all have. Which is why so many forms of online communication exist (discord, reddit, forums, social media)
I made a post ages ago somewhere else about this and I asked people if they would be mad if they were playing a normal modern mmorpg casually (say wow or ff14), doing dungeons (which often just boil down to hi, gg, bye etc) and having casual interactions with people...and one day you found out all the people of the world were AI (cause the ai server crashed or something). Would you be mad, and almost everyone said they would be. Which does not even make sense, unless there is some deeper emotional reason they want it to be real people.
By Pantafernando 2024-08-10 08:52:53
Ow gosh, Im feeling like Afania now, but here we go.
That's entirely way too philosophical for an Afania post so 0/10! >:O
In the sense of replaying each paragraph individualy.
Obviously my post quality is superior
By Afania 2024-08-10 08:54:44
If you bought a new mmorpg and every other single person in the world was run by Chatgpt, that can play and talk to you would you continue to play it? They could even pretend to be your friend, and share your opinions on everything.
If you found out everyone that replies to you on this website was chatgpt, would you continue to post here? If not, why not?
What about a new social media website, that was just you and everyone else was chatgpt? Where all your posts got thousands of likes, agreed with everything you said? Would that be the most popular social media site, or do people actually prefer reality and friction?
Ummm no? For me if I want to chat with chatGPT, then it is more efficient to use chatGPT itself than another website with a chatGPT API.
I also don't delve into pages of philosophy about existentialism online. This kind of philosophy is meaningless to me.
By Afania 2024-08-10 09:00:48
If you bought a new mmorpg and every other single person in the world was run by Chatgpt, that can play and talk to you would you continue to play it? They could even pretend to be your friend, and share your opinions on everything.
Personally I mostly play FFXI for math and game mechanics. I rarely play with other people unless grouping is required for certain gears, which is required for more checking math and game mechanics.
If SE ever release a chatGPT version offline FFXI, I probably wouldn't care as long as game mechanics are still there, lol.
By Pantafernando 2024-08-10 09:02:46
The governments of our nations would love for us to have a dead internet, where we all login and have simulated and controlled interactions with tens of thousands of AI all saying the correct things. They and the elites hate people communicating online, and put lots of resources into censoring and controlling us so we don't get out of line with our thinking.
This is absolutely something I can see being ahead in the next 50-100 years, in some way or another. Imagine they see someone is having thoughts that they don't agree with (such as being anti capitalist or pro a nation you're not supposed to be pro), you could shut that person off from the real internet and create a fake internet that is created to bring them back into "good think" territory. This would only work if we can't tell it's happening of course, and as AI gets better and people more controlled with what they say it becomes easier to push into reality. It would not work on everyone, some people are cantankerous but most would.
Quote: I actually was brainstorming if I could make a private server of FFXI, I personally think it would be good to add some AI NPCs to join, pretending the game to be in its prime days.
For a video game it would be cool if they were all in character of the world and you know what is going on, but imagine you play a game for years and think everyone is a real person and suddenly one day find out everyone playing the game with you and that you ever interacted with was AI. Your friend list is all AI characters, everything you achieved was only viewed by AI, even the guy you argued with that stole your NM was AI. That would be incredibly depressing and sad, and people would be pretty mad into being fooled like that no doubt. The question is, why would it be sad. There is more to these online interactions than just words and the interactions themselves, causes you can absolutely simulate those.
If this simulated internet idea ever happened, you would not even know it and the next day would be the same as the last. One day you would be talking with people all across the internet, and the next it would all be simulated. Seamless.
There is a lot more to people communicating online that just posting and reading others posts or interacting, there is some deeper need for human interaction we all have. Which is why so many forms of online communication exist (discord, reddit, forums, social media)
I made a post ages ago somewhere else about this and I asked people if they would be mad if they were playing a normal modern mmorpg casually (say wow or ff14), doing dungeons (which often just boil down to hi, gg, bye etc) and having casual interactions with people...and one day you found out all the people of the world were AI (cause the ai server crashed or something). Would you be mad, and almost everyone said they would be. Which does not even make sense, unless there is some deeper spiritual reason they want it to be real people.
This feels like movie from Jim Carey.
Probably his reaction sums pretty well how people would react to the "truth".
I would just add that our perception of reality is way more precarious than most people can accept.
But just what would be reality if by tomorrow you become blind?
If the foundation of reality would to crumble, there would only two alternatives: either succumb to despair or adapt to the new reality.
By Afania 2024-08-10 09:03:48
If this simulated internet idea ever happened, you would not even know it and the next day would be the same as the last. One day you would be talking with people all across the internet, and the next it would all be simulated. Seamless.
