question for ffxi ppl
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Pandemonium.Alderon 2008-12-06 23:56:26
why do you like ffxi? just wondering why ppl play lol
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 80
By Remora.Mitsurughy 2008-12-07 00:36:42
why you breath air?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 857
By Phoenix.Baelorn 2008-12-07 01:17:51
Lack of better options.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2008-12-07 01:22:01
Always loved RPG's. Zelda was my first. You get much more accomplishment out of a game then any other form of entertainment, (unless your the one performing any entertainment, and in that case your getting rich too) and RPG's give you the most return.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 36
By Kujata.Galatea 2008-12-07 01:33:14
1. People: I enjoy playing with and talking to the people in my LS. We generally have 20-30 people on at peek times, and we do nearly every endgame event. I think nearly all of them are dedicated to the game (some more than other of course) and enjoy the social aspect as well; Ventrilo helps this emensely, as it much easier to talk than type. It's also fun to have other LSs to compete against for monsters/items/etc and knowing that skill and man power isnt the only thing needed to get the job done.
2. Challenge: I think it is well known (or believed) that FFXI is much harder than any other MMO so far. Granted, I haven't played WoW, but getting to level 60 in a week is just not my idea of a real game. I don't know of or want to compare FFXI to other MMOs because I have no idea about them. Console games are generally made to have an ending and while they do provide some challenge, most do not have updates and content added to them after release, unless they are linked online or have expansions(?).
3. Growth: Somewhat everything wrapped into one. Obtaining items, beating quests, completeing storylines, watching your LS grow stronger. This aspect is interesting because you can come to FFXIAH and see how you compare to other people who have registered here. Also helps that you can look up people to help with missions or be a mercenary for people's wanted list. This is a never ending part of the game as long as SE keeps handing out updates and content for us to play with.
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
Posts: 605
By Alexander.Nepharite 2008-12-07 03:40:03
Its better than cow tipping.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1004
By Gilgamesh.Shayala 2008-12-07 03:41:29
This is my first RPG and after watching my fiance play on it for a few months I thought it looked fun so bought myself a copy for my PC. It is the best game I have ever played,I love the graphic style,the format,everything! I tried WOW a couple of months ago and hated it,the cartoon style characters are awful and the game is just too easy,you don't need to think about strategy as much as you do with FFXI. I prefer a game that challenges me.
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Alexander.Harryxi 2008-12-07 04:17:19
perhaps the hook that keeps me in FFXI month after month is the fellowhship i have with fellow players. the times i share with lsmates (both good and bad) are times i treasure. meeting new and interesting ppl from around the globe is awesome. i have a JP pld on my flist who speaks largely in auto-translate and broken english, yet every conversation is a laugh and a half.
i think that all too often we get caught up in "oh i need to work on this so i can eventually get THAT" or "man i want just one more lv/merit" etc, and we miss just how much fun it is to talk to some friends.
this holds true for irl also.
i think that linkshells really make ffxi the game that it is. your experiences are shaped largely by the people you surround yourself with. my shell focuses on the bonds between the real people who play rather than the in game characters. my linkys and i agree that it is remarkably different than other shells we've been in, and it makes playing the game so much more rewarding.
short answer: i enjoy ffxi because of my friends.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-12-07 04:18:07
Well for me it's sort of a vice :/ I like to spend my free time roaming around in a place that is not where I am XD so in here is where I explore :)
For some people reality is a harsh thing, and for me it's no different - ffxi can be an escape and haven from such things.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2008-12-07 09:49:12
I came into FFXi about 2-3 years ago, right after finishing Diablo LOD. Was constantly runz over runz over runz, and it just got repetitiave. With a Smite Pld I just kicked *** so much it got boring...
A friend told me I should play this, and so I got involved.. and the whole idea of being able to ROAM, in a big area, I nvr felt so much room before. No problems of being clausterphobic.
