Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2024-07-12 09:19:56
... They made a Sausage Party mini series.
That sounds hilarious without context. So none you shall have. Are you enjoying that party? Or even enjoying the sausage?
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2024-07-12 09:22:38
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-07-12 09:38:17
I CANT FIND people to do sortie with on daily basis :(
By Pantafernando 2024-07-12 10:00:16
I CANT FIND people to do sortie with on daily basis :(
By Pantafernando 2024-07-12 10:01:24
... They made a Sausage Party mini series.
That sounds hilarious without context. So none you shall have. Are you enjoying that party? Or even enjoying the sausage?
I actually meant that, but you were more explicit in what I just wanted to leave pointed out.
By Pantafernando 2024-07-12 20:25:38
Say what you want from 80/90s media but i love moments like: the alpha male protagonist saves a woman whos about to be killed by the evil guy.
Then she asks to the protagonist: “why did you save me?”
Protagonist: “i couldnt watch your beautiful *** being bitten off like that”
Then she replies with a smile.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-07-12 23:24:05
YouTube Video Placeholder
THE NEW BLIZZARD SUCKS *** *** I HOPE WHOEVER CHANGED ERA dies choking on an ice cream cone i bet he is a fat SJW
By Viciouss 2024-07-13 00:21:12
Wow Alec Baldwin's case got tossed completely. Never should have been charged to begin with, but withholding evidence from the defense is inexcusable. People are going to get fired for that one.
By Pantafernando 2024-07-13 02:51:52
Good morning you who are one of the top 40 players in FFXI. Also you who are top 100 players of FFXI. And you who are top 9999999 players of FFXI.
Anything to massage your ego
By RadialArcana 2024-07-13 07:10:55
The laws apply differently depending on the person.
If you're poor / normal income you're gonna get the whole boot up your ***, because it's made to be incredibly complex and you're just SoL. There are pitfalls everywhere and if you fall in one it will financially ruin you, or/or send you to prison. The legal system is made to destroy normal peoples lives.
If you're rich you can pay for good lawyers and you're going to get a much better outcome, every eventuality is covered and you're going have to mess up really bad to actually see real consequences and not just a slap on the wrist.
If you're uber wealthy not only can you pay for the best lawyers and so have all the benefits of above, but the powers above you are going to pull the levers to keep you out of prison. Cause they want you doing your thing and earning lots of money for the government (plus owing them a favor for doing so).
Pay to win asf.
Baldwin was always going to get off, the entire thing was a show to pretend justice applies to all. You really gotta annoy some powerful people for the laws to apply to rich people, Trump is a prime example of an uber wealthy guy getting treated as they all should be treated when you P enough people in power off.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2024-07-13 09:24:32
Wow Alec Baldwin's case got tossed completely. Never should have been charged to begin with, but withholding evidence from the defense is inexcusable. People are going to get fired for that one. I see you are totally unfamiliar with the criminal justice system here in the USA.
Hint: there is a reason why it is called criminal justice.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-07-13 09:38:19
Our "justice" system is a *** sham.
Literally preschool antics where if you say one word incorrectly guilt is decided. It'd be more honest if they just screamed nuh-uh at each other until one lost their voice deciding the trial.
It's all drill and ceremony and no substance.
You see when you filed the complaint you put that it was July 12th instead of July 13th so the whole case is void.
And trial by jury is just a contest to see who can manipulate stupid *** better. There's no "justice" in letting 12 slackjawded, room temperature IQ, illiterate high school drop outs decide validity of facts.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-07-13 10:31:04
And trial by jury is just a contest to see who can manipulate stupid *** better. There's no "justice" in letting 12 slackjawded, room temperature IQ, illiterate high school drop outs decide validity of facts.
This is true, but it's usually going to be the better funded lawyer that can manipulate those people better. Well, excepting high-profile cases, where the syndicated media decides public opinion and ensures the jury will agree with it.
By Afania 2024-07-13 11:22:48
Our "justice" system is a *** sham.
You can literally change the word "justice" to "humanity" and it'll lead to the same conclusion.
