Super Soloing!

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Super Soloing!
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Zor
Posts: 2104
By Bahamut.Zorander 2010-11-19 16:15:15
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RR + Dnc or Nin is fun to watch. What do you do with Onvi when its does the pink boost move that can 1 shot you? Does it just miss you with your uber eva+?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Titox
Posts: 399
By Ragnarok.Titox 2010-11-19 16:20:42
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i solo this NM before lvl cap update:
Aht Urhgan Mission 22: Shield of Diplomacy as RDM75/NIN37 1/1 it was scary when the Khimaira 13 bind and gravity wore off and go running towards you lol....


Agas(Sleepga2 NM quest) as Sam75/Nin37 1/1.....even though it was a 20second fight...but a lot could had go very wrong lol
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1292
By Asura.Yunalaysca 2010-11-19 16:38:08
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Bahamut.Zorander said:
RR + Dnc or Nin is fun to watch. What do you do with Onvi when its does the pink boost move that can 1 shot you? Does it just miss you with your uber eva+?
his only threatening attacks are barrage and ion, everything else can be paper-tanked, ion isnt that scary. generally you let your fan dance drag out till it does flourescence and pay attention to what his tp move it's preparing and pop a new fan dance if it's barrage since it's not instant (more like 1ish second) you will be able to pull it off just fine and only take 100ish dmg.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Zor
Posts: 2104
By Bahamut.Zorander 2010-11-19 16:43:17
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Asura.Yunalaysca said:
Bahamut.Zorander said:
RR + Dnc or Nin is fun to watch. What do you do with Onvi when its does the pink boost move that can 1 shot you? Does it just miss you with your uber eva+?
his only threatening attacks are barrage and ion, everything else can be paper-tanked, ion isnt that scary. generally you let your fan dance drag out till it does flourescence and pay attention to what his tp move it's preparing and pop a new fan dance if it's barrage since it's not instant (more like 1ish second) you will be able to pull it off just fine and only take 100ish dmg.
Sounds fun..but my dnc is only lvl 37 lol..a job i'd love to lvl but prolly wont ever happen.
Server: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 1612
By Titan.Lillica 2010-11-19 17:17:31
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Leviathan.Niniann said:
Yamoto said:
I know this is kinda not really what this thread was about, but does anyone know a good place in Abyssea - Vunkerl to solo as 81DNC? I want to get me some AF3 feet and parties just aren't doing it. Any advice?

Puks and/or crawlers are cake at 85 assuming no one's currently killing them. I'm sure anything else in the zone is pretty easy too. For Puks just make sure you pull them out of the way because they'll *** your ***up if they link.

one thing about this... wind elemental WS will heal the puks... so build lights on crawlers.

just learned the hard way.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Astrida
Posts: 1354
By Gilgamesh.Astrida 2010-11-19 17:24:28
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My JP friend Curren solod Minhocao the worm in Tahrongi as DNC
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1292
By Asura.Yunalaysca 2010-11-19 17:26:06
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Gilgamesh.Astrida said:
My JP friend Curren solod Minhocao the worm in Tahrongi as DNC
this is interesting, anything out of the ordinary he did to solo it?
Posts: 1181
By Mirvana 2010-11-22 15:14:24
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Less of a "I did" as much as a "can I", but anyone had any success soloing the 3 NMs that drop AF3 feet seals? I'm sick of wasting my stones questing just to get the other three jobs' seals... (still 0/8 after ~40 tries)
Ive given Div-E Sepid a shot but wasn't doing a lot of damage and he eventually beat me dead when i couldn't get shadows back up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tristean
Posts: 382
By Asura.Tristean 2010-11-22 15:30:55
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Funguar NM is duoable but he has aura paralyze, or blind, or silence once he gets low on HP. But until then he's pretty easy. Have no tried the kraken one... the quest though is easy enough. You don't have to choose the heaviest pack to get seals.
Posts: 1181
By Mirvana 2010-11-22 15:36:33
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Ive been doing it with the lightest packs, but I've still yet to get a charis seal from it, and even then its eating ~7mins a shot... (Not to mention the trueaggro NMs you have to avoid along the way...)
Server: Titan
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user: Lillica
Posts: 1612
By Titan.Lillica 2010-11-22 15:48:58
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Mirvana said:
Ive been doing it with the lightest packs, but I've still yet to get a charis seal from it, and even then its eating ~7mins a shot... (Not to mention the trueaggro NMs you have to avoid along the way...)

Just keep at it, I got mine in 157 runs.

