FFXI LGBT Community, who are you?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 885
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2025-03-09 12:01:48
I assume you are speed running a ban from ffxiah? But must be avoiding the spammer ban exploit, opting instead to go for unprovoked nonsense. Well I hope you get the WR you are going for.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Marquiss 2025-03-09 12:02:47
Ragnarok.Marquiss said: »Why are so many gei people playing this game and trying to use it as Tinder? And it's not only this game, they try to use everything as Tinder. I say if someone wants to give you some gil, don't take it, because that guy probably wants to get some digital D. I say stick to grooming kids at Roblox, you are ruining the freaking game
I bet you have the schizophrenia that doesn't allow you to MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS. Your type of people literally can't stay away from other men, always forcing your way of life on others. Thats why your countries are constantly at war and any group you join and take power in, you try to kill everyone who doesn't believe in your imaginary god. You also start wars you can't finish, and get genocided as a response so you can play victim and pretend like you're harmless. Your people deserve no sympathy.
Cool story bro, don't care
Your people are compulsive liars, so I know I hurt you by invoking a response.
Why are you schizophrenic towards other men and get emotional over them? why do the men in your countries have such tight relationships that it would make a gei man envious? why are your women treated poorly and hidden from society? Are you all secretly gei, but forced to hide it because your imaginary god and false prophet say so? Is that why your people are so prone to violence, lying, and betrayal?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Marquiss 2025-03-09 12:05:25
Ragnarok.Marquiss said: »Ragnarok.Marquiss said: »Why are so many gei people playing this game and trying to use it as Tinder? And it's not only this game, they try to use everything as Tinder. I say if someone wants to give you some gil, don't take it, because that guy probably wants to get some digital D. I say stick to grooming kids at Roblox, you are ruining the freaking game
I bet you have the schizophrenia that doesn't allow you to MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS. Your type of people literally can't stay away from other men, always forcing your way of life on others. Thats why your countries are constantly at war and any group you join and take power in, you try to kill everyone who doesn't believe in your imaginary god. You also start wars you can't finish, and get genocided as a response so you can play victim and pretend like you're harmless. Your people deserve no sympathy.
Cool story bro, don't care
Your people are compulsive liars, so I know I hurt you by invoking a response.
Why are you schizophrenic towards other men and get emotional over them? why do the men in your countries have such tight relationships that it would make a gei man envious? why are your women treated poorly and hidden from society? Are you all secretly gei, but forced to hide it because your imaginary god and false prophet say so? Is that why your people are so prone to violence, lying, and betrayal?
Yeah, I'M DA REAL GAY. Happy now? Stupid moron
Thought so.
By RadialArcana 2025-03-09 12:05:51
I just want to ruin couple of YOU people's mornings
You're not ruining anybody's morning, you're a clown.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-03-09 12:24:48
Ragnarok.Marquiss said: »I bet you have the schizophrenia that doesn't allow you to MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS. Your type of people literally can't stay away from other men, always forcing your way of life on others. Thats why your countries are constantly at war and any group you join and take power in, you try to kill everyone who doesn't believe in your imaginary god. You also start wars you can't finish, and get genocided as a response so you can play victim and pretend like you're harmless. Your people deserve no sympathy.
Got it, the answer to homophobia is racism. Glad we could clear that up.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3
By Bismarck.Ravenously 2025-03-09 12:28:23
Hell yeah gamers
By K123 2025-03-09 15:34:08
Can we get some sexism and ableism in here to make it a full circle?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2025-03-09 15:55:49
TIL who has never been punched in the nose as a consequence of their actions.
Just curious to see how many of us actually play FFXI. **Now, let's try to keep this clean, please don't respond if you have nothing nice to say.** :] Don't be shy, speak up! :D
EDIT: You don't have to be gay to post in here, if you want to be apart of our conversations.. feel free to join in! Don't be shy, we don't bite.. well some of us do! :] Anyyyyyways~! This thread has become a home to many from the LGBT community & even some from the straight community who are open minded and enjoy chit-chatting with us, :] so let's keep it drama free, we deserve a place where we can be ourselves without being made fun of/harassed.