Ragnarok.Jessikah said:
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I've yet to play this game, but holy cow do I love its battle theme. It might be my favourite ever. It just hits all the right beats for me.
Good news. This game has multiple battle themes (and not just the random encounter, boss battles, and final boss themes like some games). The random battle songs change up as you begin to travel out farther (further?)
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Also, each character has their own theme and samples from them get used at the endgame which is a friggin' lovely call-back.
I won't list them all, because one song per post and I already broke that rule. Heck the rules. I do what I want.
If you can play this, I highly suggest the PC version and use a trainer program to allow 1-hit kills of enemies and like unlimited money, etc. This game has a terrible "break" system where you have to hit an enemy with a weakness to basically stagger it so the next hits do better damage.
It's not THE WORST system, but it makes the game take longer than it should. I'm well-versed enough in RPGs that I shouldn't have to sit there and hit things multiple times with my god-tier characters against level 1 rabbits (exageration... but not entirely). I can see how I could do that sort of grind when I was a child, but "ain't nobody got time fo' dat".
Even if you have to play out legit with battles taking longer, it's a very pretty game.
This post turned into a "random thoughts about Octopath". Mah bad.