Like Unwanted Trash

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like unwanted trash
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: drakelth
Posts: 731
By Bismarck.Drakelth 2011-02-08 04:12:15
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Also I can see how u feel. But at the same time when I set up nm runs its usaly because I want something. Like take lusca form example. I need his card so I went out and farmed his pop. All I need to kill him is a blm/brd a heal and a thf/nin so I get grellow proc and TH. Now I am holding cards for me so that leaves the coin, the weapons and a shot at the atma. I need those jobs and its easier to get help with less people lotting them so I don't broadcast my plan to ls I ask people with the jobs I need. But on the other hand if some one with a job I don't need wants to come I tell em they can get chance at atma and anything I dont't lock in order to get people I need. It may make me an *** but I already killed 3 sobeks for AF3+2 legs. And got other items I needed so maybe its just they are a bit like me and calculate what they need. To work for there own goals. But hell to pass up a free rdm they must be retarted or just realy dislike you.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-02-08 04:24:49
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1) Grow a pair
2) Drop a shell with people unwilling to help you
3) find a better shell / make a shell / lowman
4) ????
5) Profit
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2011-02-08 04:28:24
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
1) Grow a pair
2) Drop a shell with people unwilling to help you
3) find a better shell / make a shell / lowman
4) ????
5) Profit

Agreed. *** them, you can do better if you can bring the necessities to the table, which isn't hard. I.E. drive to get ***done, the power to do so and the skill with which to execute your directives.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2011-02-08 04:31:46
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Bismarck.Drakelth said:
Phoenix.Kirana said:
One more tip before I go to bed. If you are playing on Xbox or PS2, I highly recommend switching to PC and getting Windower. Just the extra heads-up information and limitless macro space provided by windower will turn you into a much better player. Playing a job well requires the ability to quickly change gearsets to respond to different situations and to make efficient use of your abilities. This is near impossible to do well while on a console, as it requires you to use 2-3 macros just to complete one action. In my experience, most console players are too lazy or stubborn to do this, and perform poorly because of it.

I play on 360 and it take some though and more effort but I think it makes me a better player because to do my job right I have to be on the ball. Easier isn't always better.
I understand your point here, but I disagree. A year or so ago, I couldn't get windower to work on my laptop, so when I went away for christmas, I was playing without windower macros. I managed to make up multi-button press macros to get around it and still change all my gear, and I honestly don't think anyone would have noticed if I hadn't told them. However, I was already well accustomed to gear swaps and the like, and took quite a bit out of me to play like that. It's harder than using windower macros, but it's also really really busy work. Like pulling, debuffing, buffing and curing a really ***party that need babysitting every step of the way, you just have no time to stop at all.

If you're new to macroing in full gear swaps, I think it's best to start simply. Hell, even if you just start with macroing HQ staff and one or two other items in FFXI macros it's a good way to learn the premise of it. Then read up on what stats effect certain spells, and start building stronger sets around those needs.

Once you learn that bind/sleep etc need enfeebling skill and INT, and that slow/para etc need enfeebling skill and MND, you're on the right track. Read more into and get some experience and you'll learn about potency as well, and can start to make ideal gear sets for each type of spell. OP's current job showing on AH is rdm. To reach a base acceptable competence level on rdm, you need at the very least 3 full gear sets. Cure, MND enfeebles, INT enfeebles. The very minimum that any melee job should have is 2, tp and ws. Get those minimum builts worked out and macro them into all your spells, then build up around that.

