By Ifrit.Haseyo 2009-03-03 18:25:29
From Dnc soro guide:
"Note: Went here at 20 and it was fairly hard with lots of VT worms. (Ok ok, he was right on that one) 21 things got better. Start out on worms fighting DC-T after -------------'23 bats should be able to worked in'------------." <- I haven't spammed Curing Waltz so hard without barely hitting a mob. Those bats murdered me, somehow I was able to outrun them. I want whatever the h4x the guide maker has. >.>;
On topic (did I seriously just say that in here?), Kiriyu's new photo is sparking inspiration for new RL avatars. We must all take a new photo D:
Ninjaedit: Aww she switched back. I liked the quality in it.