Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-06-20 08:58:01
O. Bronzepiece lol >_>
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1004
By Gilgamesh.Shayala 2010-06-20 08:59:52
Bismarck.Josiahkf said: What's the best item anyone's gotten from unions? I had highest lot on Molybdenum ingot once but of course d/ced > < I think my best was a dragon heart or something
Dragon Meat once, I usually just get crap like Fool's Gold Ore... if I get anything at all >_>
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 420
By Bismarck.Bloodbeat 2010-06-20 09:01:34
Bismarck.Josiahkf said: Bismarck.Bloodbeat said: Yeah it's me. Not seen you around in a while. You ok?
My bad on spelling but yeah I'm allright, seemed like you fell off the face of vanadiel, with my shock but will send a friend request or something when i get off work
/stops derailing What's the best item anyone's gotten from unions? I had highest lot on Molybdenum ingot once but of course d/ced > < I think my best was a dragon heart or something
Oh no I'm always around. I am on GMT though so depends when you play most. It's Alach who fell into the void btw. Lol.
Hmmm why does it still say 45 RNG? Grrr.
But no, 200 is the lowest I've ever seen. I'd say a contingent average for me is 900.
Gonna do Moonpack in Jugner now, 93% moon = co-dependence muhaha :3
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2083
By Ramuh.Tousou 2010-06-20 09:01:48
Tukuku Shell, O. Bronzepiece, Darksteel Ore
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Cerberus.Sephroth 2010-06-20 09:02:58
SE just needs to remove Unions and make Items given to based off a system that judges your Weekly performance. Soloers are not the problem its ppl who can get 300xp and possibly get a 200k to 300k item ~_~
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 238
By Bismarck.Awezomeos 2010-06-20 09:04:30
Fenrir.Luarania said: Leviathan.Draylo said: What does balance have to do with their HP. Just give them a huge amount, I am sure they have the ability to do so. If you change one mobs HP you have to change them all, mobs, NPCs, forts, all of it.
I also noticed it being busy today. Some JPs are fighting away from the forts today, a fairly rare sight in Fenrir from my experiance. screw the npc they only make it worse. get rid of them all i say
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 420
By Bismarck.Bloodbeat 2010-06-20 09:07:35
Cerberus.Sephroth said: SE just needs to remove Unions and make Items given to based off a system that judges your Weekly performance. Soloers are not the problem its ppl who can get 300xp and possibly get a 200k to 300k item ~_~
That's bizarre logic considering getting exp is more likely than getting a high lot on desirable items that won't necessarily drop and/or won't happen to pool to the union you're in...
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Cerberus.Sephroth 2010-06-20 09:08:18
Sadly no BEcause i dont have a lot bot and my lots are pretty lame ._. sucks to get 3k+ Xp and a boss kill shot just to find out someone jumped into your union and wins lot :(
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
By Fenrir.Luarania 2010-06-20 09:12:20
Bismarck.Awezomeos said: Fenrir.Luarania said: Leviathan.Draylo said: What does balance have to do with their HP. Just give them a huge amount, I am sure they have the ability to do so. If you change one mobs HP you have to change them all, mobs, NPCs, forts, all of it. I also noticed it being busy today. Some JPs are fighting away from the forts today, a fairly rare sight in Fenrir from my experiance. screw the npc they only make it worse. get rid of them all i say Neat as that can be, still not possible to do. I'll use Fenrir as an example. In the mornings during JP time (I'm EDT) 2k people on campaign battles are packed so NPCs don't see much action / frowned on.
Come mid-afternoon about 1PM and with 1k people on there isn't a lot in the battles. Those NPCs are very handle for one, keeping mobs from hitting forts / hitting forts with no mobs and gaining influence. Two, curing / raising even if they can be stupid at times. And three saving your butt when you mistakanly link 5+ mobs.
I think it's safe to say they can stay.
(Virus scan lagging me, hit enter by mistake)
In regards to the unions, hell if I know how to fix that. I got tired of joining a union with no one in and killing lots of things only to see someone had joined and outlot me on items I should have got.. I stopped messing with unions a long time ago.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Cerberus.Sephroth 2010-06-20 09:14:32
Ha =P idk how SE thought adding Gil items however small would be a good idea whilst still ranting about RMT >_> i remember when 15 or more ppl was considered to many for a CB :<
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 420
By Bismarck.Bloodbeat 2010-06-20 09:50:31
Woop 0 xp/0 notes. Mobs never even made it within 2 map squares of the fortification. Ridiculous!
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1004
By Gilgamesh.Shayala 2010-06-20 10:02:02
Bismarck.Bloodbeat said: Woop 0 xp/0 notes. Mobs never even made it within 2 map squares of the fortification. Ridiculous!
I just had the same happen to me in Sauromugue CB. lol
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
By Fenrir.Luarania 2010-06-20 10:09:14
How are you all joining campaign battles?
