This was my entire collection before last I'd say last night was a great haul xD
The top 2 rows + Firestorm were given to me by a friend/co-worker, The Killing Joke being the first one. I believe I posted it here when he gave it to me xD But that gift is what sparked my interest in comics. The rest in the pic I bought myself. He highly recommended The Dark Knight Returns, so I got the big book.
I got the Birds of Prey with Batman on the cover solely for the cover art.
Batman: Darkest Knight is an Elseworld Story about how Batman receives a Green Lantern ring. Like he needs powers, right? xD
Thy Kingdom Come is only Part 1 of 3, but it was a great read. I really need to get the other 2 parts. Tales of the Corps is basically the origins of each Lantern Corps, but I have since read TONS and TONS of Green Lantern comics, including Blackest Night and Brightest Day. Spectacular storylines.