League of Legends
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-07-06 17:12:20
Normal ELO counts for a lot, I'm pretty damned sure. I know that if I'm in a game with some of my newer friends (30s), it either increases the average player skill or there is someone who is my average rank (or higher) placed on the opposing team.
It seems that Normal ELO is really just binary, you're either pants on head HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE or can function like a proper human being. There isn't much in between
In which case sure it does mean "something" but there are a billion shades of normal queue players at all "Normal ELOs"
As an example one of my friends is really good at the game, but he gets into games with people still running Clarity because he has a negative W/L in Normals because the people he plays normals with *** suck at the game.
And things like that happen all the time in normals, as well as people being carried in i guess "normal queue" by their friends
this is why Normal ELO generally doesn't mean a thing, and it is sort of a joke.
It's so unstructured it honestly makes no difference
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-07-06 17:15:47
Basically bragging about normal ELO or bringing it up is sort of a dumb thing to do because it doesn't mean anything because the difference in skills in players at the different ELOs in normal queue is even more spread than the difference in skills in players at various divisions in Ranked Soloqueue thus carrying yourself to a higher normal ELO is honestly an easier thing to do
Imagine getting bronze enemies every game while your normal ELO is gold(Yes, this can and will happen)
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-07-06 18:18:37
Oceanic normal games are kind of a mess. There are heaps of new people who are actually low level, heaps of people who are good and just created a new account because it's stupid to transfer right now, and then heaps of the normal people you'd get.
With pants on head HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE people, it's hard to get them to rally behind you to win, even if you're 20/0, against a team which knows enough to stick together. They just pick of those who **** off by themselves.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-07-06 21:17:01
Bought Nunu cuz he was cheap and have done nothing but hard carry
I. ***. Love. Nunu.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2013-07-06 23:52:43
Last time I played nunu I dominated my lane and stole enemy buffs on top of it, we end up losing because "nunu does no damage". The things people blame losses on astounds me lol
By Areayea 2013-07-07 00:04:29
Cerberus.Maeldiar said: »Last time I played nunu I dominated my lane and stole enemy buffs on top of it, we end up losing because "nunu does no damage". The things people blame losses on astounds me lol
agreed >.> but gj on stealing buffs XD, I hate jungling gainst nunu
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-07-07 00:45:22
Holy moly I forgot how long it took to get to 30
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-07 01:20:18
It's faster if you can pile the wins and/or go through ARAM/Dominion.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-07-07 01:47:34
For both exp and IP? I read it's all fairly even
OCE also doesn't have queues for ARAM, so it can be a pain
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-07 02:16:32
Oh ya, that's not helping.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-07 09:02:58
The joys of Lee Sin against Teemo.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-09 13:34:46
On my smurf, none of the ADCs I'm used to play are available, suddenly there is Varus, free this week. Why not try him.
4th Pentakill. Quite a good start of the day :>
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 287
By Odin.Hirokei 2013-07-09 14:08:15
1. Call mid
2. Pick Varus
3. Idk what I'm doing(???)
4. Profit
"Varus mid GG"
Vs. Ahri
gg, forgot to take an post game lobby SS. :(
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2013-07-09 14:32:41
Did a game with a noob friend last night. Ryze vs ti (lvl 26). Gotfirst blood at level 2 then 6 more times including the jungler until all 5 came to take the tower. Our vi went afk but they kept losing 3+ people when they would try to end. I even got a quardra and then a penta when they came back after baron lol. 28 kills but team to heavy for me :(
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-07-09 14:34:28
It happens a lot. I've been playing a lot with lowbies lately, and either we lose because I pick a champ that can't hard carry (trying to teach them how to team fight, and not just maul everyone myself) and they feed like no tomorrow, or the other team is stacked heavier. Smurf teams occasionally too, and there's ***-all I can do unless I'm on Riven or Jax.
By Areayea 2013-07-09 14:56:33
last night was an off night >.> I kept losing, usually I win about 8/10 but last night for whatever reason I kept losing XD, looking at kassad.in tho each team had SLIGHTLY higher hidden elo then my teams did, but eh w/e it's all normal so didn't really matter, but it was fun to play morgana again XD, I won like 1 with her and 2 with darius out of like the 10 I played
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-09 15:02:03
I just got out of a 4man premade on each side, but my side had one Silver I while the other team had a Diamond III (legit stats and all). Balance©
He killed everyone but didn't play the objectives. Meanwhile, we had the same farm/KDA but I played objectives.
When he woke up and started playing them, he was killing our first mid tower while his nexus was at 70%.
Rather happy of the streak, following advices is paying (was -12).
If you want to teach your friends, maybe try to do custom games 2v2, 3v3 etc?
The way the game is balanced really makes it hell to teach people. It's as if your first account is basically a trashcan with which you learn the ropes to then make a smurf and apply what you have learned.
Usually, the MM will keep both teams within 30/50 elo. I haven't seen more than 30~ difference.
By Areayea 2013-07-09 15:06:16
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
I just got out of a 4man premade on each side, but my side had one Silver I while the other team had a Diamond III (legit stats and all). Balance©
He killed everyone but didn't play the objectives. Meanwhile, we had the same farm/KDA but I played objectives.
When he woke up and started playing them, he was killing our first mid tower while his nexus was at 70%.
Rather happy of the streak, following advices is paying (was -12).
If you want to teach your friends, maybe try to do custom games 2v2, 3v3 etc?
The way the game is balanced really makes it hell to teach people. It's as if your first account is basically a trashcan with which you learn the ropes to then make a smurf and apply what you have learned.
Usually, the MM will keep both teams within 30/50 elo. I haven't seen more than 30~ difference. I know a diamond 1, he plays awesome, lose every now and then with him, but it's rare lol, anyway if you get higher up you get used to not doing objectives because objectives come with being defensive (because at a point it becomes more about getting more gold), so as long as your whole team is being defensive, and getting kills/not feeding, you just dominate in any kind of fights... I think that's what the irelia was going for, just problem is the other lanes prolly went gung ho and accidentally fed XD, but gj on the win :P
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-09 15:10:50
Jeez the JAs:

After using one of his abilities, Lucian's next auto attack shoots twice.

Piercing Light
Shoots a bolt of light through a target, damaging enemies in a line.

Ardent Blaze
Fires a shot that explodes in a star pattern and marks targets. Shooting marked targets deals extra damage and grants Lucian a short burst of speed.

Relentless Pursuit
Lucian dashes a short distance and removes all slowing effects. Relentless Pursuit's cooldown resets if The Culling kills an enemy champion.

The Culling
Lucian moves freely while firing rapidly in a single direction, dealing damage to the first enemy hit.
Oh and:
Range: 575
Day one purchase etc.
By Areayea 2013-07-09 15:23:07
hm... that looks like a fun one to play >.> lol
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-09 15:29:41
I liked his leaked art much more, though. The guns mainly, they looked much better.
By Areayea 2013-07-09 16:15:15
hm... wonder how that looks
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-07-09 16:59:52
The higher up you are, the more emphasis you put on objectives. Kills often don't mean much.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-07-09 17:11:02
That's why pro games (or post Plat at least) have very little kills, yet the map is a wasteland.
By Areayea 2013-07-09 17:11:25
The higher up you are, the more emphasis you put on objectives. Kills often don't mean much.
yea there's that but I also see that most the times people don't push objectives just to strangle the CS from their opponet in lane
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-07-09 19:39:09
The higher up you are, the more emphasis you put on objectives. Kills often don't mean much.
yea there's that but I also see that most the times people don't push objectives just to strangle the CS from their opponet in lane
Not sure where you're seeing this, but teams push down towers ASAP to give their team gold and to open up their jungle. Without a tower, it cuts off a lot of "safe" routes through the jungle. Maybe you're watching solo queue where people play for themselves and may keep the tower up to farm safely.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-07-09 20:14:44
The higher up you are, the more emphasis you put on objectives. Kills often don't mean much.
not only this, but team fights higher up tend to be over objectives and are less and less just random fights(though this still does happen on occasion)
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3122
By Fenrir.Schutz 2013-07-09 20:25:42
It seems they implemented a revised "death streak" value for Summoner's Rift (apparently to counter the so-called "Proxy Farming" Singed strategy)...but I wonder if the increased gold rewards will (over the long run) just encourage killing--and chasing potential kills--rather than securing map objectives, at least at lower ranks.
Either way, reverting the gold values will likely make (intentional/unintentional) feeding a lot more frustrating for teammates. :/ Prepare to see a lot of griping in Tribunal. :p
LOL I noticed they removed the visible ping values, also--I suppose knowing those did give an advantage on some opponents. :p
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2742
By Fairy.Ghaleon 2013-07-09 20:56:40
jeebus D:
you gotta love all the nerfs, till you see nunu's and realize that nerf isn't going to stop ***. looool.
By Areayea 2013-07-09 22:39:37
ya I suppose I see what you guys are saying :O, but uh... ya I was thinking more on the defensive side, but tis ok I guess, and ya the patch looks interesting, wish they didn't put kennen FTP right before they were gonna nerf him -.-
Has anyone here at least given this game a try or plays it? I enjoy it a lot for what it's worth. It's a MOBA-style game and it's completely FREE unless you want to buy skins(merely aesthetic) for champions. All the champions are well-balanced and can be purchased with Influence Points earned from matches.
Official Website: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/
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Current FFXIAH Name/Summoner Name:
Stiklelf/Exalted Banshee
Rharmony/Ore Wa Gundamu
Novax/Bro Naimeth
Jaerik/Jaerik Flynn
Shiroi/Captain Bag
Minefield/Deus Ex Felina
Psycho Slip/IAmSupernova
Nephriel/Seraph Nephriel
Imatonberry/LoC Vidar
Odaka/Shinryu Ferraras
Magnuss/Sir Scruffster