Here are some other types of builds that a good end-game job may need:
Fast Cast/Haste (for pre-cast and/or buffs, or any spell that you need to cast often, rather than accurately/strongly)
Nuking for Potency
Nuking for macc (on high resistance targets, not needed so much now)
Nuking with same day/weather
Aspir/Drain (dark magic skill > macc > haste imo)
MND enfeebles max potency
Full Enhancing/Stoneskin build
Idle/Ohshit (pdt, def, refresh/regen, movement speed. This is good for any and all jobs, when you have more hate than you can handle)
Hmp gear (definitely not needed for any job in abyssea, probably not even needed outside abyssea now)
Various Tp builds (moreso just haste/attack/X-hit type builds now, acc builds are pretty much irrelevant in most cases now)
Evasion/Pdt/Mdt builds (depending on job/situation)
Various ws builds (melee jobs need to know the mods of each ws they use, to be able to gear for each ws appropriately)

Anyway, got rather side-tracked here. Personally, I think it's much more important to get your head around the concept of different builds for different spells/JAs as a first step. Work on those builds, then the whole game is about how you can improve them or what builds you can add to help you in different situations.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: drakelth
Posts: 731
By Bismarck.Drakelth 2011-02-08 04:47:38
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Odin.Blazza said:
Bismarck.Drakelth said:
Phoenix.Kirana said:
One more tip before I go to bed. If you are playing on Xbox or PS2, I highly recommend switching to PC and getting Windower. Just the extra heads-up information and limitless macro space provided by windower will turn you into a much better player. Playing a job well requires the ability to quickly change gearsets to respond to different situations and to make efficient use of your abilities. This is near impossible to do well while on a console, as it requires you to use 2-3 macros just to complete one action. In my experience, most console players are too lazy or stubborn to do this, and perform poorly because of it.

I play on 360 and it take some though and more effort but I think it makes me a better player because to do my job right I have to be on the ball. Easier isn't always better.

I understand your point here, but I disagree. A year or so ago, I couldn't get windower to work on my laptop, so when I went away for christmas, I was playing without windower macros. I managed to make up multi-button press macros to get around it and still change all my gear, and I honestly don't think anyone would have noticed if I hadn't told them. However, I was already well accustomed to gear swaps and the like, and took quite a bit out of me to play like that. It's harder than using windower macros, but it's also really really busy work. Like pulling, debuffing, buffing and curing a really ***party that need babysitting every step of the way, you just have no time to stop at all.

I have always played on 360 more or less I have a PC that could easily run FFXI but I preffer FFXI on my 360. Simple because its how I have always played minus like 6 months of pc play due to RRoD. But even when I was on pc I never used mods or other addons. I think its just pointless and a crutch.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tamoa
Posts: 1341
By Asura.Tamoa 2011-02-08 04:55:35
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I have to say I agree 100% with Blazza's spoilered post. Everything on your profile page isn't necessarily up to date, I realize that. But just looking at the rdm gear showing at the moment (which is absolutely horrendous, sorry to have to break it to you but it really is), the lack of merits (if that's updated), and whm sub not even lvld - well it does send some strong signals about what kind of player you are.

Edit: the fact that I see NQ AF3 in the equip history also makes me shudder. I would never wear it, not even for looks. To me, it really gives others the wrong impression.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2011-02-08 05:16:19
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To OP:
Sometimes, people do stuff together with their closest friends, and dont wanna bring everybody.
You should just get a group of close friends willing to do stuff like that occationally yourself, don't assume you'r automaticly best friends with everybody in your LS.

Blazzas spoiler post was a very accurate one.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-02-08 06:15:12
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Ramuh.Attribute said:
It sounds like you are in the wrong LS. Elitist *** that never reply because you may lot a drop or get a clear and then want to Shin with them. I was in a few LS like this on Bahamut where theres LS events and then "Silent" events where only the leaders and a few others can come. IMO you should leave the LS because this is not fair to you as a players and a devoted member. Stand up for yourself!
It realllly depends.

If someone just wants, clear that's one thing. Sure, idc who are you are, tag along and stay out of the way if it's something I don't want you meleeing on etc. If I'm farming on my own outside of ls event, and someone wants to come along for drops, that's another thing. If you're friends with me, talk to me on a regular basis, etc., then sure, I have 0 problem with this whatsoever, but if you're someone who is simply riding the fact that you're in my ls for this, don't talk to me otherwise about anything at all outside of events, etc. I see no reason to, I'd rather give the extra drops to someone on my friend list.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-02-08 06:17:50
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they just don't like you OP. Time to find another LS.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-02-08 06:21:06
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oh, and with that said, if someone specifically asks me in a /tell, no i wouldn't up and ignore anyone, even if I had no intentions of taking anyone else in my pt.

