Final Fantasy XIV Database -

Eorzea Time
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users online
PM Defiance
Joined: 2007-04-03 21:17:44
PM Phoenix.Defiance
Transferred server to Asura New Character Profile: Shout-out to: Korozou and Orkin (And all other friends) Send me a message if you're ever looking me up again one day!
PM Asura.Poweraid
Discord: Skrate Murkin#7977 Small time average crafter. Please message me if you need anything in particular. Local support is incredibly appreciated! Thanks, Poweraid!
PM Asura.Gatoraid
PM Asura.Powerbank
PM Asura.Powerbanker
PM Asura.Powerbanka
PM Asura.Yourx
PM Asura.Wallmarty
PM Asura.Callmenathan