Beta To Kill Xi

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Beta to kill xi
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Gilgamesh.Xarchangel 2010-03-02 16:54:25
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This game will go on for a long time, SE is not gonna intentially end there game just because they got a new one out. There like any company, there gonna make as much money as they can, and 2 games will make more then 1. Everyone is worried about it, but why, just deal with it, if you do not like it, go play something else.

The game needs an update, and maybe this is what we needed along time ago. In reality, it will prolly boost populations a bit with others wanting to come back to try out the new stuff. People quit now because its the same thing over and over, but soon your gonna have 24 more lvls to get, and a new world to explore. This will prolly increase the lengh of the game another 5 years.

There are all kinds of games people still play, EQ1 & 2 Diablo 1 & 2 amungst others. Diablo 3 is gonna come out soon, so does that mean everyone is gonna quit ff11 then too? Prolly not. People that still enjoy this game, will not leave until they are finally tired and have done all they can.

Not to keep ranting, but the biggest reason i think so many people leave is, No one wants to help anyone out, everyone is all about them selves and getting there char better then the next guys. Maybe if people were more friendly to new players and people that don't have "godly" gear, maybe more people would have stayed playing.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Deg
Posts: 12
By Remora.Deg 2010-03-02 16:59:17
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Hades.Karou said:
FF14 is already dead. Their not making it PC Exclusive. I have hardware on my computer that makes the PS3 look like an overpriced piece of junk. If SE is not going to make 14 be PC Onry then their idiots. I have the best hardware you can get for a computer.

EDIT: oh and before I get torn a new one, I work 96 hour work weeks to have the best pc hardware available. And no that doesn't bother me.

That overpriced piece of junk hides a really bad coffee stain the mrs hasnt found yet il have you know. As far as im concerned its worth every penny...

Also on a side note, my pc's better.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Kunimitsu
Posts: 453
By Gilgamesh.Kunimitsu 2010-03-02 17:02:09
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Hades.Karou said:
FF14 is already dead. Their not making it PC Exclusive. I have hardware on my computer that makes the PS3 look like an overpriced piece of junk. If SE is not going to make 14 be PC Onry then their idiots. I have the best hardware you can get for a computer.

EDIT: oh and before I get torn a new one, I work 96 hour work weeks to have the best pc hardware available. And no that doesn't bother me.
I dont get what you're saying here. FFXIV will die because its not pc exclusive, because you have a good pc? Can't you just get it on pc then, and the 50% or w/e that don't have a good pc can get in on console? Or do you think the game would do better if everyone without a pc capable of beating a ps3 couldn't play it? >.>
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19
By Shiva.Dharkhon 2010-03-02 17:16:10
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Guild Wars came out before FF11 ... you buy the game and play free. I log in occasionally to check things out, and after 4 years, its still a hopping game. NCSoft is coming out with GW2 ... do you think the players of GW are concerned of that closing? NO. WoW was out before either one, and its still millions strong. FF14 will not kill FF11. And to the moron who is bitching about FF14 not being PC exclusive .... KMA, STFU, FOAD and ESAD, dip. Just cause you have an uber PC doesn't mean ***to the rest of the world, unless you plan on making each and everyone of us a similar computer. Get a life and get a grip on reality.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 745
By Valefor.Mattyc 2010-03-02 17:26:16
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blah blah blah.
all i hear from 80% is im gonna quit ffxi now cuz the 99 cap.
i call bs on about 75% of the people who say this.
we've had level caps before and people didnt quit....
seriously people who are saying this have no idea what to expect.
gets on my nerves hearing all this quitting garbage when we all know how ffxiv gonna be at start.
ooooo i skilled all my weapons to 10 and got best gear ok now im bored....
guess its back to ffxi.
ffxiv gets a new update allowing your skills to be capped to 20!
you cap um.
back to ffxi.
not to mention all the problems the "actual game" is gonna have when its 1st release.
people need to take the rope off there neck and calm down...
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19
By Shiva.Dharkhon 2010-03-02 17:34:51
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Hades.Karou said:
Dhark you don't understand the difference between typing and bitching. If I was bitching I'd be cussing and swearing like an ignorant 13 year old. You want bitching? Go to 4chan's /b/ section.

