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League of Legends
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Posts: 279
By Kikorimo 2013-05-31 05:22:49
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support ALL the things! \('_')
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-05-31 07:02:48
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Hey, you rarely fight for the role and you guarentee the support isnt worse than you are
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 215
By Bahamut.Kujah 2013-05-31 07:40:11
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Up to 70LP in Silver I....closing in everyday....but my god some of these games...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-05-31 10:31:07
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Closer you get to gold the worse the players get hue
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maddog
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2013-05-31 11:37:07
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Ill duo queue with u if you want. Can try me out in a few normal games. I've been like 80 lp silver III and 90% im support. I like to believe I play on gold skill level and it usually depends on my adc and how the other lanes do.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-05-31 12:00:08
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I'm curious if normal ELO is correlated/reflective of ranked ELO.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-05-31 12:12:21
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It should be.

There were a few guys on 4chan who had never played ranked in 2 years of game but had insame queue times in normal. They were Platinum and then Diamond right after their placement matches.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 215
By Bahamut.Kujah 2013-05-31 12:19:02
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Cerberus.Maeldiar said: »
Ill duo queue with u if you want. Can try me out in a few normal games. I've been like 80 lp silver III and 90% im support. I like to believe I play on gold skill level and it usually depends on my adc and how the other lanes do.

Im on EUW
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-05-31 13:28:37
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ahri goes like 0/7 and then says "first time ahri"
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2013-05-31 13:31:33
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Asura.Lolserj said: »

ahri goes like 0/7 and then says "first time ahri"
Story of my ELO career, oh and my fav, the persistent ADC feeding "omg this lag" yep.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-05-31 13:34:07
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on top of it we decided to invaded when the enemy bot lane got doubles, and since they got doubles they were level 3 when we were still level 1 (they had zil passive + doubles AND pushed the lane by the time we were back)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-05-31 13:48:58
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Invading seems to have less of a presence these days. Smart counter jungling seems to be the way to do it, at least in the current meta, that I've noticed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-05-31 13:50:02
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Unless you're going to be getting things in their jungle at a fast pace there isn't much of a point to counter jungling

That and I hate, HATE when my jungler goes into the enemy jungle in soloqueue. They always end up dead
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maddog
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2013-05-31 14:07:58
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I only go in with smite to burst down the big mob at a camp. And even then only when I have sight of their jungler.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2013-05-31 14:09:26
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what usually works best is smiteless blue then take enemy red. then invade when red repops with your mid. either take it and keep messing up the jungle or get a kill. as long as you're smart you'll be safe.

and just to throw in my ranked experience this week. had a 2-8 singed bitching in all caps in all chat about how, "THERE'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ON TEAM WHO FEED TOO MUCH FOR WIN". 2-8... meanwhile i rack up double lux's farm mid and don't die til like 28 mins in.

good times ._.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-05-31 14:09:47
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It's rarely a smart move. Agreed.

Since we're on the subject, as a jungler like Sejuani (She happens to be my strongest right now, next to Vi), where is it that I ought to ward? Obviously the enemy jungler is worth consideration, but I never know where to place wards and why. I know where wards OUGHT to be placed, and why, but not when. When do I ward their jungle? Mid? My own buffs? etc.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2013-05-31 14:11:58
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Asura.Lolserj said: »

That and I hate, HATE when my jungler goes into the enemy jungle in soloqueue. They always end up dead
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-05-31 14:12:31
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
It's rarely a smart move. Agreed.

Since we're on the subject, as a jungler like Sejuani (She happens to be my strongest right now, next to Vi), where is it that I ought to ward? Obviously the enemy jungler is worth consideration, but I never know where to place wards and why. I know where wards OUGHT to be placed, and why, but not when. When do I ward their jungle? Mid? My own buffs? etc.

there are too many ward spots to just mention
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-05-31 14:13:11
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You can learn a lot for warding when you watch streams, and it will actually give you insight on where you should be placing your pinks
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Serj
Posts: 6179
By Bahamut.Serj 2013-05-31 14:13:13
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I love counter jungling :(
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-05-31 14:13:40
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Okay, perhaps more accurately, what's the train of logic when warding as a jungler? If I understand the thesis, I can extrapolate.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2013-05-31 14:13:51
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
It's rarely a smart move. Agreed.

Since we're on the subject, as a jungler like Sejuani (She happens to be my strongest right now, next to Vi), where is it that I ought to ward? Obviously the enemy jungler is worth consideration, but I never know where to place wards and why. I know where wards OUGHT to be placed, and why, but not when. When do I ward their jungle? Mid? My own buffs? etc.

if mid doesn't have wards or is getting out harassed throwing one down for them can be a big help. otherwise i'd do the enemy blue/tribush top or between red/wraiths. anything that helps a lane or lets you know where the enemy jungle is/going.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-05-31 14:16:20
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
Okay, perhaps more accurately, what's the train of logic when warding as a jungler? If I understand the thesis, I can extrapolate.


there are a few reasons, one being the fact that you will know when people pass by your wards, you can ward objectives (it is good to pink these when you plan on baiting or doing them), and when you just want more vision in general

though a big part of warding is just knowing where the enemy team is
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-05-31 14:16:50
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Which is why you will see wards in the middle of lane after towers go down
By volkom 2013-05-31 14:18:24
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warding objectives, counter warding. warding for people in lanes.
warding certain areas so you as the jungler along with mid/top can take red/blue and possibly kill their jungler/mid
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-05-31 14:20:06
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or raging when you take both golems as the support so you smash your 2 and 3 keys at the same time wasting half of your wards as you're walking back to lane
By volkom 2013-05-31 14:21:06
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worst feeling ever... warding a bush but it doesn't want to go in.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-05-31 14:21:59
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That's what she said?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2013-05-31 14:23:02
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volkom said: »
worst feeling ever... warding a bush but it doesn't want to go in.

i have the worst time warding from top blue to the river bush. i know how to do it, but i only get it in like half the time.

Cerberus.Tikal said: »
That's what she said?

well done
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maddog
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2013-05-31 14:23:24
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Also first buff respawns around 1230 so if you ward around 1100 you can coordinate a bank on mid when they go for it. I usually ward wraiths always, in the bush behind red since sometimes they'll pink your wraith in the open area
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