Scrump, please be a doctor with good penmanship!!!
That's me giving the eye test.
I have pretty decent penmanship for a medical student; haha.
Learning Japanese really improved my ability to write clearly.
Now, my signature is a COMPLETELY different story.
All that is legible is an A and a C. :c
I am so excited for the day I get to add "MD" to the end of it. ^^;
I am so excited for the day I get to add "MD" to the end of it. ^^;
And your own DEA number! Which, just so happens is lacking from the majority of my scripts for controlled medications! :D
I particularly like when residents try to call schedule II narcotics in over the phone with 12 refills. It's cute.
I blame a lack of sleep... poor things~
So, I was talking to the girlfriend last night about how I absolutely love when Pharm Ph.Ds and nurses correct medical specialists!
Thank you, good sir. :3
I am so excited for the day I get to add "MD" to the end of it. ^^;
And your own DEA number! Which, just so happens is lacking from the majority of my scripts for controlled medications! :D
I particularly like when residents try to call schedule II narcotics in over the phone with 12 refills. It's cute.
I blame a lack of sleep... poor things~
So, I was talking to the girlfriend last night about how I absolutely love when Pharm Ph.Ds and nurses correct medical specialists!
Thank you, good sir. :3
Well in actuality MD's don't know much more than PharmD's, PhD's and DVMs. I'm a MolecBio/Biochem Phd 4th year and I know more than some of my MD friends in their residency program reguarding pharmokinetics and pathology.. >.>
Scrump, please be a doctor with good penmanship!!!
Any grad/doctoral student will find this hilarious! EDIT: the DVM vs MD is also quite funny.
This actually angers me about some people in the MD field.
In other countries, we are referred to as a medical specialist.
Ph.Ds are a research degree so, those are the true "doctors."
I've never commented on how others are "not true doctors," but this being said, I like to confirm what type of doctorate they have their degree in.
In American English, we call medical specialists "Doctor" for some cute reason~
I don't know why, but I enjoy how my partner calls for me when he is being cutesy -- "Hey, Doc! I need your medical assistance for a second~" :3 ^^;
It's my pleasure. Too much to memorize for one person... especially pharmacy law.
I was going over dosing for a Lovenox rx today with a nurse and she actually corrected me when I said "microgram" as the UOM when it was mg... I meant mg but I was still mortified!
It's my pleasure. Too much to memorize for one person... especially pharmacy law.
I was going over dosing for a Lovenox rx today with a nurse and she actually corrected me when I said "microgram" as the UOM when it was mg... I meant mg but I was still mortified!
I wish I were dating a cute stud nurse; haha.
Here is one for you! Please not the note pronunciation of the drugs, and the patient knowledge of PILL MARKINGS!
I am actually glad I don't have to deal with that portion of medicine.
I was laughing so hard because I had to deal with a patient that was similar to the one in the video!
The doctor on his case was super annoyed; lolol.
Did you take interest in a fellowship, btw?
I know Chris did something in herbal medicine with his pharmacy career.
I didn't. To be honest I really wasn't into school at all... I think it was just the retail mentality I had off the bat that just drove me to finish without any extras.
I really wish I had done something like Chris. Herbals are quite a grey area for me, and many other retail pharmacists.
I didn't. To be honest I really wasn't into school at all... I think it was just the retail mentality I had off the bat that just drove me to finish without any extras.
I really wish I had done something like Chris. Herbals are quite a grey area for me, and many other retail pharmacists.
It's something more to herbal medicine I believe. @@;
I was so exhausted from studying when he was telling me, I kind of just only took that out of it. (Chris, please forgive me! D:)
Just curious to see how many of us actually play FFXI. **Now, let's try to keep this clean, please don't respond if you have nothing nice to say.** :] Don't be shy, speak up! :D
EDIT: You don't have to be gay to post in here, if you want to be apart of our conversations.. feel free to join in! Don't be shy, we don't bite.. well some of us do! :] Anyyyyyways~! This thread has become a home to many from the LGBT community & even some from the straight community who are open minded and enjoy chit-chatting with us, :] so let's keep it drama free, we deserve a place where we can be ourselves without being made fun of/harassed.