This is'nt the mgs4 version, this is the version thats going to be in the new mgs game.
This song was made in dedication of this event below.
Ferdinando Nicola Sacco (April 22, 1891 – August 23, 1927) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (June 11, 1888 – August 23, 1927) were anarchists who were convicted of murdering two men during a 1920 armed robbery in South Braintree, Massachusetts, United States. After a controversial trial and a series of appeals, the two Italian immigrants were executed on August 23, 1927.[1]
There is a highly politicized dispute over their guilt or innocence, as well as whether or not the trials were fair.[2][3] The dispute focuses on contradictory evidence. As a result, historians have not reached a consensus. (Copied straight from wiki)
Not sure if this is true....but apparently the ending to mgs4 was suppose to be Solid and Liquid being executed, which is why this song is relevant. When Kojima changed the ending, he decided to keep this song at the end.
Opening Theme to Rockman X8. Unfortunately Capcom removed it from the releases outside Japan.
Sucks that Capcom has basicly dropped the Mega Man Series from their game catalog. They canceled Mega Man Universe and Mega Man Legends 3. The only thing the Mega Man characters are used for now is to sell Capcom's crappy fighting games and remakes and 2.0 versions of those fighters
I just got back on TTT2 to practice some of my tag combos with Lili/Zafina and when i randomly selected a stage i ended up on this stage, when it first began to play I was all like eww bad song then the beat dropped my controller fell out my hands and i started to dance.
This one i just danced to aswell I still have yet to get any actual practice going....