Diabolos.Rydiya said:
Ifrit.Jurai said:
Most peeps are posting songs that they think are cool atm.. that's not what the topic is.. A song by Nemesis or the FF13 song.. yea right.. sure it good and ya like the vid but "What song can't you help but listen to over and over?!" hardly.
I can't stand the begees myself. I'm more for classical music.. and cello rock/metal. :3
I agree but I meant was that people are just posting songs that they are probably listening too atm or think are cool right now..
I posted mine because everytime my Dad has came over for the last month.. he'll just peek his head around the corner wall and go "It's tragedy!~" in the most high pitch voice he can manage.. making me want to listen to the song- which is what I thought the topic more about lol
But I actually read the first post now and the topic line kind of doesn't fit well with what they said so.. my mistake! Post away! XD
And after hearing that Whitegate song- even thought I don't use the FF music.. I know
mog house tune all to well.. lol
**And to lots of peeps posting- find ones that are not 'Embedding disabled by request' before embedding them in the thread XD.