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League of Legends
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Thio
Posts: 57
By Valefor.Thioo 2013-09-04 06:46:21
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So I finally finished my placements and I get into silver 2 and manage to get to silver 1! Since then I've lost 5 in a row D: few games were my fault for not putting enough pressure on lanes and such (I try to jungle onry Lee) he got banned a few times and it completely left me vexed. Kind of made me realize I can't rely on one person lol.

So I guess main question, how many games would it take till i'm demoted? Annnnnd should I try to get comfortable with other champs and roles? I've played him for probably 500 ish games and I always have fun on him win or lose but banning him made me ruin it off the bat.
Posts: 131
By starfish 2013-09-04 08:17:10
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hey i recomend other roles for so many reasons...

first of all, jungler is a good role and key to winning sometimes, the jungler can carry. leaving room for more experienced players to go in as jungler isnt a bad thing. when first u join and someone requests to be jungler, he might be good at it u never know, giving him a chance might be the better option sometimes.

so what other things to do, personally if ur in eu-west i'd avoid middle as people fight over it there, same with top. top might be good for u cause has many similarities with some of the jungler champs u can even do lee on top as he got nice sustain.

if you want other intresting options for jungling:
Jarvan: once you master his e->q combo he offers great mobility but need skill and timing to land things, and is not the most tanky his shield sucks, just becarefull not to trap urself to death, many types i trap an ad carry and he just jumps out of it and rapes me along with the other ranged, timing and positioning is key here.
Hecarim: super speedy and decently tanky, good chaser initiator, can be scary when feeded.
vi: good initiator, build her with warmong and heavly tank, if u get feeded its almost a win in most casses cause she can be tanky and do dmg.
Rengar: where is rengar? that will be the question on eneme's mind, if u make people wonder always where he is, he can be a horror in the jungle but need skills tho and experience.. try and catch enemy jungler by hiding in a bush kind of like shaco, while he on route to gannk mid lets say, maye result in first blood if ur mid is fast enuf. ( hide in side bush not exactly the middle bush to see him coming ).
Riven I heard good things about her jungling but i never tried myself...
Yi seems crazy after his remake might wana try..

other rolse i recomend you to master might be ad-carry and support. here is my recomendations....

tristana ad-carry, if your a late game type of person, tristana is easy to play, safe with her jump, if u got aggressive support u can also jump in for the kills, R people into a wall for a stun like vayne. end game u gona have great range, and nice speed boost with ur q, if u got a few items completed u can rip thru tanks as well with hp based/arm pent i guess.
ezrael is 2nd choice here, if u got skills in landing Q and avoid most of the dmg and good at kiting he is good to try, but he is squishy.
caitlyn is good but i usualy run out of MP early laning phase which i dont like , maybe u can ballance it then your good, but i guess need paitence and timing here...
vayne supre choice if u know how to use her, she is also a late-game king if u can get thru the early game or get feeded.

for supports...

blitz stay away from blitz he is crazy latr gamne if you can survive early game, the reason i say stay away is most people are horably skilled now with avoiding his skill shots lol, and it does not go thru minions. the only way i can usually land is when they are running away with my whole team chasing, they will not bother to step our of my Q cause they got to run from my team too. I tend to hide behind my team not to give them vision of me, having mobility boosts and using my W for a susprise charge even if ghost is up wil give a boost, once they seem me coming so fast in from behimind my team, it is usually too late for them to try and avoid the hook, plus i can throw a hook on 3 or more of them and hopefully one will get grabed, if he is not a tank its almoast an instant kill late game. dont grab tanks lol...

Leona i would say definantly Leona is my best overall suport recomendation. tons of CC, decent tanky without big items , although people know how to avoid her skill shots too now, if ur patient enuf in early game you can land one as it goes thru minions she is way more scary than blitz , often enuf when i am on leona once i hit level 2 and 3 and enemy is scary to enage, or keep extra distance. you can also try clear enemy wards with ur Q if ur fast enuf.

zyra particually good to support certain champs, such as Ashe who already have a way to slow/stun people. a zyra/ashe ulty comobo can be a very long CC combo which may results in killls if their jungler is not there.

sona, not a bad choice, nice initiation on lvl 6, can be good combo with mf's ulty, becarefull to over extend as that may get u in trouble sometimes, patiences and timing is everything.

