I just saw this 20min ago, it made my boxers very tight. I just hope they could rework him a bit to make him more viable, though.
This and the Pool Party skins are instabuy. If I'm lucky I might get some codes for Riot Blitzcrank as my housemate is at gamescom right now, I'll see if I can share some (and other skins if they are giving others, his booth is in front of Riot's so he'll spend most of his time with them).
Getting real tired of SoloQ, went from 2 promos to Gold, to 50 points in Silver 2....
Anyone for some DuoQ!?
I'm having luck lately playing around this level, I'll try to finish my EU account soon (missing a few Marks, around 12 I think) and if you want we can do some normals warm up then see for ranked.
I'm still unranked on EU so we'd get people around 1200-1400 elo (Silver III-I in term of true level).