Yes, I know the difference, and you were whining and bitching like a 12 year old girl going through her first period. So its not gonna be PC only and you can't be the only one to play it on your awesome super computer. Big whooping deal. FF14 will live just like 11 has. Halo is console and PC and has survived to this long, FF11, the same ... countless others as well. Just cause its not PC only, meaning you cant be the uber god on your just so f'ing wonderful computer, doesn't mean the game is autofail.

"Their not making it PC Exclusive. I have hardware on my computer that makes the PS3 look like an overpriced piece of junk. If SE is not going to make 14 be PC Onry then their idiots. I have the best hardware you can get for a computer.
" ... thats whining and bitching, neighbor. Should I run down to the corner store and get you some cheese?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 745
By Valefor.Mattyc 2010-03-02 17:34:57
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honestally its gonna be like a new game...
which i guess some people say "they cant handle"
they can say that now but why if the game is so dead are people logging on more now than usual...
we all know how it goes denial a bish.
i'll admit it sounds hard on people with ***tons of jobs...
but really whats the difference from 75-99 to 1-75?
less exp involved and the fact is the caps are 3 months apart...seriously its not even a big deal.
but the biggest factor which people fail to understand is...wheres all the concrete info?
not enough info is out yet for people to go omg im gonna cry on forums and quit cuz its more time!
and a lil FYI: people who say there gonna quit cuz of the update are still playing. if they were seriously gonna quit dont you think they would just stop logging on now?
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Karou
Posts: 36
By Hades.Karou 2010-03-02 17:42:45
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Dhark, harass me all you want. I don't care.

EDIT: One last thing Dhark... when you grow a pair of ovaries then you come talk me about periods.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 47
By Ifrit.Sabinblitz 2010-03-02 17:51:49
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Shiva.Dharkhon said:
Guild Wars came out before FF11

Actually FF11 came out before Guild wars by a couple of years.

Most of you probably don't remember but when WoW came out alot of ppl left FFXI to play it. A few month later alot of them came back to FF because they were "done" with WoW. People were complaining about WoW being too easy back then just like they do now.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Darkdevil
Posts: 54
By Ragnarok.Darkdevil 2010-03-02 17:51:52
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Gilgamesh.Xarchangel said:
This game will go on for a long time, SE is not gonna intentially end there game just because they got a new one out. There like any company, there gonna make as much money as they can, and 2 games will make more then 1. Everyone is worried about it, but why, just deal with it, if you do not like it, go play something else.

The game needs an update, and maybe this is what we needed along time ago. In reality, it will prolly boost populations a bit with others wanting to come back to try out the new stuff. People quit now because its the same thing over and over, but soon your gonna have 24 more lvls to get, and a new world to explore. This will prolly increase the lengh of the game another 5 years.

There are all kinds of games people still play, EQ1 & 2 Diablo 1 & 2 amungst others. Diablo 3 is gonna come out soon, so does that mean everyone is gonna quit ff11 then too? Prolly not. People that still enjoy this game, will not leave until they are finally tired and have done all they can.

Not to keep ranting, but the biggest reason i think so many people leave is, No one wants to help anyone out, everyone is all about them selves and getting there char better then the next guys. Maybe if people were more friendly to new players and people that don't have "godly" gear, maybe more people would have stayed playing.

100% agree with you, wish a lot of friends read it
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Runefang
Posts: 2
By Fairy.Runefang 2010-03-02 23:54:32
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Ifrit.Sabinblitz said:
Most of you probably don't remember but when WoW came out alot of ppl left FFXI to play it. A few month later alot of them came back to FF because they were "done" with WoW. People were complaining about WoW being too easy back then just like they do now.

LOL! I remember that rofl
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-03-02 23:58:42
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They should call you whiners dr NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Rydiya
Posts: 13469
By Diabolos.Rydiya 2010-03-03 00:03:04
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..No it isn't, SE will not intentionally kill FFXI until it is no longer making enough money to support the costs of keeping it open, so stop *** whining.

Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Raelia
Posts: 1707
By Diabolos.Raelia 2010-03-03 00:30:22
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Fairy.Runefang said:
Ifrit.Sabinblitz said:
Most of you probably don't remember but when WoW came out alot of ppl left FFXI to play it. A few month later alot of them came back to FF because they were "done" with WoW. People were complaining about WoW being too easy back then just like they do now.