I just kept playing and moving to ls, meting so many new ppl. Its an adventure process!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Bahamut.Ashua 2008-12-07 10:04:30
I play because it's like crack in my veins. I wish I could quit but I can't. FFXI has ruined all traditional rpg's for me. I have like 5 games I havn't played because of FFXI
It's so redundant. Level a job to get more gear to dress up your virtual Barbie. Get more levels for the Barbie and put on some new clothes. The only remnant this game has is its occasional storyline, which is very base compared to offline games.
That said, if you have to play an MMO, this is the one. (unless you're lazy and like everything to be easy like in WoW)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Odin.Gensouryuu 2008-12-07 10:25:58
i play mostly because of friends. the second reason is that i can't quit, its like an addiction to drugs.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2008-12-07 10:40:27
Ash, lol ^^. What you say is true, it is redundant...but I love it. If FFXI was a drug I'm sure there would be lots of people going to clinics and getting rehab, haha. I would say I'm addicted, I can admit that. It's pretty much all I do lol. There's always things that get added to my list of 'Things I want to do', and the way SE keeps adding new things I don't think I will ever stop adding new things to my list. Ashua said: FFXI has ruined all traditional rpg's for me. I have like 5 games I havn't played because of FFXI It's so redundant I sold my Wii because I never played it. I did beat Metroid Prime Corruption and Super Mario Galaxy a while before I sold it, which were great games, and I still keep in touch with my RPGs cause I have a Nintendo DS with a flash card. That's nice to have since there's a lot of downtime in FFXI. Recently I've downloaded and beat FFIII and IV, Chrono Trigger.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Gilgamesh.Xarchangel 2008-12-07 10:52:22
The people are great... Lots of challenges... Always something to do...
what more can you ask for in a game! But what a time drain... not the best thing if you have a family.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3
By Phoenix.Danaulle 2008-12-07 12:45:58
It's not because of the game for me. It's because of the people. The friends whose faces I have never seen, whose voices I have never heard, but who are bound to eachother, and to me, with the same ties as a family. Granted, a family that kills gods once a week, but still, a family. ^^
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 56
By Siren.Anmorata 2008-12-07 13:28:58
I play it to save money, the cost of going out to the movies + food + drinks + gas... every day
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2008-12-07 17:45:11
Anmorata said: I play it to save money, the cost of going out to the movies + food + drinks + gas... every day Very true... Times are tough in these post economical times.. ...RL that is. Movies in Canada are $$$. By the time you Pay for your tix (x2) 20.00 + confectionary ( popcorn and drink 10-12.00)= Alot of money. I'm sure my fiance and my computers do us just fine, and suitably give us enough fun and enjoyment to get us by.. and ffxi just gives me a lil more fun to enjoy! HERE HERE!! =D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2008-12-07 20:14:13
Galatea said: 2. Challenge: I think it is well known (or believed) that FFXI is much harder than any other MMO so far. Granted, I haven't played WoW, but getting to level 60 in a week is just not my idea of a real game. I don't know of or want to compare FFXI to other MMOs because I have no idea about them. Console games are generally made to have an ending and while they do provide some challenge, most do not have updates and content added to them after release, unless they are linked online or have expansions(?). Somebody hasn't seen a COR in action. I know of a COR who leveled 1-75 in a week *cough*Syon*cough* but I agree with you 100% about numbers 2 and 3, although people in Asura can be ***, I do have some good friends though. btw Nepharite said: Its better than cow tipping. Somebody doesn't know the great challange that is bull tipping (good luck trying to get out of there without a horn up your ***) lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 337
By Asura.Shamaya 2008-12-07 21:38:06
Party play and community, the style of the game in terms of character and zone models, a variety of different endgame content and never ending progression and discovery.
And on a personal level I enjoy doing or testing things that haven't been touched before, ie new party strategies, new event strategies, new equip setups, formula breakdowns and comparisons, and forum community progression.
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15
By Alexander.Jammingjamie 2008-12-07 21:51:50
What is this 'ffxi' that you speak of?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2008-12-08 03:22:41
I started playing because i've always been a big final fantasy fan and wanted to see what the MMO version was like.
