Garuda.Mabrook said:
Do you really have to take what others say so literal? I'm not saying your gonna finish the set over night. All I'm saying is in that order, counting the rarity and greatness of each item that particular order is the "easiest" way to complete a usu set.
I just read what I see interpret how I see fit and reply if I can be bothered and I feel its due. Its never to embarass someone or piss someone off.
I just find alot of stuff never goes to plan in game as regards order youd perfer certain drops, could be 5 hikazu kabuto 1st or 5 hakama or even 5 hikazu sune ate as can be seen from the screenshot posted.
"If I were you I'd do Usu feet then Usu Body then head to hands to legs. That way You'll complete the set fastest."
Sorry that Im disagreeing with this because im taking it too literal? I just dont get your reasons.
Fastest to get depends on many factors, whos infront for each piece in any ls you join, you bank balance and usefulness if you pass the less useful pieces to start.
As for usefulness order id say feet >> body >> legs >> head/hands, last 2 in no particular order as neither are really needed till 5/5. Either because of noritsune kote or walhara turban.