i edited this image from the ffxiii website (>.> not claiming any copyrights...) Property of Square Enix - artwork and associated imagery are trademarks and/or copyright material of their respective owners
What can I say? I have a thing for Galkas, and this picture was just perfect. I snagged it off of one of the FFXI art contests, so thank you to whoever the artist is.
My Win7 desktop rotates on shuffle with various misc images. Mostly pics of musicians (The Kills, Ladytron, etc) and Scarlett Johansson. Perfect example:
If anyone can tell me how to post my desktop pic on here i will. thank you in advance.
Do a screengrap with printscreen on PC and host it somewhere (I chose picasa via google) or just host the actual image somewhere. Then get the link to the actual image and place between the img tags:
If this doesn't work i'll try something different. I go through alot of Desktop pics but i believe this one will be here awhile. Old School Heavy Metal right here.