I can not imagination totally unbiased flawless justice system that can even exist anywhere. Human minds are going to be biased to a certain degree no matter what, that's how human brain works. it's just the matter who and which system is relatively more unbiased than another.
Also inb4 "just let AI overlord judge people so no human bias!". No thanks. Plenty of movies and anime already showed us how the world will be like if we let AI judge people.
tl;Dr: this problem will never have perfect solution imo, just relatively (bolded for importance) better solution with better systems.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2024-07-13 12:22:32
sad truth is in its raw design, we probably have one of the better justice systems even possible in human society, in large part because as least we've built in do-overs with an appeals system.
Of course its eons away from perfect, but at least its an admission that the system has flaws, and we have a mechanism in place to try and address them.
As Afania said though, please no championing "just let AI handle it"....the faults mentioned prior all seem to agree that money results in the imbalances we see, perhaps one option is to remove the aspect of private legal defense from the system in the ways that prosecution is handled by public officials. Again, I can't see the system ever being perfect, but perhaps we can attack some of the things hampering that system from at least doing its best.
By RadialArcana 2024-07-13 12:23:37
"AI" lawyers (once the tech is better in 5 years or so) for all would be far better than what we have now where only the rich get good legal aid. You could make that argument for many things actually, including health care.
AI we have now isn't even AI at all, it's false advertising.
By Afania 2024-07-13 12:31:32
"AI" lawyers (once the tech is better in 5 years or so) for all would be far better than what we have now where only the rich get good legal aid. You could make that argument for many things actually, including health care.
AI we have now isn't even AI at all, it's false advertising.
Are there any evidence or data to support that more expensive lawyers = higher chance to win in American justice system?
Because I am personally not seeing how hiring expensive lawyers always leads to better results. Lawyers are not magic, evidence still plays far bigger role on determining who win or lose afaik.
By RadialArcana 2024-07-13 12:37:28
Yeah people who are good at their jobs get paid more, they get paid more because they offer an advantage. If they did not, nobody would pay more.
The reason top lawyers are so good, is because they know all the loopholes and technicalities that can destroy evidence used to convict someone, and will examine the cases in minute detail to find them. That's why a good lawyer can get you off the hook for almost anything.
Rich people don't face consequences for their actions, kids of rich people also never do.
Bill Gates could eat kids in the street and he wouldn't goto jail.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-07-13 12:41:48
It's common sense that you get what you pay for. Not to mention wealth affords settlement and favorable terms for said settlement.
And that free lawyers do, as expected, the bare minimum (less than)
A free AI lawyer with infinite time and infinite knowledge is VASTLY superior to a court appointed lawyer. Purely presentation of fact, a machine will undeniably excel at. (when said machine can understand fact from disinformation)*
By Afania 2024-07-13 12:44:32
Bill Gates could eat kids in the street and he wouldn't goto jail.
That is exaggerating, lol.
Even good Lawyers can't destroy evidences, they are good at "lawyering" which is gaining a slight advantage in arguable grey areas. If you have undeniable evidence even the best lawyers don't have magic to change facts.
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »we probably have one of the better justice systems
It's kinda funny, because in my country we actually believed US justice system is one of the best in the world and proceed to copy it. Over the years it changed more and more like the US.
And yet real Americans here complained about it hardcore. Grass is greener on the other side I guess.....
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2024-07-13 12:47:44
"AI" lawyers (once the tech is better in 5 years or so) for all would be far better than what we have now where only the rich get good legal aid. You could make that argument for many things actually, including health care.
AI we have now isn't even AI at all, it's false advertising.
Are there any evidence or data to support that more expensive lawyers = higher chance to win in American justice system?
Because I am personally not seeing how hiring expensive lawyers always leads to better results. Lawyers are not magic, evidence still plays far bigger role on determining who win or lose afaik. money doesn't buy you just one lawyer. you pay the firm. you get a team of lawyers.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-07-13 12:55:57
It's kinda funny, because in my country we actually believed US justice system is one of the best in the world and proceed to copy it. Over the years it changed more and more like the US.
And yet real Americans here complained about it hardcore. Grass is greener on the other side I guess.....
As with all things, it's "perfect" in theory and extremely flawed in practice.