However, if it's in ls chat, and not specially directed to me, then I usually let it pass by, as I don't assume the person is talking to me.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-02-08 06:34:15
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do what I do, just ramble on in ls chat until someone HAS to tell you something. But yeah, LS groups are not immune to cliques, especially when there are enough douches/***/733Tists/etc so yeah, if you dont fit in, you dont fit in. Welcome back to high school.
By 2011-02-08 07:14:06
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2011-02-08 07:17:12
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We do stuff for our friends, not all the random leeches.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Katniss
Posts: 171
By Asura.Katniss 2011-02-08 07:20:32
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well, it's hard to find a good LS (with friendly people, fitting timezone & events etc.).

Good luck on that!

Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Lorzy
Posts: 1356
By Ramuh.Lorzy 2011-02-08 07:30:51
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Siren.Agles said:
i just tought id share the respons to the message i sent to the ls leader.

"1. im not your dad. 2. stfu w/ that crybaby bs 3. man up and tell someone who cares. -end. thanks for playing"

fact is, he is a *** leetest ***.

as for the responses about gear and 3rd party stuff. you leetists can take a hike too. because at the end of the day, your all only ever out for youselves.

ITT: spending time to gear properly to perform better in groups means you're a selfish leetist
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 66
By Unicorn.Yuffy 2011-02-08 07:32:46
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People talking about Windower macros as savior are hilarious. You guys seriously waited for Windower to use this kind of "infinite/useful" macros? *** mainstream. Of course this kind of macro is the very basic nowadays and is *** awesome but there are so many other ways, you guys just sound like a guy in a shop trying to sell a shitty LCD TV instead of the less expensive but better model.

On topic: Your reaction is wrong. When things don't go right in your opinion, don't immediately think that people against you are the problem, that people don't like you, that people are haters, that people want to arm you. What about thinking about what you could have done wrong? Instead of thinking that others are the problem, you have to first think that you are the problem. If in the end you realize that you are not, then just leave them, no loss.

Man the *** up to sum up, probably the only thing I would agree with this guy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tamoa
Posts: 1341
By Asura.Tamoa 2011-02-08 07:35:10
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Cerberus.Kvazz said:
We do stuff for our friends, not all the random leeches.


And to be honest I don't really understand why OP made this thread. If you feel treated like ***/ignored/whatever in your ls, just drop the pearl.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Crysten
Posts: 122
By Unicorn.Crysten 2011-02-08 07:41:18
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With that kind of response, your LS lead has pretty much summed up what kind of person they are. If you're as bad a player as most people here are assuming you are, you'd think the lead would at least grow a pair and kick you outright.

If a LS treated me the way yours did and secluded you from events, I'd have dropped that pearl faster than it took you to write the OP.

Either way, there are two sides to every story. If the shell made an effort to try and improve you as a player and you gave 'em the "leetist" card, then there's no hope for you with that shell, or any other. If they did indeed just ***all over you, then you're much better off without them.

Incidentally, I'm an elitist myself. Don't group us all together as ***, cos the majority of us aren't all that bad.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Crysten
Posts: 122
By Unicorn.Crysten 2011-02-08 07:42:50
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Unicorn.Yuffy said:
People talking about Windower macros as savior are hilarious. You guys seriously waited for Windower to use this kind of "infinite/useful" macros? *** mainstream.

*** hipsters!
Posts: 573
By richwood 2011-02-08 07:53:27
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My LS is fully like this 100% of the time. Many LS's have little high school style clicks, just the way it is. Fact of the matter for me is I have been looking for GMT prime time LS for long time yet have not been able to find one. and secondly I have the ability to get things done far more efficient then most with a small friends list and some shouting.