LOL! I remember that rofl
Took me nine weeks. 60 Undead Rogue, some of my Tier II. 40-skelerogue gank squad does get old even when pallies in full purples hit dirt in seconds.
By 2010-03-03 01:01:01
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Inglorion
Posts: 496
By Cerberus.Inglorion 2010-03-03 01:02:46
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Rydiya is kinda pretty....
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2113
By Ifrit.Bloodbathboy 2010-03-03 01:07:24
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I have to agree with Xarchangel's last part. I am still new. he day I started playing I made friends with three people. We all started at the same time. Out of us 3 I am the only one still playing.It has only been 5 months!!! The reason they said quit is because no one helps each other out. Personally I have asked for help or advice numerous times. Almost never get help, and rarely get advice in game. I was lucky a girl I train has been playing for years. She has help me so much with quest and getting me into a decent LS. But if she is not on or any of my LS members and I ask a question or for help.. I have been told so pretty rude things. By people who if they said it to my face in real life would be getting an epic *** kicking over it. Well this is what I do now. I help everyone who ask if I can. I can count all the people who I have helped get there 1st sub job in the dunes. And I leveled WHM for 3 reasons. 1, to cure, 2,to give protect and shells's out, and 3, raises. People have even offered gil for this. I have never asked or accepted any. People remember the punk *** players just as well as those players who are kind. I think if everyone helped everyone out this game would have/ keep a lot people. But people still play and people still pay!!! As long as the cash keeps rolling in, this game will keep rolling on.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Valkyrie
Posts: 110
By Garuda.Sheila 2010-03-03 01:11:53
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I agree with Rydiya :) FFXI isn't going to die anytime soon...
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Inglorion
Posts: 496
By Cerberus.Inglorion 2010-03-03 01:17:41
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Sheila is kinda pretty too >.>
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Rydiya
Posts: 13469
By Diabolos.Rydiya 2010-03-03 01:18:33
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Cerberus.Inglorion said:
Rydiya is kinda pretty....
Thank you.
Garuda.Sheila said:
I agree with Rydiya :) FFXI isn't going to die anytime soon...
Seriously. People have been whining that the game's been dying for years now. It's not.. Yet. I'm frankly a little tired of the whining.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Inglorion
Posts: 496
By Cerberus.Inglorion 2010-03-03 01:21:01
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Diabolos.Rydiya said:
Cerberus.Inglorion said:
Rydiya is kinda pretty....
Thank you.
Garuda.Sheila said:
I agree with Rydiya :) FFXI isn't going to die anytime soon...
Seriously. People have been whining that the game's been dying for years now. It's not.. Yet. I'm frankly a little tired of the whining.

This game is like a knife wound to the stomach, a slow and painful death......
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Rydiya
Posts: 13469
By Diabolos.Rydiya 2010-03-03 01:24:11
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Helps if you aren't an ***, Inglorion.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Baelfael
Posts: 92
By Fairy.Baelfael 2010-03-03 01:29:24
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Fail topics are fail.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-03-03 01:32:26
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I don't think that Unicorn had that much of a problem with population though. From what I hear of other servers, midgard, etc had populations of below 900-1000ish regularly. I've had friends mention low populations in ls every once in a while, but I've only ever seen Unicorn dip below 1000 once as long as I've been playing.

As far as FFXI, it's been around for the better part of a decade, I don't see SE throwing in the towel just yet. Especially not with all the work they've apparently been putting into it this past year alone. I mean, level cap increases... that tells me that they plan to keep the game going post-ff14, because otherwise they wouldn't have sacrificed devs for such a project on a game that they thought was just gonna fold in the coming year. I wouldn't worry too much. ^^
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Inglorion
Posts: 496
By Cerberus.Inglorion 2010-03-03 01:35:04
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Diabolos.Rydiya said:
Helps if you aren't an ***, Inglorion.

But i'm not =(, well to some people, but not to everyone...
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Rydiya
Posts: 13469
By Diabolos.Rydiya 2010-03-03 01:37:23
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Cerberus.Inglorion said:
Diabolos.Rydiya said:
Helps if you aren't an ***, Inglorion.

But i'm not =(, well to some people, but not to everyone...
Those "Some People" are apparently the wrong people to be *** to, if it screws you out of doing things.