Because humans are the flaw in the system. Easily manipulated, easily distracted, easily corrupted, and generally dumb as bricks.
By Afania 2024-07-13 12:59:48
It's kinda funny, because in my country we actually believed US justice system is one of the best in the world and proceed to copy it. Over the years it changed more and more like the US.
And yet real Americans here complained about it hardcore. Grass is greener on the other side I guess.....
As with all things, it's "perfect" in theory and extremely flawed in practice.
Because humans are the flaw in the system.
But human has to be the one who judge no?
Judges can be bribed and be biased, at least in the US it is relatively(bolded for the 3rd time) less of a problem with
trial by jury.
(Yes, bribing and social trust has been a big problem in other less developed countries, surprise!)
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-07-13 13:00:40
Better than bad isn't good
By Afania 2024-07-13 13:02:32
Better than bad isn't good
If better system doesn't exist in reality then it is a waste of time to complain about it. Nothing will change if better options don't exist.
By RadialArcana 2024-07-13 13:15:49
When I say destroy evidence I don't mean literally, I mean to break a case down against someone. For instance you can have DNA evidence but find ways to discredit it or find technical ways to have it be made inadmissible due to incorrect signatures or something.
There have been cases where a search warrant to search property lead to finding the weapon or worse that was used in a crime, and that never being told to the jury because the paperwork wasn't properly signed for the search warrant. This is a technicality that can destroy a case and set a guilty person free.
Or you can have an eye witness and a good lawyer can rip that witness apart and make them look stupid or bad in some way to the jury to discredit the evidence they can provide, for instance if the jury is majority women you can show that the witness hit his wife or something and make the jury less willing to accept his testimony. The job of a good lawyer is to know someone did something and destroy the case against them to set them free anyway, cause the legal system is so busted.
Evidence is usually secondary these days to getting a confession, cause it's so easy for a good lawyer to discredit it. So the main way they take people down is via a confession, and if you're rich that will never happen cause the moment the cops try to question you the expensive lawyer is there tanking for you.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2024-07-13 15:38:13
The problem in the USA's system is qualified immunity.
withholding evidence from the defense is inexcusable. That's called withholding discovery. But the prosecutors have qualified immunity. Not even a reprimand.
Or you can have an eye witness... Who can be payed by the cops or prosecutors to lie. Happens all the time. But hey! Qualified immunity strikes again. Also eye witness testimony is unreliable.
Because humans are the flaw in the system. Easily manipulated, easily distracted, easily corrupted, and generally dumb as bricks.
Cops can beat a confession out of an innocent person and if it is discovered... you guessed it. Qualified immunity.
There have been cases where a search warrant to search property lead to finding the weapon or worse that was used in a crime, and that never being told to the jury because the paperwork wasn't properly signed for the search warrant. This is a technicality that can destroy a case and set a guilty person free. This is "the fruit of the poisonous tree." And is actually a vital tool for defense.
Only recently have we begun to hold cops responsible for erogenous conduct or even murder. Prosecutors still always get away with gross malfeasance.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2024-07-13 15:48:50
yeah, as others have stated more completely above, by paying more you get access to the resources and tools of an entire firm, not just a single person, and 'destroying evidence' isn't really 'destroying'.
As someone not professionally connected at all with law, I've always seen it as a chess match of sorts. You could have a natural savant play against a 30-year veteran who are both FIDE-ranked equally, but that veteran still has an insane advantage simply due to years of studying different openings and tactics....just the raw time.
And when someone spends copious amounts to hire a law firm, they get the time in saddle of all those combined resources and people, not just one court-appointed lawyer. Not even their fault, just raw scaling of the numbers that can't be competed with.
Regarding the 'destroying' bit- all those added years of experience and time learning means that those larger firms and more expensive legal defense teams can pour over each aspect of a case deeper, and find procedural errors that could exclude a piece of evidence from a case...in reality that evidence is still from that crime and still accurate, it may just have been processed wrong or handled wrong at some point along the chain. That's the 'destroying' being referred to.
By RadialArcana 2024-07-13 17:47:32
Trump just got shot at a rally, seems a flesh wound thou
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.