Ive been an obscenely high success rate with venus orbs right now. Im over 50% loud thuds out of orbs.
But also, im getting an obscenely high amount of void items, to barance my luck.
Atm, though, i really only want to spent all my orbs so i can directly farm from HTBF. Ive been delaying it because i always think: “maybe it could just drop from aman, so why bother while i stll have a chance to get it with minimal effort?”
Turns out its not that minimal as i thought… im way over hundred orbs spent, and maybe somewhere between 10 to 15h on farming/popping orbs this month. At this point, i just want to finish this.
Stll looking for odin rings and malignance gloves. Creouscular cloak would be welcomed though