@ OP, I would say find another LS, or become more self reliant and maybe poke a look at your friends list here and there (*^.^*)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-02-08 08:08:23
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Siren.Agles said:
i just tought id share the respons to the message i sent to the ls leader.

"1. im not your dad. 2. stfu w/ that crybaby bs 3. man up and tell someone who cares. -end. thanks for playing"

fact is, he is a *** leetest ***.

as for the responses about gear and 3rd party stuff. you leetists can take a hike too. because at the end of the day, your all only ever out for youselves.

First of all, we do not know the contents of the message you sent to the leader, so we cannot make judgments about him.

Second of all, we attempted to assist you, and you have shunned our assistance. As I had stated earlier, if you neglect to accept the assistance of others who know what they are talking about, you will quickly lose everyone's respect. I hate to say it, but if this is your normal attitude, you are doomed to stay in your current position.

Using proper gear isn't just for "leetists." It shows that you care about your job, and understand how to play they game. A proper endgame LS will make attempts to improve the gear of players who they know will put it to good use. If you do not use gear properly for your job, why should they help you get new gear?

I have layed out everything for you in an attempt to improve your standing and respect, and you did not take anything from it, and for that you will lose my respect as well.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2011-02-08 08:11:51
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Asura.Tamoa said:
Cerberus.Kvazz said:
We do stuff for our friends, not all the random leeches.
This. And to be honest I don't really understand why OP made this thread. If you feel treated like ***/ignored/whatever in your ls, just drop the pearl.

When I read OP's post all I kept thinking was "If I've ever excluded someone it was because they were: greedy (unintentional or intentional), unappreciative, so green that they made helping them more of a chore than it should have been, or so HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE that they were a danger to themselves and everyone around (think the "I can make it through here without Sneak/Invis" guy who aggros the planet).

There also seems to be this sense of entitlement that I attribute to the younger generation that seems like.... This isn't an MMO, it's a single player game. Everyone is really an NPC around you and they are expected to cater to you all the time. These are usually the guys who are going "HELP ME GET JOYEUSE GUYS. GAWD WHY DON'T YOU EVER HELP. WHY DO I EVEN PLAY." and are mysteriously afk/mia when someone else needs help.

I'm not saying you are any of these things. I don't know anything about you (except that the tone of your OP sounds like the "help me, help me" whiner guy). I just know that, even on my most elitest day, I have never, ever hesitated to include (or help) someone who: 1) was eager to help back and treat the ls as a family, 2) was not grossly incompetent at their job, 3) was not somehow otherwise (through behavior, temperment, attitude, or reputation) more of a hinderance to the party than a help.

That's my 2 cents. If i have missed my mark entirely then I appologize. If you are a well-skilled, likeable, helpful person who never complains (although this wouldn't be a thread) then I was mistaken.
Posts: 573
By richwood 2011-02-08 08:17:57
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Phoenix.Kirana said:
Siren.Agles said:
i just tought id share the respons to the message i sent to the ls leader.

"1. im not your dad. 2. stfu w/ that crybaby bs 3. man up and tell someone who cares. -end. thanks for playing"

fact is, he is a *** leetest ***.

as for the responses about gear and 3rd party stuff. you leetists can take a hike too. because at the end of the day, your all only ever out for youselves.

First of all, we do not know the contents of the message you sent to the leader, so we cannot make judgments about him.

Second of all, we attempted to assist you, and you have shunned our assistance. As I had stated earlier, if you neglect to accept the assistance of others who know what they are talking about, you will quickly lose everyone's respect. I hate to say it, but if this is your normal attitude, you are doomed to stay in your current position.

Using proper gear isn't just for "leetists." It shows that you care about your job, and understand how to play they game. A proper endgame LS will make attempts to improve the gear of players who they know will put it to good use. If you do not use gear properly for your job, why should they help you get new gear?