It's honestly kinda like this already. The large amount of bots on the internet posting and replying things online, about political topics.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1449
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2024-08-10 09:10:07
We are social creatures purely because we evolved to be that way and thrived the most efficiently by utilizing socialization. The human beings that decided to not be social and live on their own, (even if they were a couple and reproduced) did not thrive anywhere near as productively or extensively as the ones that embraced socializing and spreading their genes and behaviors etc
Our current forms of socializing are just too recent to have an effect yet on that evolution, so it breaks down to critters adapting to the new forms of stimuli and socializing that become available to us. There is nothing special about how we adapt to socialize and meet our social needs, plenty of species have that same adaptive capacity; We are just currently the most efficient at it.
@Afania when it comes to existentialism, it always makes me smile at how self-absorbed we can be about this planet. For example earth doesn't give a ***about plastic or nukes in the time scale it's working with; All our waste products will be long gone and back to atoms billions of years before the sun explodes and destroys our planet. There might be a new exciting version of us near the end there and even if we all died in a nuclear winter tomorrow, the planet will keep chugging on and eventually sustain all sorts of life again like we were never here once everything decomposes back to its components etc.
If you and I popped into a time machine and moved 2 billion years ahead it most likely would just be all green and back to the no mammal normalcy here all over again between the ice ages, with massive insects and animals enjoying the extra oxygen cycles in the atmosphere etc. And Zero trace of human greed or corruption or capitalism (added that last one for you) on the planet.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2024-08-10 09:26:05
Looks like the right to protest is about to go wayside since being at a protest that turns into a riot from a handful of malicious actors means you're guilty even though you didnt partake in the riot.
Super hot take = super dumb take That's the idea isn't it?
The Brits do not have a bill of rights like we do in the USA. Then again neither does Canada eh?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-08-10 10:47:49
Jailing people for being present at a protest, which all three countries you listed have in their charter / bill of rights, that just happened to go south by a handful of malicious actors because they were present at the protest is a bad thing. Thats some dictatorship ***straight out of North Korea.
Right to protest:
UK: article 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights
Canada: section 2c of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
So yeah, what you're suggesting violates the human rights of those other countries you listed. Not a good look.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-08-10 10:49:46
It's gotten to the point where western governments feel comfortable being as authoritarian as they want, as long as there is a right-wing-aligned boogeyman that they can blame. The left seems perfectly content to accept these measures as long as the surface presentation implies it's to combat racism/sexism/tribalism/meritocracy/whatever.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-08-10 10:52:43
We always give up rights for safety.
It's literally only a matter of time before disinformation is jailable, there's no better weapon than a lie to stupid people.
Threats require responses, stupidity is more dangerous than ever.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-08-10 10:54:31
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-08-10 10:55:08
It's literally only a matter of time before disinformation is jailable, there's no better weapon than a lie to stupid people.
Threats require responses, stupidity is more dangerous than ever.
This reads like you're in favor of it. So, perfect illustration of my last post. Considerable portions of left wing ideology are built on the lie that everyone can have everything but it's just big bad business ruining it, can we jail people for those posts too?
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-08-10 10:56:03
It's just an inevitability. Not if, but when.
Really can't say we wouldn't be better off if stupid people couldn't be rabble roused by weaponized disinformation.
(Who gets to decide whats disinformation, and what isn't, no one, no worldwide communication period. Village idiot stuck in his own village is harmless)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-08-10 11:04:41
Really can't say we wouldn't be better off if stupid people couldn't be rabble roused by weaponized disinformation.
The issue isn't that disinformation is good, it's that giving any entity the power to decide what is or isn't disinformation will empower them to create a monopoly over thought. There's no set of standards you can put in place that will prevent abuse of that situation. Read Nynja's posts over the last few pages, western governments are publishing disinformation themselves and attempting to punish people who are posting facts to legitimize their own disinformation.
It might inevitably happen, but anyone wishing or hoping for it is a fool.
By Pantafernando 2024-08-10 11:04:56
We need to add a rule of only allowing 5 ninja edits per minute.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-08-10 11:09:46
Just answering what youre going to say before you say it, its easier
Generally know anything youre going to respond with, usually pretty obvious.
(Mai freedumbs, it's not fair, that couldn't happen, some variant of brownshirt, it's all very predictable and childish)
I'm just telling you what's going to happen. Not What I want, As if I'm the Arbiter. We don't get a say, it's just going to be what it is.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-08-10 11:30:15
Read Nynja's posts over the last few pages He cant, he has me blocked because I hurt his feefees.
Which is going to pale in comparison to what he's gonna deal with in his dictator led future.
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.