Hey there Midgardsormr,
Welcome to Quetzalcoatl, or Quetzagard maybe? Quetzal has grown quiet these past few years and I am excited to be able to share a server with a new group of people. I hope that as few people as possible need to change their names and that all those LS leaders out there can get their shells back together without incident. Why SE did stuff this way is beyond me but here we are.
I am glad to see that many of you have already started to introduce yourselves on QCDN.org. I figured that I would come and do the same, offering a welcome.
Chancellor, Kyas, Maken, Zeldageek and I work to lead UmbraPulsum, a general purpose "endgame" shell. I am sort of concerned to know how everything will change with the new content and updates. We are already planning to add what will be the new endgame to the list of things we do but only time will tell us how everything turns out.
I wanted to take a second and try and sell the dynamis scheduling system to all you Dynamis-type people. Maybe we will get really lucky and SE will instance Dyna, but I'm not holding my breath. When we first started doing dynamis, we didn't use the forum and it was a pain: zones were hit or miss and it was a waste of time having to move a whole group of people across Vana'diel to find an open zone. We started to schedule and in 1.5 years of Dynamis, I think we have had one zone conflict (and that was because QCDN wasn't working properly at the time and people couldn't accurately check the availability of zones). Other groups have not been so lucky for sure, but we are very grateful to Morwen and the other QCDN staff that support her in assisting us with Dynamis Scheduling.
I think that you will find the vast majority of Quetzal Dynamis Shells happy and willing to work with you. I believe that even though we will probably double the number of shells on the server that the server's Dynamis zones can still accommodate us all. I know it might seem a little hokey at first to strap yourself to a schedule for a month in advance but it ends up making life so much easier for everyone and eliminates a ton of frustration.
Even if you end up choosing not to use the scheduling forum by activity posting your own schedule, it is a great place to go to see what everyone else is doing and can aid in a hassle-free zone choice.
That's my sell. I'm excited to have you all here and am looking forward to leveling/meriting/dyna/limbus/einherjar/ZNMs/Nyzul and all that good stuff with you...
Because having to:
/sh {Nyzul Isle} 80 5/6 choose any drop. DD {Can I have it?}
more than once is just stupid.
See you on the other side of the Merge,