thresh excelent but has a learning curve and need good positioning-cooordination with ur carry and others. if you like the idea of a ranged blitz who is tanky, and that knock people back or forward or trap them with ulty then this is ur guy, just need to master his skills and farm souls like crazy to get more armor. he can also do short ranged teleport for ur team, to get them in position, such as a jungler comning to gannk but too far to make any presensce, or someone who just dived and got a kill u can try to put a latern for him to escape in time.

hope this helps ..
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-09-04 08:43:29
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You can play with just one role, but you're going to get *** when you get like 10 games in a row where your role gets picked

You're not going to play other roles as well as your main, but try to be somewhat competent at a few champions in each role and learn how to last hit
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-09-04 08:44:50
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And I disagree with recommending Leona as Janna is probably the most OP soloqueue support at the moment
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-09-04 12:24:52
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Valefor.Thioo said: »
So I finally finished my placements and I get into silver 2 and manage to get to silver 1! Since then I've lost 5 in a row D: few games were my fault for not putting enough pressure on lanes and such (I try to jungle onry Lee) he got banned a few times and it completely left me vexed. Kind of made me realize I can't rely on one person lol.

So I guess main question, how many games would it take till i'm demoted? Annnnnd should I try to get comfortable with other champs and roles? I've played him for probably 500 ish games and I always have fun on him win or lose but banning him made me ruin it off the bat.
It depends on your MMR.

If your MMR is lower than your division, you will get demoted very fast (I think the minimum safety net is 3 losses, after which you get demoted as soon as you fall under 0LP).

You should try to play all roles a bit in normals. Blind are a very good way to mess around with a champion (not a role) and learn to play him in very different situation that are typically not in your favor. Draft is very good to do ranked simulation, where you just try to "fill" and adapt, and win. I usually do a few dozen of each in order to feel comfortable with a champion and then I hit ranked.

If you are really, really confident with a champ, do not hesitate to play him in more than one position, even if it's not conventional. Remember that normals are a training field, abuse them.

Janna's shield is so frustrating to play against, so so frustrating.
By volkom 2013-09-04 12:33:43
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Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »

Janna's shield is so frustrating to play against, so so frustrating.

especially if the janna is like super pro and shields right before the enemy/you do any damage to that target.
Posts: 347
By Areayea 2013-09-04 19:32:12
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regarding starfish's recommendations... first off YOU FORGOT ELISE ; ; that spider *** is a hell and a half to learn but a good elise can stun, ranged double hit, close in and kill in less than 5 seconds, where the enemy can't even blink... I also jungle darius and amumu... if amumu isn't banned... PICK HIM... point blank his stun literally destroys team fights on the opposing team... darius I just do to be a bully to the other jungle for instance (and this takes practice) I will go to enmy jungle alone at start... and E pull their blue buff at 2:04 and steal XD it's hilarious... and from there obviously you know Darius doesn't put the Kill in kill steal for no reason... he can easily 3v1 too if you get fed...
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Gansito
Posts: 221
By Shiva.Gansito 2013-09-04 20:02:31
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once you go up a rank you need to lose 6 in a row(has happen to me before) to go back down
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-09-04 20:03:54
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In general I would say recommendations in general are something you should take with a grain of salt

Play a bunch of champions and get good at what you have fun with. The best way to get better at the game and increase your chances of winning is to actually have fun. You might have a harder time getting to higher ELOs playing champions that aren't as strong at the moment, but if you're grinding ranked games with good champions that you don't find fun the game may start to suck the life out of you and you may end up going on a losing streak because of it

Basically you can get to high ELO playing whatever you want to play, it may just be harder to win unless you're really good with those champions
Posts: 887
By Ultrarichard 2013-09-04 20:13:10
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Asura.Lolserj said: »
In general I would say recommendations in general are something you should take with a grain of salt

Play a bunch of champions and get good at what you have fun with. The best way to get better at the game and increase your chances of winning is to actually have fun. You might have a harder time getting to higher ELOs playing champions that aren't as strong at the moment, but if you're grinding ranked games with good champions that you don't find fun the game may start to suck the life out of you and you may end up going on a losing streak because of it

Basically you can get to high ELO playing whatever you want to play, it may just be harder to win unless you're really good with those champions

This. Even though Aatrox isn't all that top tier, I have so much fun playing him that it doesn't even matter. I do slowly climb, though not as high as I would like. That's what I have Ahri for.
I don't get angry when I lose, I don't rage at my teammates for doing terrible
I just laugh because I'm a demon and he's god damn hilarious.
Posts: 885
By Sieha1 2013-09-04 23:42:33
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the latest patch really screwed the game. now playing against bots is worthless for points. really... I just started playing and now all I do is loose over and over to get no points or exp. Some players just want to do their own thing. I wouldnt care if it was like 20 points or less just something. It was low before. match with people 200+ bots 50-70...
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-09-05 00:03:56
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Shiva.Gansito said: »
once you go up a rank you need to lose 6 in a row(has happen to me before) to go back down
It's not a set number.

