Eternaltriumph said:
Kajidourden said:
Eternaltriumph said:
Kiriyu said:
I did some corporal ones last night. We needz to get u moar rankups.
There's this REALLY fun one @ Mamool point where you go looking for a Qiqirn spy. You talk to a bunch of qiqirn, and it's just a process of elimination I guess. Idk, maybe I'm just weird, but it's fun >_> I want P legs too; ;
God I hated that one. >< I never aggro ***but somehow managed to have to kill every Puk I came across. Plus our Qiqirn was clustered with literally like 7 others, so one would say it's to the E and move E and mix them up...urgh.
Its rare you see anyone even donig assaults on pandy nowadays, and if they are, its all the higher-tier stuff or Golden Salvage....
I've been First Lieutenant since uh...about 3 days after it was released. But every static I was in kind boned me once we got up there on those assaults. I digress, Pandy is underpopulated to begin with, and everyone is Nyzul onry. Golden Salvage or Lamia 13 is spammed for Salvage entry though.
Edited for failing failure.
Ahh, ive never done salvage, so i wouldnt know. That Marduk's gear is looking reeeeal nice right about now for a BRD/WHM build XD
Edit: Rather my skill+ build, but for those times when im tagging along for events ill fill in with Marduks where i dont need to extra skill, as I already have max skillz!! For minuet and madrigal, damnit SE make skill matter more more than two effing songs!!!