Trying my hardest to get to Gold myself. Its freakishly difficult. I have until the 31st of October to get it right? Don't think I will be able to from Silver 3... if they put Victorious Elise up to buy I would just stop pressuring myself to get to Gold and just get it lol.
Is there a site where I can plan out runes/masteries based on champs and save them for future reference if it's a champ i don't play often i can see what i have laid out if i'm forced into it (like arams)
something like that? i just have 20 mastery sheets and i name them tanky dps or stuff like that and then on the rune pages since you cant change them in que(i think) i have like 9 of them 2-3 that are specific and the rest just random situational ones.
I'm on my last promo match to Bronze I, I may make Silver V before the end if lucky. Trying to get Silver on EU at least but it's very difficult when odds are stacked (Gold people in front, yaaaay).
something like that? i just have 20 mastery sheets and i name them tanky dps or stuff like that and then on the rune pages since you cant change them in que(i think) i have like 9 of them 2-3 that are specific and the rest just random situational ones.
no i basically want item sets for league so i can look at them while in champ select
oh you can customize them to your comp. When you log in go to your profile and all the way to the end there is a thing called item sets. You can use that
EDIT: or you can look up builds. I recommend solomid. They have decent guides
yeah... sorry idk about that one. I would just use mobafire to make the pages. Save the unique link to each to my favorites or bookmark them and then rename them. Besides that idk any other site that might store customize rune/mastery sets
also, i got lee sin in aram yesterday and could not get his W to smart cast onto myself unless i was targeting myself. is there a setting that will use it on myself if i'm targeting an enemy or nothing?
also, i got lee sin in aram yesterday and could not get his W to smart cast onto myself unless i was targeting myself. is there a setting that will use it on myself if i'm targeting an enemy or nothing?
My back. Now to try to bring NA into the realm of Silver, too. Don't even have the courage to aim for Gold, Silver is clearly worse than Bronze, in all the possible ways.
Well, not building a BOTRK followed by an IE would be a good start. I have a hard time getting used to her but it's absolutely scary what kind of comeback you can make with her and just a few items.
Has anyone here at least given this game a try or plays it? I enjoy it a lot for what it's worth. It's a MOBA-style game and it's completely FREE unless you want to buy skins(merely aesthetic) for champions. All the champions are well-balanced and can be purchased with Influence Points earned from matches.