For the NMs the monkey is the only troublesome one. Ironclad and the Elephant can be kited to the NPC using evasion and fan dance, once you talk to him it gives you flee which you can use to run out and to the left, by the time you hit the fence the NMS will deaggro you and you can run back to the flux once they finish murdering the bastion peeps and move on.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eeek
Posts: 768
By Asura.Eeek 2010-11-22 16:14:25
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I'm no expert in DNC soloing (as I've only set out to solo easy things like Urd and Khalimari), but I did manage to solo Div-e Sepid. I think the fight took about 15 minutes.

After trioing Dvalinn a few times with friends, my concentration lapsed and I ran the wrong way. Instead of running to the conflux, I ran into Div-e Sepid. I assumed that I was going to die, so I engaged him for kicks. He turned out to be a relatively easy kill.

I played it conservative and fought him in a full Evasion build (plus an AGI Kila+1...second one's almost done...) with Fan Dance up full time. My active Atmas were Razed Ruins and Sanguine Scythe (I wanted the HP and enmity boosts for Dvalinn). The only needed meds are Echo Drops (to remove Silence when Amnesia'd), but damn near everyone should be carrying those anyways. I did WS to speed up the fight, but I only did so when I had 4 or 5 Finishing Moves to replace TP if I needed it quickly.

The NM's only dangerous TP move is Bugle Call. Bugle Call will give Div-e Sepid a Bio aura, and it gives him a boost in attack speed akin to Hundred Fists. Fan Dance and an Evasion build makes Bugle Call plenty survivable. Also, Div-e Sepid won't use nukes or sleep spells like normal imps.

1/8 on DNC feet seals. That quest only spits out WAR seals for me, and I no longer have a large enough supply of stones to just quest spam like I have in the past. I may try my hand at that Funguar soon...
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2010-12-09 13:03:59
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Almost everything in old areas is a total joke now. Use an Eva Kila +2 or two and keep up Saber Dance/Haste Samba. Most fights take <2 minutes and the NMs get off 1-3 Weaponskills tops.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Dawnn
Posts: 1041
By Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn 2010-12-20 20:02:09
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has anyone managed to solo Es'euvhi? the T2 vnm that is right before the lusca pop

I have the pop and wanna try it but 40k hp sounds intimidating
i'll probably try when i get my last lunar, only a single boss fight away so it wont be long
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Stefanos
Posts: 2647
By Hades.Stefanos 2010-12-20 20:07:51
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Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn said:
has anyone managed to solo Es'euvhi? the T2 vnm that is right before the lusca pop

I have the pop and wanna try it but 40k hp sounds intimidating
i'll probably try when i get my last lunar, only a single boss fight away so it wont be long

Friend of mine did that last night because she popped that instead of the tier 1 while we were building lights. From what I've been told, she also duoed the tier 3 in the area for her vision cards.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Ninian
Posts: 2596
By Leviathan.Niniann 2010-12-20 20:08:19
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Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn said:
has anyone managed to solo Es'euvhi? the T2 vnm that is right before the lusca pop

I have the pop and wanna try it but 40k hp sounds intimidating
i'll probably try when i get my last lunar, only a single boss fight away so it wont be long

Yes, it's incredibly easy. At 85, mind you.

Niniann said:
These aren't exactly omgwtfbbq solos, mostly just stating them so DNCs know it's possible.

The t1 + t2 VNMs in Abyssea - Attohwa are easily soloable by DNC, and accidentally found out DNC can solo Aggressor Antlion too, but it can get messy if you're half-assing it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Dawnn
Posts: 1041
By Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn 2010-12-20 20:39:11
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Thanks niniann ^^

i usually find your posts to be credible and they usually have good insight so thanks for replying lol

and thank you stefanos

edit: which atmas would you use? RR to cut down on time and something like VV? or Sanguine Scythe and Vicissitude?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Ninian
Posts: 2596
By Leviathan.Niniann 2010-12-20 20:45:18
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Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn said:
Thanks niniann ^^

i usually find your posts to be credible and they usually have good insight so thanks for replying lol

and thank you stefanos

edit: which atmas would you use? RR to cut down on time and something like VV? or Sanguine Scythe and Vicissitude?

