Think I've been playing too much MH4U...
Got images of characters with Insect glaives/staves stuck in my head...
I've hit another wall. Keep running out of time on missions. Not being aggressive enough I think is part of it. If I get too ballsy though I make mistakes and get floored.
I have no idea what it is but some giant pickle monster showed up in one mission as an extra DANGER monster and wrecked my day :(
deviljho(I'll wait for one of Leon's Jho pictures because I always love the ones he finds. :D)
Rule number one of Monster Hunter: Be aggressive. Learning to be aggressive first before you learn the more intricate art of being careful around monsters and reading patterns/tells is far better for you, especially when solo.
If that still doesn't work, new armor/weaponry may be your solution.
If you act too carefully, you'll never take the time to learn how monster's attacks work and you'll be a worse hunter for it.
Another suggestion I've made to hunters who play too carefully, if you can try to make an Evasion +1/2 set. It gives you more invincibility frames and gets you used to dodging. Just remember to ease yourself off of the skill as once you lose it you're gonna miss it.