I have layed out everything for you in an attempt to improve your standing and respect, and you did not take anything from it, and for that you will lose my respect as well.

This MF'r jumped of the RL boat a long time ago lmao right now @ how SeRiOuS & AnGrY they are: FFXI > then all-REALLY!

It is a game, hang with cool people do cool shyt. Pfft ENG GAME, Look I participated in and have lead HNM LS's. The game has changed anyone can go from gimp-pimp in less then a month now on a job. As far as learning to play the jobs; a couple hours on any job forum and a few good macros and your set.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Lorzy
Posts: 1356
By Ramuh.Lorzy 2011-02-08 08:25:47
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richwood said:
Phoenix.Kirana said:
Siren.Agles said:
i just tought id share the respons to the message i sent to the ls leader.

"1. im not your dad. 2. stfu w/ that crybaby bs 3. man up and tell someone who cares. -end. thanks for playing"

fact is, he is a *** leetest ***.

as for the responses about gear and 3rd party stuff. you leetists can take a hike too. because at the end of the day, your all only ever out for youselves.

First of all, we do not know the contents of the message you sent to the leader, so we cannot make judgments about him.

Second of all, we attempted to assist you, and you have shunned our assistance. As I had stated earlier, if you neglect to accept the assistance of others who know what they are talking about, you will quickly lose everyone's respect. I hate to say it, but if this is your normal attitude, you are doomed to stay in your current position.

Using proper gear isn't just for "leetists." It shows that you care about your job, and understand how to play they game. A proper endgame LS will make attempts to improve the gear of players who they know will put it to good use. If you do not use gear properly for your job, why should they help you get new gear?

I have layed out everything for you in an attempt to improve your standing and respect, and you did not take anything from it, and for that you will lose my respect as well.

This MF'r jumped of the RL boat a long time ago lmao right now @ how SeRiOuS & AnGrY they are: FFXI > then all-REALLY!

It is a game, hang with cool people do cool shyt. Pfft ENG GAME, Look I participated in and have lead HNM LS's. The game has changed anyone can go from gimp-pimp in less then a month now on a job. As far as learning to play the jobs; a couple hours on any job forum and a few good macros and your set.

oh cool, the rl card. he was nice enough to give advice, and was pretty much told off because people don't want to think anything's wrong with them.

the game is as easy as you say, but that just makes it even worse when people don't know how to play their jobs.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kunimatsu
Posts: 847
By Siren.Kunimatsu 2011-02-08 08:36:13
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Agles recently left the social LS i'm in after we stuck up for a member when Agles lashed out at him simply for talking about soloing NMs for seals.

Also back during the grauberg augment fight craze, after agreeing to help a friend of mine with the fight, Agles told another friend "well I guess you fail" and warped out before the fight, simply because she didn't agree with agles view of DNC in endgame, funny thing was my friend is a DNC main too.

The way Agles acted upset my friend the way he just warped out like that after agreeing to help, and she vowed not to offer help to agles again, because he used to constantly complain to her in tells about not getting help/being treated badly when helping others.

Agles has a piss poor attitude when It comes to interacting with others, from the encounters me and my friends have had with him, I'm not suprised why LS's don't take him seriously, and why he's constantly changing LS.

Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-02-08 08:36:24
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I don't see how I came off as "Serious and angry" at all. I attempted to make my statements in a very clear, calm, and logical way that showed minimal animosity without full knowledge of the situation. My purpose in posting in the thread was an attempt to solve the problems present by the OP. I feel that my reaction was justified, especially based on what I had posted earlier, which was seemingly ignored.
Posts: 271
By Thicrobrian 2011-02-08 08:36:43
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FFXI just is not what it should to be everyone is out for themself. I remember a day when i could /sh and 10+ ppl would help me out and they did not want reward. I left FFXI around 2010 E3 and join FFXIV and i was in a ls and everyone had there own team and did not care anyone else it did not matter if you was in the same ls. You just was not a part of there team so they left you alone matter if you ask for help. I don't understand what going on now at days but ppl are really becoming ***.
Posts: 573
By richwood 2011-02-08 08:38:56
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Aye I know, I just had to have a laugh at it, not really RL card, but it is a game. I have been playing this game for 7 years and if you look into my jobs and gear all are very well geared and all jobs above 75 are fully merited, with most all 75 existing and merited pre abyssea. Some could say I am an "Elite'ist" or what not, maybe I used to be back in the day. My point of all this, is the game has changed. The changes may have allowed for gimp play but it has alaso allowed people who never had time to play FFXI the way the old designed entailed in order to have the best gear. I think the game has been fixed in order to include everyone in the ability to reach top lvs and get good gear. It is not the fault of the game that there are clear abusers of the system.

whats even better yet is everything I have accomplished I have done in a matter of 342 days playtime per FFXI. So you never had to play a lot even before abyssea to have the best. So yes, there is true credit to whether one can actually play their jobs well or not.

Don't take half of what I say to heart if I razz ya, I am just that way by nature and hang with a rather incorrigible crowd. Most of what I say is in good nature and normally with a smile on my face. BUT, when it comes out in typed form it never seems right O.o

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Terminus
Posts: 3351
By Fenrir.Terminus 2011-02-08 08:47:30
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I'm sorry if I'm mistaken, but I've never really seen a linkshell that, on top of however many event type things they do, promised to play with every player, exclusively, all the time. Do you even realize how you sound? You sat around waiting for someone to do something to entertain/help you. And waited. And waited. Then some other people started doing something, so you asked. And asked. And asked. And asked. Now you're whining about it to everyone with an account? Seriously?

I don't care one bit about your gear or who you are. You could be superbly geared and very skilled at your jobs, or the exact opposite. Here are some reasons why people would "do this to you:"

1. Whatever group of people actually made an effort to get something started.: you did not.

2. Whoever started it - not even the rest of them, necessarily - just doesn't like you.

3. Less people is often easier/faster/better in Abyssea, and it's easier to tailor your fights to get the drops you want.

4. Whoever started it knows you have <whatever> jobs, and they're covered.

5. It's not like people zone a lot when gearing and going to Abyssea.

6. People probably feel bad for not including everyone, but the fact remains that as the number of people increase, they group moves slower - more people have to gear up, get there, ooops forgot to get stones, I can't find my atma, what conflux???, afk walking dog, afk dinner, afk wc, afk police raid, afk sex w/ my wife. It's just how it works.

7. You didn't even know what they were doing, and you're all asshurt about not getting to go?

I'll tell you something else. If someone sat around waiting for me to take care of them, was spamming ls chat asking what's going on what's going on what's going on, then whined on the internet about not getting to go, I probably wouldn't be very inclined to want to hang out with them. And I am going to bet that you weren't the laid back, fun person to hang out with before, and now all of the sudden you're a nervous, needy wreck. No. Probably have been this way for a while.

There are a couple of rules that you should live by. You know, say please and thank you kind of things. One of those rules is that, if you can, you take care of things in house. If you have a problem with someone in your group, you take it up with them. If you're going to broadcast something to the world, you broadcast the good stuff, not the bad. Regardless of how formal the group is, or how dedicated you are, what people perceive about it reflects on you. Little tl;dr: 'You're LS is full of douchebags? You're a douchebag."

So, yeah, they don't like you. Unless you're a little *** weird, that ls is your best option. I mean, why wouldn't you play with the best people you can, right? You're best bet, is a group of people who don't really like you. Awesome. And, I never would have known about it, until you told me. Ha!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Excelior
Posts: 2093
By Phoenix.Excelior 2011-02-08 08:48:20
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
1) Grow a pair 2) Drop a shell with people unwilling to help you 3) find a better shell / make a shell / lowman 4) ???? 5) Profit

Don't let Flion of all people call you a pussy. This kid is afraid to drive. <3
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