When I would rank up with a very good streak (11-0 for example), it took me 5. When I would rank up with a closer to 50% ratio, it would take me 3. The difference between both situations was my MMR which was different. I have never seen less than 3, but my MMR isn't completely destroyed, so there may be lower.

Ultrarichard said: »
This. Even though Aatrox isn't all that top tier, I have so much fun playing him that it doesn't even matter. I do slowly climb, though not as high as I would like. That's what I have Ahri for.
I don't get angry when I lose, I don't rage at my teammates for doing terrible
I just laugh because I'm a demon and he's god damn hilarious.
He's played quite a bit in EU at high level. I haven't checked about Korea, though.
Posts: 104
By Tickmeoff 2013-09-05 00:19:29
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Is anyone else having issues as of today's patch? I tried to start up an AI game with a friend who is new to the game, and every time the loading screen is about to pop up the game crashes. The client comes back and says blah blah game crashed please reconnect. I hit the reconnect button and the same thing happens.

Just got done running the repair thing and it's still happening.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 282
By Phoenix.Chomeymatt 2013-09-05 00:25:07
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Tickmeoff said: »
Is anyone else having issues as of today's patch? I tried to start up an AI game with a friend who is new to the game, and every time the loading screen is about to pop up the game crashes. The client comes back and says blah blah game crashed please reconnect. I hit the reconnect button and the same thing happens.

Just got done running the repair thing and it's still happening.

Not with the client crashing, only disconnect issues.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-09-05 00:28:32
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Try turning off LoLReplay if you have it. That's what caused all my crashes recently.
Posts: 104
By Tickmeoff 2013-09-05 01:57:37
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I reinstalled and it seems to be working now.

I'm not sure why, but my installation folder before was almost 20GB, and after reinstalling it's just over 3GB. I'm happy to have that 17GB back, but that makes no sense at all.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2013-09-05 05:40:12
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Valefor.Thioo said: »
Annnnnd should I try to get comfortable with other champs and roles? I've played him for probably 500 ish games and I always have fun on him win or lose but banning him made me ruin it off the bat.
For a role that you tend to enjoy playing, you should have 3-4 champs you're really good at to fall back on or fit your team's needs. You dont need to be good at all the champs that can fit that role. I think mastering a few is better than being good with all of them as far as 1 role goes.

Are pretty strong right now for jungling. Hecarim/Sej/Udyr/mumu/Nocturne are other strong alternatives.

Be able to play atleast 2-3 champs in each of the other lanes and you should have a decent strong core to offer your team should you not be able to get the role you most prefer.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-09-05 17:18:33
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To the fields of visual-rework!

Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2013-09-05 17:38:04
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garen is ***! rework someone cool!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2013-09-05 18:09:03
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He needs a legendary skin of a bush, His ult is a tree or huge *** branch coming from the sky instead of his sword.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2013-09-05 18:17:43
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2013-09-05 18:19:08
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Is that....that a viktor???
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2013-09-05 18:20:38
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That would be a confirmed viktor skin.
Creator Viktor.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2013-09-05 18:22:39
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Theres a kogmaw it seems, and ofcourse that skarner one we've seen. Wonder when those will come out. Either way that skin looks pretty damn nice, but art and in-game appearance differ so we'll see.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2013-09-05 18:56:50
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just want pimpsticks.
Posts: 541
By R3G1STRY 2013-09-05 21:57:01
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I take it that's Cho in the front, Skarner to Cho's right, Urgot behind Cho, and Kog behind all three. If that's true, who's in the far back with the one red eye looking thing? Doesn't really look like Xerath I don't think?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-09-05 22:19:01
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Battle Baron
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-09-05 22:42:30
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Odin.Hitoseijuro said: »
He needs a legendary skin of a bush, His ult is a tree or huge *** branch coming from the sky instead of his sword.

I'd buy that skin, twice.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-09-05 22:57:46
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YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Bai
Posts: 1695
By Shiva.Bailiegrace 2013-09-05 22:59:49
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Ok! I am trying Varus out!
We get in at level 4 and someone flipped out that I picked Smite :3
I didn't do too bad but will try heal & ghost next time.

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