I average 2/1k Exp/notes per battle I join, and in cases where I can get several mobs, 3-4k exp
I doubt you'd have the same luck but should be able to come out to at least 1k a battle average.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 420
By Bismarck.Bloodbeat 2010-06-20 10:14:15
Fenrir.Luarania said: How are you all joining campaign battles?
I average 2/1k Exp/notes per battle I join, and in cases where I can get several mobs, 3-4k exp
I doubt you'd have the same luck but should be able to come out to at least 1k a battle average.
It's coz I don't walk two squares away from the fortification to find the mobs. Obv on a job under 75 you're likely to aggro the normal zone mobs. I can't be doing with the hassle, plus if I get KO'd in the middle of nowhere there wont be anybody to raise me and I'll get nothing anyway...
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
By Fenrir.Luarania 2010-06-20 10:19:10
Taking this to PMs, don't want my secrets on the loose~
Be prepared for immediate replies, I got it set where I receieve emails when I get PMs and messenger tells me when I get emails (lol it's a nice system)
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
By Leviathan.Draylo 2010-06-20 12:52:50
I've seen a d log and 100's but GL beating the 950+ lots EVERY SINGLE item.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2601
By Quetzalcoatl.Princemercury 2010-06-20 12:56:57
Fenrir.Luarania said: How are you all joining campaign battles?
I average 2/1k Exp/notes per battle I join, and in cases where I can get several mobs, 3-4k exp
I doubt you'd have the same luck but should be able to come out to at least 1k a battle average.
I've never seen a PLD/RDM or SAM/DNC not make that much.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
By Leviathan.Draylo 2010-06-20 12:57:51
PLD/DNC is better than PLD/RDM tbh
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
By Fenrir.Luarania 2010-06-20 12:58:27
PLD/WAR actually~ Just recently started trying PLD/WHM and been loving it.
Honestly it's not hard to make 1.5+ if you know what to do.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2601
By Quetzalcoatl.Princemercury 2010-06-20 12:59:42
Yeah, pretty much equivalent to a brick wall in campaign.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
By Fenrir.Luarania 2010-06-20 13:01:46
Hah not really, I don't really use any dmg- or wear heavy armor (Take a look at my page). I stack a crap load of regen items though and they helps even it out. Heck just got the ring for -10 and I don't notice a difference really. Herc+Sigil ftw
That and a crap load of skill...
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2601
By Quetzalcoatl.Princemercury 2010-06-20 13:02:19
Oh sorry, I meant PLD/DNC XD, posted a bit too late.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
By Leviathan.Draylo 2010-06-20 13:03:36
Yeah PLD/DNC is boss.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fenrir.Vazerus 2010-06-20 13:15:05
While I do enjoy a good campaign battle, lately they've been pretty terribad. So bad, in fact, that I'll follow people like Luarania to the depths of hell (North Gustaberg if you remember) just to fight a couple quadavs without 30 other people. At least I took a second one with me so I didn't gimp exp too badly D: lol.
I also love it when people in campaign drag trains (with bosses, no less) to where others are fighting, killing everyone. Pretty much any time I'm dead it's because of that, or because a boss hits me for 1.6k ^^;
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
By Fenrir.Luarania 2010-06-20 13:40:23
Yeah I remember XD you and your bloody Drake spam (don't do that ; ; you kill the exp)
If anyone remembers Tigers thread about the skill ups, yeah if you treat campaign mobs like that and you should have no problem bringing in big numbers.
You actually missed me doing that, cept I missed the boss. Ended up with a crap pull on BRDs and pulled 4/5ths of them with me, and watched a MNK Chi blast one I was had targeted. After they took their sweet time killing me they all went after the MNK (one had aggro others linked on it.) Aye that was a funny moment, don't know what happened to him though.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-06-20 22:44:12
I've gotten dragon meat on several occasions, that and people sitting there pouting when I get all the O.Pieces, I just sit there and laugh because they try to wait me out...lol.
SE fix this horrible thing. 500 people attacking one mob, small group bringing mobs 50 years away from everyone else and soloing. Standing around waiting for the next wave when, oh look it was just someone soloing 50 years away. People spam everything they have just to get points because theres 50 others beating on the same mob. We all end up getting like 800 xp per fight... cmon. It's become custom for people to run around like vultures to check if anyone else is soloing. Is this really what SE had in mind when they made campaign? Did they want people to work together as a team or solo for points to get the max xp. There is no team work, people don't even cure each other. WHM will just stand there meleeing instead of helping others out. When you fighting something and theres like 50 others whacking at it, be sure you aren't the one with hate or you will eat 500 ws's and nobody will cure you.
Screw this event, one medal away from highest and im outta here! It will only get worse with monday's update because everyone and their mom (as if they weren't here already) will come and join in. SE you need to up the mobs HP by like 40k so that the fights last longer, and institute a penalty for taking mobs beyond x point. That is your fix, good day friends.