Wanted to play it when it was first released but had to wait till last year when starting university to aford it >< the memories ive had on this game with the friends ive made and the million and one things that i still have to do will keep me playing till it shuts down... that is if i can get my laptop repaired soon lol
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 36
By Kujata.Galatea 2008-12-08 05:39:42
Korpg said: Galatea said: 2. Challenge: I think it is well known (or believed) that FFXI is much harder than any other MMO so far. Granted, I haven't played WoW, but getting to level 60 in a week is just not my idea of a real game. I don't know of or want to compare FFXI to other MMOs because I have no idea about them. Console games are generally made to have an ending and while they do provide some challenge, most do not have updates and content added to them after release, unless they are linked online or have expansions(?). Somebody hasn't seen a COR in action. I know of a COR who leveled 1-75 in a week *cough*Syon*cough* Indeed, I'm somewhat of a hypocrit here. I been finding some good 15k/hr camps that I'll be utilizing via level sync to finish my cap :X Just did 26-66 SMN in a week <_<a And this 100%: Anmorata said: I play it to save money, the cost of going out to the movies + food + drinks + gas... every day 2 drinks at the bar pays for 1 month of FFXI. Well 4 drinks for me, because I pay for 2 accounts.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 505
By Pandemonium.Luignata 2008-12-08 10:22:19
I play for the mithras.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 284
By Fairy.Raikan 2008-12-08 12:51:12
One thing that hasn't been mentioned already: With this last X-pack WoW finally added Mission and Quest cutscenes like FFXI already had.
If I read right somebody called the Mission Storyline basic. While that is generally true in the City missions leading up to the Shadow Lord (Where the mission ranks initially ended), the higher level city rank missions are quite intriguing. Zilart was a walk in the park compared with CoP as far as missions go, but honestly I have never played a Final Fantasy and enjoyed the story as much as I did in Chains of Promathia.
The final few cutscenes in CoP that wrap the storyline up are truly something to watch.
ToAU had a decent storyline as well, but I didn't care as much about the characters within that story by the end.
WotG missions have been enjoyable thus far. I'm looking forward to this update so I can continue on with them.
The storylines for Artifact Armor can be hit and miss. Ranger and White Mage I thought were pretty dumb; Monk impressed me but then it was my first AF quest line so I can't really give a true opinion on it; Paladin was good, as was Red Mage; Samurai was nice but the RL day waits between cutscenes were annoying.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2008-12-08 13:00:32
Raikan said: One thing that hasn't been mentioned already: With this last X-pack WoW finally added Mission and Quest cutscenes like FFXI already had. If I read right somebody called the Mission Storyline basic. While that is generally true in the City missions leading up to the Shadow Lord (Where the mission ranks initially ended), the higher level city rank missions are quite intriguing. Zilart was a walk in the park compared with CoP as far as missions go, but honestly I have never played a Final Fantasy and enjoyed the story as much as I did in Chains of Promathia. The final few cutscenes in CoP that wrap the storyline up are truly something to watch. Bah, everyone sais CoP ending is really good. Still stuck on promy holla though >.< I fail. Zilart wasnt so bad and rank 8+ are really cool so is ToAU. Wow doesnt appeal to me at all and ive known a few friends to quit it because of peoples behaviour towards them in-game.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 227
By Hades.Dizzmal 2008-12-08 13:22:07
As hard as CoP was, I really enjoyed it more than any other expansion. After I finished CoP I really had a feeling of accoplishment. But i play FFXI for my friends, I love helping ppl out and the joy I can bring to a newer player that I have helped. To me there is no better feeling than helping others.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1004
By Gilgamesh.Shayala 2008-12-08 14:00:35
I tried the first of the Promys(Mea)a couple of weeks ago,our party wiped twice so we disbanded saying we'd try again another day but none of us has the inclination to do it soon.lol
why do you like ffxi? just wondering why ppl play lol