Aww, thank you. Back at 85 I used RR/VV, used an Evasion set and more or less Eviscerated when I got 100TP. The only thing it does that's scary is -ga's (easily VF'd) and it'll do Break, so keep your shadows up. You might not even need Eva+ gear if you choose an Eva+ atma as your third if you have one. GH would probably be better than VV too, I just didn't have it at the time. If you have Evasion daggers (I don't) you could probably get away with a hybrid Haste/Evasion setup also.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Dawnn
Posts: 1041
By Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn 2010-12-20 20:53:11
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cool thanks for the info :3
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Ninian
Posts: 2596
By Leviathan.Niniann 2010-12-20 21:02:51
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np~ :3

Also did I say 300TP up there, I meant 100TP, going to go fix that. I'm crazy.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: funsam
Posts: 212
By Gilgamesh.Funsam 2010-12-21 07:15:27
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in abby dnc can solo a lot of stuff my recent one are the
Koios - titan vnm t2 in altep (shadows absorbed every hit never took dmg)
funeral apakallu - apak in a perma hundred fist mode
aggressor antlion

koios, apak & lugaroo was most enjoyable solos
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Dawnn
Posts: 1041
By Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn 2010-12-21 21:56:44
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Just did the Es'euvhi hella easy

dnc not even needed to solo that, i could have done it on thf XD

only took me into yellow once lol

thanks for the info guys ^^ i know what i'm doing for a while now lol atleast until i can get a lusca pop or collar
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Ramuh.Lilsanchez 2010-12-22 00:44:34
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Asura.Yunalaysca said:
Ovni is soloable by dnc now i've killed it once and it got me twice, gonna go after it again later.

I attemped this once solo as DNC. got it to 8% before it raged and my damage was doing literally 1s and 0s. blah

btw this NM is super easy on DNC cept for 1 move. that always does 1k damage and poisones you and strips you of all your shadows everytime. That vitroli move w/e its called. Drill and Ion. All weak ***. little damage. Ions trips all shadows but it rarely ever hits me. Drill rarely takes more then 1 shadow. if its lucky maybe 2. Flouresence only ever landed on me once. And that was when i was duoing it actually lol. Single melee hit hit me for 1480. That was fun. Still lived though.

ended up doing it a few times DNC and SMN. went much quicker. go go RR Garuda.

in any case. I solod most DNC THF MNK SCH seal NMs and Khalamari. No joke though my DNC is pretty new. I'm betting there is soo much more i can actually solo. DNC kinda makes me feel unstoppable. As long as i'm not put in a time limit.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1292
By Asura.Yunalaysca 2010-12-22 01:03:37
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fan dance
atma: VV RR IT

should take about 20 min
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kakkoii
Posts: 111
By Cerberus.Raddmage 2010-12-22 01:13:37
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for the t2 vnms in miseraux vunkerl and attowah just go rdm or blm and gravity them
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Ramuh.Lilsanchez 2010-12-22 01:16:46
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Asura.Yunalaysca said:
/war berserk fan dance atma: VV RR IT should take about 20 min

Ill have to try that. I always just went /nin for safety first. But I evaded it like it was nothing mostly. Thanks for the tip.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2010-12-22 01:59:08
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20 minutes is a bit high for Ovni. I do Gnarled Horn/Razed Ruins/Apocalypse on DNC/NIN and beat him down in under 10 minutes. Blue + Thief if you want the belt to drop though.

Usurper in Tahrongi is soloable now, for sure. Lacovie is borderline soloable... he's dangerous because Invincible -> Breakga is pretty much a fight-ender unless he sits there and spams Slow II on you.

Glavoid might be soloable, but I don't want to waste the pop items to find out. I suspect Violent Flourish's recast is too long to handle him reliably.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1292
By Asura.Yunalaysca 2010-12-22 02:06:42
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Lakshmi.Byrth said:
20 minutes is a bit high for Ovni. I do Gnarled Horn/Razed Ruins/Apocalypse on DNC/NIN and beat him down in under 10 minutes. Blue + Thief if you want the belt to drop though.

Usurper in Tahrongi is soloable now, for sure. Lacovie is borderline soloable... he's dangerous because Invincible -> Breakga is pretty much a fight-ender unless he sits there and spams Slow II on you.

Glavoid might be soloable, but I don't want to waste the pop items to find out. I suspect Violent Flourish's recast is too long to handle him reliably.
fight can go as quick as 10 minutes or as slow as 20, just depends on how accurate ovni is to her.

glavoid is indeed soloable, to be honest the less people the better.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2010-12-22 02:12:48
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I've chainspelling with fanatics/fools drinks in abyssea nows. THen pop a isl to do it again afterwards lol. Can do a good 30-40k dmg real quick... need more ice dmg atmas though.
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