Been soloing Palace of the Dead as a way to level Red Mage in XIV, and also to gun for the floor 200 solo achievement/prestige.
On floor 149, have had some bad luck, but by spamming Fortune pomanders and Affluence pomanders every other floor, it made up for my bad luck by giving me tons of good pomanders. I just unlocked Cairn of Passage, and I'm omw to it to go up and fight to death with one of the hardest bosses in Palace. What happens? 90k...
Log back in immediately, hoping that it's not Comcast being comcraptic. I get back in right away, only I'm no longer in Palace? What? Are you serious? DCing counts as being killed? Are you *** shitting me? 5 Hours of work down the toliet for being DCed by the bunk *** servers? GODDAMN IT!
Worst of all, it doesn't seem to have recorded my score or given me the 2nd achievement for soloing over 100(This is on one of my alts). So I don't even get to see my mob kill count or how well I did. And man, other than the few hiccups on 139 and 144, it was going so good. I had everything lined up perfectly to take out the 150 boss and get to the bitterly challenging part(and the part where you can get Night Pegasus Whistles).