The wife and I got into an arguement the other day over a text message that she sent me earlier in the day. I said "If you wouldn't have sent me that/tell I wouldn't be upset!" .... after I realized what I said, I went back to work, no longer wanting to argue....
I just had my first a few nights ago. I drempt I was in the game. /sigh and just in time for my weekend where I will be glued to my computer.
Don;t think I've ever dreamed I was in game, but I've had dreams about various ingame friends. XD
Me and my ls mates stuck in a haunted house together, that sort of goofyness. lol
My brother and my cousin and i all use to weak and impossible to gauge haha we sometimes even will use afk and Wc and brb. Sometimes i hear the FFXI login screen when i am trying to sleep.... FFVII got so bad that i use to hear the battle music all the time .... auditory hallucinations ftw.
last week my bro was in the area so we went out to a club we being black i looked behind me only to thing to myself "crap 1 shadow left must recast utsusemi"
I was out with my gf the other day and a car drove past and the last three letters in the liscence plate was "VGD" I turned to her and said "IS it bad that i read the VGD and think Vagabonds Hose?"
My GF also calls me Tuv to her mother and sometimes sister.
My GF also called her character after the nickname i give her in real life >.> So Its not so weird when i walk around calling her Suzzles.
A couple months ago, shortly after waking up, I found myself having a hard time trying to decide what I should sub for a computer repair gig. My three choices were /dnc so I wouldn't need to rest, /war so I didn't need tools, or /nin, because it would have been the safe route.
I just had my first a few nights ago. I drempt I was in the game. /sigh and just in time for my weekend where I will be glued to my computer.
Don;t think I've ever dreamed I was in game, but I've had dreams about various ingame friends. XD
Me and my ls mates stuck in a haunted house together, that sort of goofyness. lol
Ive had ff11 related dreams but they're like during those dreams where Im running for my life and Im hiding in some spot and Im trying to type /ma warp <me> but my little text window wont pop up because theres no text windows in real life and I dont have a keyboard so Im trying to type it on my cell phone and it wont work.
Ive also had dreams where Im continuously refreshing people all night long and I cant stop...I wake up exhausted usually..