That and I hate, HATE when my jungler goes into the enemy jungle in soloqueue. They always end up dead
Gurl dont even trip, <------ 100% red steal on every game that I have so far w/o deaths. Though you might have died once or twice when I come to get my red ,but I blame mid for not paying attention to map awareness and pings, BUT I GET YOU AN ASSIST.
Since we're on the subject, as a jungler like Sejuani (She happens to be my strongest right now, next to Vi), where is it that I ought to ward? Obviously the enemy jungler is worth consideration, but I never know where to place wards and why. I know where wards OUGHT to be placed, and why, but not when. When do I ward their jungle? Mid? My own buffs? etc.
I tend to ward top lanes a lot, just because they tend to get ganked early on, tend to push and get ganked since its a longer lane to run from. Occasionally warding bot when I see they are doing good , they look like they still need to farm a bit or can, and their river ward is out, pop a ward and keep that lane strong. Warding the outlets of their jungle helps keep both an eye on the jungler and their lanes from potential roaming ganks.
Remember though, if youre not getting ganks(ie kills/assist which is income) and youre not clearing your jungle fast enough, youre not going to be in a position to ward too often either. Then again if thats happening, youre probably already behind.
Being a good jungler is a lot of responsibility, imo both the support and jungler are like the foundations of the team, if they are weak, the team can collapse on itself.