League Of Legends

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League of Legends
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By volkom 2013-07-17 22:50:03
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My team has been doing practice games (basically playing ranked and trying out different comps and honing our skills and stuff)

we just finished our placements

Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-07-17 22:59:34
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No Challenger? *** noob
By volkom 2013-07-17 23:34:47
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working on it! >:[

destroyed a diamond I vayne tho
By volkom 2013-07-18 01:27:45
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Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-07-18 01:50:15
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I bought it on my OCE account. My S3 Udyr needs a lot of work
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-07-18 01:50:16
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I bought it on my OCE account. My S3 Udyr needs a lot of work
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-18 03:00:24
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I'd love to learn how to properly top lane with him but every time I take him I'm forced to jungle :(
Posts: 279
By Kikorimo 2013-07-18 03:39:52
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thinking about picking up jax and learning to jungle with him, but curious how to build him good for that... he's AP I think, but also looks like he benefits a bunch from AD because of his passive... I've heard he can solo Baron, and do it fairly early, curious how he does that...lol.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-07-18 04:08:56
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Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
I'd love to learn how to properly top lane with him but every time I take him I'm forced to jungle :(

He's not good top anymore

Kikorimo said: »
thinking about picking up jax and learning to jungle with him, but curious how to build him good for that... he's AP I think, but also looks like he benefits a bunch from AD because of his passive... I've heard he can solo Baron, and do it fairly early, curious how he does that...lol.

Haven't you noticed the similarity? Jax has the same eyes as Baron. He's it's offspring. Jax juts asks and it dies for him.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-18 05:32:55
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Overall you don't want AP items, hybrid at best, and mostly AD. His strength comes from his AA itself (passive) and his ult's passive (goes hand in hand with his passive). His W allow to reset his AA, making both passives even more deadly, the damage of the W itself is only boosted through the "on the side" AP, it's not something you want to primarily gear for.

So many ways to build him depending on situations though, all of them will allow you to solo baron around lv 15/16 but that isn't really something you want to aim for as it's either highly unpractical in a real match (ward coverage) or down right not efficient (it takes long enough for it to become not worth it if you have to leave your team 4v5).

Check here for guides showing the core items he needs. They all have different final builds but you can easily see his core possibilities (Tabis/Merc, Triforce/Iceborn gauntlets, BOTRK, Guinsoo, Maw).

Keep in mind that all of this is expensive and hard to achieve on a jungler budget. This is why he's mainly played top, you need the money.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-07-18 09:09:14
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Tbh I believe Jax is still somewhat similar to his season 2 build in terms of get your damage item and build some survivability

Because you still really don't need much damage on jax to rip off everyone's face
By volkom 2013-07-18 11:04:53
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Asura.Lolserj said: »
Tbh I believe Jax is still somewhat similar to his season 2 build in terms of get your damage item and build some survivability

Because you still really don't need much damage on jax to rip off everyone's face

my friend gets gunblade and botk + phage as soon as possible. Then pretty much 1v5
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-19 04:32:50
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Just noticed who did Ahri's voice, mind blown. Known this girl since like 2009, she didn't even have to roleplay for any of her lines. Riot's finest casting.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-07-19 12:01:43
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Blade of the Ruined King + Zephyr is all the damage Jax needs until end game. Toss on a damage item as your 6th, and you're set.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-19 20:23:05
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Literally my new Warwick. 5 wins streak in ranked, 51 LP > Bronze III, 2/0 in series.

Feels good playing in the jungle.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Kaisuko
Posts: 287
By Odin.Hirokei 2013-07-20 22:27:17
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-21 08:44:04
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Fresh off the presses.
Posts: 347
By Areayea 2013-07-22 04:12:44
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karthus can be MEAN
Posts: 279
By Kikorimo 2013-07-22 15:17:56
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I'm happy... I replaced my video card and power supply today, and now I can run league at max settings no problem, as opposed to before having to run everything at minimum in order to avoid a computer shutdown... yay!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-07-22 15:38:01
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I had to buy a fresh new computer about a year ago to get league running, otherwise I was in the same boat as you Kiko. I'd run head long into a team fight, and freeze graphically. Fight would be over, me having contributed nothing, and the enemy getting a 4v5 advantage, by the time I unfroze.
Posts: 279
By Kikorimo 2013-07-22 15:45:53
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that's just it though, my old card didn't freeze, it's like the power bar just flipped off if I started the game and ran it for more than a minute or 2 at normal settings... thankfully though, that's a thing of the past.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2013-07-23 09:50:15
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-07-23 17:37:32
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We should make an FFXIAH chatroom on League. Make it so you join it on start-up. I think that'd be neat.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2013-07-23 17:40:32
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
We should make an FFXIAH chatroom on League. Make it so you join it on start-up. I think that'd be neat.

got an ace last night, I credit it to your awesome teaching.


also fixed albratras' stupid internet, but that's a whole 'nother story in & of itself.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-07-23 17:44:55
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hahahaha, I just clarified some basic stuff for you. The game can be overwhelming without initial insight.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2013-07-23 17:46:47
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we'll be screwing around again tonight, if you find yourself bored.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Valmur
Posts: 3642
By Cerberus.Valmur 2013-07-23 17:57:40
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
We should make an FFXIAH chatroom on League. Make it so you join it on start-up. I think that'd be neat.

Would be neat yes ^^
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maddog
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2013-07-23 20:45:28
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
We should make an FFXIAH chatroom on League. Make it so you join it on start-up. I think that'd be neat.

we've tried this i thought, or that was cerb onry lol
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-07-23 21:30:38
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That was Cerb onry. My personal friends.
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