Movies You Regret Seeing

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Movies you regret seeing
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Server: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-03 17:29:36
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Hades.Stefanos said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Self-explanatory: You know who killed me? The person who made this movie. THAT'S WHO.
But this movie had her in a sex scene with 1 1/2 legs. DOESN'T THAT COUNT FOR SOMETHING?!?!11

Does she come first?
Valefor.Slipispsycho said:

Anything Tom Cruise sux. (Yep, I'm 'fair game'.)
Server: Midgardsormr
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user: frobeus
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By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2010-05-03 17:29:46
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By far the two worst movies that I have ever seen in the theater.

However, the fact that excellent movies such as "Watchmen" , "Superbad" , and "Borat" are listed in this thread help me to remember why I have a deep hatred for 99% of humanity.
By 2010-05-03 17:30:53
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Server: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-03 17:31:09
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Mmm, Millia Jovovich.


I am boss, Superbad sucked.
Server: Midgardsormr
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user: frobeus
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By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2010-05-03 17:31:47
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Phoenix.Kojo said:

Anything Tom Cruise sux. (Yep, I'm 'fair game'.)

By 2010-05-03 17:32:30
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Server: Leviathan
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user: Narrubia
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By Leviathan.Narrubia 2010-05-03 17:32:43
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Seraph.Zoey said:
Psycho Clowns from Outer Space
You mean Killer Klowns from Outer Space? That movie was hysterically bad.
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Server: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-03 17:33:30
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Midgardsormr.Frobeus said:
Phoenix.Kojo said:
Anything Tom Cruise sux. (Yep, I'm 'fair game'.)

Wasn't that Pre-Scientology Tom?
By 2010-05-03 17:34:15
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Server: Asura
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user: Veldar
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By Asura.Tygon 2010-05-03 17:35:40
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what a waste of time..
Server: Unicorn
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By Unicorn.Dulcinea 2010-05-03 17:35:43
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The only Tom Cruise films I've enjoyed are Taps and Tropic Thunder.

And Valkyrie was decent.

Vanilla Sky could have been good but it missed.
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Server: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-03 17:35:55
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:
I counter your half-decent Tom Cruise flick with my trap card!

WTF is this ***?
By 2010-05-03 17:36:58
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-05-03 17:37:01
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Absolutely ANYTHING by The Asylum

They brought you such greats as Transmorphers, The day the Earth Stopped, and Pirates of Treasure Island.

I'm even a huge fan of B-Movies, but Asylum movies are so horrible that it's nearly impossible to ever find even one single redeeming quality of the suckfest that they produce.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Vacian
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By Fenrir.Vacian 2010-05-03 17:56:02
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Alexander.Xgalahadx said:

Hated this movie, one of the video stores was closing so i picked it up for 2 bucks, watched it again just to see if my opinion would change but nope, still just as shitty as the first time i watched it.
By 2010-05-03 17:56:46
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Server: Kujata
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user: Akeda
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By Kujata.Akeda 2010-05-03 18:00:21
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Server: Cerberus
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user: Boundsoul
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By Cerberus.Boundsoul 2010-05-03 18:02:27
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i actually sat through the whole thing in theatres then went and got my money back, no joke.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Supahkhronic 2010-05-03 18:12:20
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Server: Asura
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user: Yesman13
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By Asura.Schatten 2010-05-03 18:18:13
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I actually went and asked for my money back.
This is the first movie that I have seen, that has
pissed me off because of how crappy it was.

Server: Gilgamesh
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user: Kunimitsu
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By Gilgamesh.Kunimitsu 2010-05-03 18:18:57
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Well I didn't actually get past the 45 min mark of this so more of a movie i regret ever getting and watching some of it, than movie i regret ever watching the whole way!
Server: Odin
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user: jaeganja
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By Odin.Ahligieri 2010-05-03 18:22:14
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Quote ain't workin'

@ Tussilo. I love you. I thought I was the only person on this planet that didn't like District 9.

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Server: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-03 18:23:13
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Quetzalcoatl.Supahkhronic said:

Was waiting for this to pop up.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Auroralith 2010-05-03 18:25:10
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:

Sometimes, I just never understand "comedy'...
i love this movie
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darki
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By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-03 18:31:22
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Phoenix.Kojo said:
Mmm, Millia Jovovich.


I am boss, Superbad sucked.

Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 199
By Fenrir.Xeonerable 2010-05-03 18:32:15
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Valefor.Ryukuro said:

So gay.............

Agreed. I saw that in theaters with my friends and walked out thinking "why the *** did I just watch that?" It was such a pointless movie and I regret paying money to see it.
Server: Odin
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user: Faisa
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By Odin.Faisa 2010-05-03 18:32:16
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Odin.Ahligieri said:
Quote ain't workin' @ Tussilo. I love you. I thought I was the only person on this planet that didn't like District 9.
lol the headline for that always get's me:
"Destroy all Expectations" ... you sure as hell did Bob... you sure as hell did...
Posts: 95
By RamenGirl 2010-05-03 18:32:56
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This movie was just way too stupid for me XD
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Server: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-03 18:38:03
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RamenGirl said:
This movie was just way too stupid for me XD

Judging by your name, I love you.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 28
By Shiva.Scarymagic 2010-05-03 18:39:48
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Going to Nightmare on elm street tonigt so that might get added later.

The cover made this look alright, but it is the only movie I never watched all the way through.
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