The polka dot skirt has box pleats.
The white skirt has knife pleats.
I am going to recreate the white skirt, in purple with about two inches added because my undercheek shows standing still. Any movement, gust of wind or sneeze would reveal pink bits.
The polka dot skirt has box pleats.
The white skirt has knife pleats.
I am going to recreate the white skirt, in purple with about two inches added because my undercheek shows standing still. Any movement, gust of wind or sneeze would reveal pink bits.
The polka dot skirt has box pleats.
The white skirt has knife pleats.
I am going to recreate the white skirt, in purple with about two inches added because my undercheek shows standing still. Any movement, gust of wind or sneeze would reveal pink bits.
Modesty ftw!
I have a black and white polka-dotted skirt that looks just like that!!!
Messed up, the code for SE, even though I am on the NA site version and selected the US version, when I click to accept my code, it sends it to the EU version.
Come on SE.... :/
Like I was saying,their services are absolutely abyssmal. They're joint with nintendo for worst services atm
The polka dot skirt has box pleats.
The white skirt has knife pleats.
I am going to recreate the white skirt, in purple with about two inches added because my undercheek shows standing still. Any movement, gust of wind or sneeze would reveal pink bits.
Modesty ftw!
I have a black and white polka-dotted skirt that looks just like that!!!
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.