As an Asuran refugee I've noticed a big increase in legitimate new/returning players on Bahamut, and also unfortunately a bunch of fairly recent RMT farmers running the exact same routines they run probably on every server, but especially Asura. I've come to enjoy this server and would hate to see it go that same route. Go visit Southern San d'Oria HP 1 and watch the bots run laps 24/7 doing salvage, ambuscade, and HTMB. You may enjoy increased supply of things like beitetsu or whatever, but it is only a matter of time before shout becomes polluted with non-stop merc advertisements. There are already new ML shouts popping up. I don't know if posting this will help or hurt, but I'm only bringing it up because I like you Bahamut people.
If anyone has an idea how to halt this behavior without turning into a witch hunt or griefing players, I'm all ears.
In terms of the MLs, there have always been shouts for that. People occasionally try to merc other stuff through shouts, but it doesn't seem to be as successful. I enjoyed the way our shell did mercs by advertising with a schedule for folks to look up here so the shouts didn't get polluted. We were also ALL real players. Shout out to the Inq. folks.
I think trying to promote any anti botting behavior starts with just spreading the word and not participating. (aka don't buy cheep stuff, don't party with people you know bot ML's).
That being said... it is a tough balance for me personally. I was a part of a shell that also did "merc" activities, and it was a blast, and people that came were allowed to participate at various levels and seemed genuinely appreciative. As someone who had returned to the game to a social shell that had only one or two other members back in 2019, I can get how people get impatient. I personally don't recommend mercing anything, as there is something fun about waiting and just meeting friends through random ambus or "lesser" content and gaining contacts that way, as I did. But I also get some folks don't have the time, they have returned to work, and I support almost anything that gets a monthly sub that keeps the game going.
There are so many ways people play this game, if you went against anyone who did any automation outside of vanilla that takes out some, gearswap, that is more, multi-boxers, people who merced or received services...
I agree with you OP that it has been an adjustment to see the % increase of people recently. I personally welcome all the new people, and anyone new or returning reading this, please have patience in your adventure/return. It is just so much fun to fail at the final bosses of some fights and then either get friends who are also struggling or figure it out and get it done. I do also hope our shouts don't go the way of Asura. I've never been off Bahamut, but sometimes my phone resets the cache and ffxiah shows me the asura shouts... Still having fun 20+ years later... amazing...