fillerbunny9 said: »
Ragnarok.Rydal said: »
fillerbunny9 said: »
this is what I have been telling people today. a new case showing how marriage equality is somehow hurting the plaintiffs would have to travel through the court system. meanwhile the executive orders regarding nondiscrimination in federal hiring as well as a few other things are fair game.
I think this should concern people much more than marriage equality.
the executive orders affect a significantly smaller portion of the populace (basically, government workers exclusively) whereas marriage equality grants an umbrella of over 1000 rights and privileges to those couples. the loss of anti-discrimination in hiring for federal employees regarding LGBT folks would suck, as would the other little things Obama did to recognize that we're actual people, but marriage is simultaneously safer and a bit more valuable to the populace as a whole.
what I would (and am) worried about is allowance/emboldened efforts to discriminate against us with regards to housing, employment, kids getting thrown into conversion therapy, being attacked for trying to take a piss in a public bathroom, etc. you know, the day to day that affects all LGBT folks. my (almost) 26 year old sister is straight, but very much a tomboy. SHE'S having to deal with hateful comments etc as well.
what a time to be alive! /sarcasm
One thing I'm really worried about is that when Trump takes office next year, Mike Pence will also be instated as VP and we all know about him being against the LGBT community. I'm worried about what this means for the future of marriage equality and equal rights. I don't trust Trump, but I don't trust Pence a lot more.